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What Gorillas 'Talk' About When Gorillas 'Talk' About Love

13801380 views1313 comments77 favs

Eons later, Bobo evolves into Shakespeare. Bonus feature: wings.

2006, What I Wanted

13801380 views1818 comments1212 favs

freedom from my mind

Arcana Magi Memorial - c.2

13801380 views11 comment00 favs

Azure shook her head and stood to her feet. Staring at her wrists, she knew that she would have to endure this until they found help.


13791379 views88 comments44 favs

Fred's ruined face stared back at him from a fractured, mold-spotted mirror. The remains of breakfast pooled around his feet and a pair of lace panties clung to his shoe, glued there by God knew what. Bits of flesh were stuck between his yellow teeth, alo

Sounds from the Sun

13791379 views1515 comments77 favs

It was a lovely day all the horrors in deep hiding leaving me, leaving all of us, a chance to wonder why

Inventing Games

13791379 views00 comments00 favs

As children we invent games and we're really creative. We concoct ridiculous rules and enjoy making adaptations to them. And everything makes sense. Then you grow up, lose creativity. You don't invent games anymore. Recess is replaced with a second…

The Virgin of Last Resort

13791379 views55 comments00 favs

In a little dirt church at the end of the world stands the ikon of an unrecognized saint.


13791379 views99 comments44 favs

And I watched, from her warm bed, the curtains dancing in the window

Angels Carry the Sun excerpt: Chapter One, In the Woods

13791379 views55 comments33 favs

Chapter One In the Woods Everett Finn liked white-bread sandwiches. In June, Flora forfeited all her free cafeteria lunches to sit with him during his quiet lunch breaks in the classroom. "Eleven more days until graduation," she told him. He sat…

Mick Dever

13791379 views1616 comments1212 favs

The P-36 used for gunnery exercises was twitchy and stubborn...


13791379 views00 comments00 favs

The man is middle-aged, although not rich, and the girl, aside from being very young, is not exceptionally pretty. But she has recently shed twenty pounds for the express purpose of looking fabulous on…

Six Theories of Gorilla

13781378 views44 comments33 favs

1. BLAME THE PARENTS This seems to be the most popular position on social platforms. Mom and Dad should have been watching this kid more closely. Period. Because how could any good parent fail to notice their own child climbing over a…

Borges in the SUB

13781378 views2121 comments88 favs

"There's Borges."


13781378 views66 comments66 favs

My father was dating already. Her name was Shelly. She had a man-like body, buck teeth and red hair, a big forehead. I don't know what bog she climbed out of. She wanted to fill in for my mother, but I locked her out of my room. I just wanted to be sad and hold…

Oedipus Speaks

13781378 views33 comments11 fav

I don’t know what happened. One day I was in her room, groping the various drawers for hidden condoms, glimpses of women’s undergarments and I found a spectacular pair of blue lace panties

My Relationship With Reading

13781378 views99 comments99 favs

What if I said; I never liked actually reading?

our lips are barely touching

13781378 views11 comment00 favs

Our lips are barely touching It's a game And you want to play it, and I want to play it Because you like it, and because I like it Our lips can touch, just touch Our lips can touch, but they can't really touch Our lips can touch, just barely touch Our eyes must…

Coda in the Form of Three Haiku

13781378 views1212 comments88 favs

Nature has its way:


13781378 views66 comments33 favs

That’s what she left behind, and I put it in my mouth and swallowed.

Homage to Jack

13781378 views22 comments44 favs

Yes. Yes. Yes.

The Billygoat: A Beast Fable

13781378 views11 comment11 fav

“I will become a respected novelist!” proclaimed Billy.

Lewd in the Library!

13781378 views55 comments33 favs

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue just came out, and all over America librarians are flipping through its pages and rolling their eyes. The swimsuit issue, which isn't actually about swimwear at all, but, is, instead, about young, beautifully shaped female…

song of the dog: Degas

13781378 views00 comments00 favs

With her head thrown back and mouth open she howls into the dark green night, letting her gloved hands droop like the front paws of a dog. A large orange corsage attached to the bosom of her gown. Around her thick neck, a ribbon of black velvet. Her p

Off the Map

13781378 views11 comment00 favs

It's difficult to remember, much less write down, the hard times you thought were unforgettable when you have a full stomach. It's hard to remember that dirty little room you rented in that house, from a Bosnian landlord, on 27th avenue and Missouri. The…

The Object of Desire

13781378 views55 comments77 favs

I was born to be desired, stamped with the insignia of my creator, and folded in precious, shimmering materials. If the fate of my co-createds holds true for me, then this covering was further covered with the name of my creator, printed on materials too rough ever to touch…

Wuthering Heights: 21st C Remix (Anti-love version)

13781378 views99 comments66 favs

That Bronte woman had me painted like Eminem’s Stan Or a droog from Kubrick

A Chaos Theory

13771377 views00 comments00 favs

—with spinster goddesses in the middle of things / circling looms.

All About the Tumor

13771377 views1515 comments1111 favs

Stupidity is not a mask; it is the face / and it is the face that betrays us / always.

Algae Freunden

13771377 views88 comments11 fav

She had a strange name which I am ashamed/ To have forgotten, seven times, maybe nine,/ Her lips transgressors, wet with sourapple ...

The Beach

13771377 views66 comments33 favs

I often thought about touching those slippery flames between my thumb and index finger.