Bernard Glassman

Location Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Occupation Writer/Lecturer

About Me

I'm going to feel my way around this place before I become very self-disclosing. But see below...

Why do you write?

I write because I have stories to tell about the ordinary sorts of people I know, stories that might be described as niche fiction. I'm particularly interested in the special knowledge of seemingly ordinary people, and how it comes to their aid and the aid of their friends and neighbors. The hairdresser who solves a mystery because only she was privy to the plans of a woman and her secret lover, and only she knows that something must be very wrong. A retired police dispatcher whose fellow church members turn to her for help in solving the mysterious death of their pastor. A fountain-pen collector turned thief who is hoodwinked by a beautiful young con artist at a pen show. So, yes, it's mostly crime fiction. But I'm hoping to challenge the community with one that is not. Or at least not at the moment.

Any favorite authors? Books?

This will need to wait. I promise to get back to it, though.

Bernard Glassman's Wall

Darryl Price – Sep 01, 2010

Sounds interesting. Bring it on. And welcome to the show.

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