by Mathew Paust
It starts on the Fallopian Speedway:
To finish first a matter of life
When wiring that gains the winner's flag
Flaunts its triumphant attributes
On the victory lap.
Wait, there's more,
Does the host participate?
Do her linkages search beyond mere pace
Or strength or seminal cunning
Or any narcissistic edge
As sperm duels sperm?
Mayhap her secretions ministrate,
Slicking one o'er the other
In their frantic dash to a new being,
And the final arbiter's she?
Then it all comes down to chemistry,
Congruence of fluid with membrane, genetic winks.
Is this where life begins?
If so, 'tis here comes the primal taste, the commingled musk:
Conjoined designs, connubial mesh where spark appears
And anoints.
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121 words
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Reviving this in the spirit of a discussion of sexism in publishing raging with likes, lists and links at this very moment in the general forum.
"Wait, there's more." Nice work Mathew
*, Mathew. Where's the stork in all this?
Very in the moment, Mathew. Enjoyed this.
No way on god's green would I go anywhere near that thread discussion.
But I will comment on this.
A wonderful and fitting commentary on the dynamic.
And so unsettlingly free of venom, vitriol, and verbal abuse.
Mr, Paust,
do you have to be so damned civilized?
I mean, just insult someone every now and again. Just so we know you're human.
Just tell someone their writing is shit every now and again. They'll respect you for it.
If it helps, you can start with me.
I hope her secretions ministrate.*
Sally, you sufferable slut, please tell me how to put the into a comment box.
Last verse a killer. Good work Mathew. *
Mr Paust, I find it necessary to inform you that I strive always to be an *in*sufferable slut.
You're just new at the insult thing, though. So you are forgiven.
What else ya got? Bring it on!
"It starts on the Fallopian Speedway" and "it all comes down to chemistry."
No disagreement from me!
I love that you end your poem with the word "anoints"!
Sally, isn't it always preferable to damn with feint (sic) praise?
Daniel and Bill, thank you.
Wow to that last stanza. But also the rest: a wilde inner tube ride down the rapids of ruggedness. Virtually every line could be spun into an essay - though I doubt that the totality of these essays would do more to answer the question in the title than meditating on one's wet noodle if you permit me the coarse expression. Anyway, touch(é)d.
* Love this. Genetic winks indeed.
"Then it all comes down to chemistry,
Congruence of fluid with membrane, genetic winks.
Is this where life begins?"
Missed reading this before. Fave. **
I really love the last 3 lines.
And what a dash of inspiration to end it with "and anoints".
"sperm duels sperm"
There's the rub.*
Thank you all. I was shocked shocked to see this made the list of favorites. I had almost forgotten about this thing until it returned to me during the apparently interminable dueling-genders thread in the general forum.
Agree with Marcus about the last stanza. Wow, Sally's comments are cracking me up. "Sufferable slut" hahaha come on Mathew, you sweet sweet man, let the crotchety bitch have it.
* for everything about this post
Do her linkages search beyond mere pace
Or strength or seminal cunning
Or any narcissistic edge
As sperm duels sperm?
fine work, lovely use of language "*"
You guys are too kind (even scrappy Sally). Many thanks.