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Undercover With the Weird Religious Divorce Rules Unit

13631363 views22 comments11 fav

An undercover agent posed as an Orthodox Jewish woman in a sting operation that led to the arrest of two rabbis for kidnapping men who refused to grant divorces to their wives.


13631363 views66 comments33 favs

Eretorua –somewhere in the land of the Māori

He knows better

13631363 views1111 comments99 favs

It’s time to let her go.

The Wolves of Night Time Wrinkle Their Noses at the Thought of Running Towards the Sun, But Do it Any Ways

13631363 views33 comments22 favs

Jesus was a cancer survivor and possibly a super nova.He ran with the Wolves of night time, with the women of the paleolithic era and hunted for meat when the blood didn't drip to their feet and create veritable red shoes like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.I am no longer in…

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.2 - c.3

13631363 views00 comments00 favs

With Sora looking, they realized they caught her attention, but Ciel just turned away. Azure wanted to talk to her and let a few things off her chest. She figured they both could settle this through talking and move forward from there

Enough, Trump

13631363 views66 comments66 favs

Enough, Trump.We've had it my dear, with your pink ties, your hairs, your swagger, towers, your plenty of monies,your tempers, your honeys. I don't speak for all, not at all, but for many who never did like your style or bile, your tenacious temerity,…


13631363 views1111 comments55 favs

Marge came home with a Doors CD.

some precursors of Mantegna

13631363 views66 comments44 favs

Light. And shade. Line and shape. Colour, form and perspective. Wall, wood, ceiling or canvas. Pigment in eggyolk or linseed oil. Stroked by brush or spread by knife. On small panels or plastered on vast spaces. All these problems to be worked over and solved. Then …

Paul Gauguin: Annah la Javanaise

13631363 views99 comments22 favs

It's the outrage of the red monkey at her feet, And the nude thirteen-year-old woman sitting upright In the blue velvet chair, and the hints of blue at her navel, And at her lips and belly and crotch, that so upset Paris. Gauguin had his nerve

Rose Gold

13621362 views77 comments66 favs

He hasn't had a wedding ring in years. When George's knuckles began to swell — a little arthritis — his ring dug into his finger so bad his wife Loren took him to the ER and had it cut off. The ring, not the finger. He never knew there was a tool to cut rings,…


13621362 views33 comments11 fav

She'd no doubt catch the guy's eye in the act, flash her smile and laugh in his face as an insult or invitation, depending on how she wanted things to go.

77 Words About Saturday

13621362 views55 comments33 favs

Another Saturday in April. Another set of scars.

Museum of Everything

13621362 views1010 comments99 favs

It is the monad.

Shirts and Skins

13621362 views44 comments11 fav

The boys finished their laps and returned to the center of the gym, Hamid shuffling up last, as usual. Amid the T-shirts and shorts, he wore faded blue slacks and a grubby, long sleeved dress shirt. He always dressed that way, even in gym class, as though

Second verse, same as the first

13621362 views22 comments22 favs

Most people assume I’m gay, and have assumed I’m gay since I was in fifth grade. Maybe sooner. Maybe fifth grade is just my first memory of recognizing what other people believed true about me. But coming out as a gay man in 1987, when I was in fifth gra

Sports day at the School for Clowns

13621362 views1313 comments55 favs

The javelin was cancelled after the unfortunate incident with Mrs Parker last year, but no one could have predicted this year’s sack race tragedy.


13621362 views88 comments22 favs

It was so hot we walked out on our husbands. There were reasons, we supposed. They left the refrigerator doors open all day, grabbing beers when they passed by, tossing the sticky caps upon counters. They drove their Metropolitans to buy food, leaving th

What the Doormat Said

13621362 views55 comments44 favs

It's not my fault I was made to be stepped on, so stop saying what I am with such contempt. Yes, I'm a doormat. No, I'm not weak. I have taken a hundred kinds of treads, twice as many pounds at once, and once or twice there have been cleats. Think about what those would do…

Charms L.P.

13611361 views55 comments11 fav

Funny, you can drink wine and eat stale crackers, but you cannot suck a simple lollipop? Where does it say that in the bible? Nowhere, that’s where.

The Whole Deal with the 'Willamette's Weak-Links'

13611361 views11 comment00 favs

[My baloney has a first name: it's Oh, Ess, Cee, Ay -- shit! I forget the rest! Can we start over?]

Cranshaw at the Dinner Party / Cranshaw, the Cause of Wit in Others

13611361 views1919 comments1515 favs

“What does the future hold?”

10 Keys

13611361 views2222 comments1010 favs

Let’s play a game. I’m thinking of a word. Do we have to?

My Love For You Is Real

13611361 views00 comments00 favs

Caroline smiles before reaching out to touch a shapeless shadow dancing on the wall, closing her eyes as the bumps in the primer serve brail to oncoming dreams.

The Missing Years

13611361 views44 comments11 fav

Andrew smiled at her while he pulled out his penis. He then held it between his fingers and tugged at it, stretching it much like a rubber band

Lucky Faces

13611361 views1212 comments88 favs

The people with the lucky faces Are always sneaking out more credit For everything than they deserve. Maybe They are right, maybe it's our fault For buying into the myths of the Land of mirrors. The people with the Lucky faces haven't…

Moses Reborn

13611361 views22 comments11 fav

Influenza Jones knew she was Moses. Reborn, of course, because the real Moses had been dead for longer than Influenza could remember. It didn’t matter that she was a woman and Moses was a man, she knew what her body say and her body say she be Moses. Sh

Being In Love Is For High Schoolers Or Middle Aged Divorcees

13611361 views66 comments44 favs

But who am I kidding. We aren’t in love. Being in love is for high schoolers or middle aged divorcees exploring their sexuality. Our love is real, sweaty, backwards, forwards, angry, trusting. We love as you only can after seeing someone at their best and

Departure. Arrival. Return.

13611361 views2424 comments1515 favs

Put down your bazooka, Marianne.

At Night in the Field

13611361 views1010 comments66 favs

“Ol’ Betty has a nice set of headlights,” he says with a wink as he springs out of the recliner.

Some People

13611361 views1212 comments77 favs

But those burning red numbers persist in my mind and I can't rest 'till they're gone They always come back Like the cat in that childhood song.