Most discussed stories

End Time

905905 views1414 comments1010 favs

and you fall down.

The Turning

839839 views1414 comments77 favs

A brief colorful season/ and then the fall as winds/ break the hold the leaves have

Tyler is learning about girls.

17761776 views1414 comments33 favs

Tyler has a Mars bar in his jeans pocket. It’s warm and soft. He tries to insert it.

Mario's Three Lives

50695069 views1414 comments77 favs

The plumber has three lives left or else he is already dead.

The Escapists

13521352 views1414 comments1212 favs

I sought to feel something. I hunted my mortality. I craved that rush of life pulsating through my veins.

2010; What I Wanted

18781878 views1414 comments99 favs

You can't always get what you want, and fortunately, that's sometimes a good thing.


11481148 views1414 comments88 favs

what world is this?

Anatomy of a Breakdown

21702170 views1414 comments99 favs

Can’t seem to put your clothes on today. You’re wandering in the little closet of your mind again, picking at socks that won’t stay up, shirts that are always too big -


11491149 views1414 comments88 favs

no one cried


18801880 views1414 comments33 favs

He pounds the roof of the Pontiac with the side of his fist and it rumbles like a timpani. He raises his head to light and wipes the sweat from his forehead. There's no sense in fighting it. He will go back and knock on Peter's door.

55 words

18411841 views1414 comments1313 favs

The patient people who work with the insane are not my kind of people. They are too entertained by the oddness of the inmates and act with a superior sense. I, on the other hand, am odd myself, searching for adherents to my view. The inmates knew me as such and agreed…

Remembering Conway

770770 views1414 comments77 favs

But you can have a lap dance.

Amoco Cadiz

15021502 views1414 comments1111 favs

She'd liked the name of the tanker. The Amoco Cadiz.

He Was Slim And His Eyes Were Wrong

14581458 views1414 comments88 favs

Trying to hide, and yet, what continued to permeate was the shiny.

the symmetry of Aldo Rossi's handrails

12651265 views1414 comments99 favs

It would be another difference a building has from a “sculpture”. It would be something that even photographers would have difficulty in disguising, since many modern buildings, even many modern photographs of buildings, place such emphasis on symmetry. For both…

Happy Columbus Day

12071207 views1414 comments1010 favs

Oh to be young and vigorous.


17351735 views1414 comments77 favs

a question that (never) left

small pleasures

927927 views1414 comments1111 favs

sheets, white, coarse redolent with Clorox

About Poems

10811081 views1313 comments66 favs

They often leave me dulled/ and wanting back my time.

Tales from the Golden Age II

15781578 views1313 comments44 favs

--How's the wriiting business? How about that thing you' was workin' on..."Gawain's Green Nights?" --Yeah, well, I'm kind of off the soft-core...


15811581 views1313 comments1515 favs

How I felt in Ireland.

August, now and after

796796 views1313 comments1010 favs

I'll see her this fall, a redhead in camo

Attempting Integration, Duchamp Descends to the Killing Floor

12331233 views1313 comments55 favs

Slice the moment into/ free body diagrams/ of elegant simplicity

just like James Taylor

11381138 views1313 comments44 favs

tell me about the time you lived in Carolina, and what my smile does for you.

The Poet Reads

12931293 views1313 comments77 favs

If ever I read a poem aloud It will not be from a podium’s shelter

Slut Whore

24242424 views1313 comments55 favs

Slut Whore has every Barbie on the market lined up sitting on the windowsill along her bedroom wall, and all their best clothes and accessories.


14261426 views1313 comments77 favs

A team of reggae journalists played and an unknown man came after work for me in a kilt.

Wasps' Nest

12841284 views1313 comments77 favs

Here’s how you do it. First you get a ladder, a long one.


14251425 views1313 comments88 favs

There is a price. It's on the back. If you turn it around you'll see. It isn't expensive. Everything's okay.


994994 views1313 comments66 favs

I said he was cold. I said I like cold.