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Prayers and Lotteries

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“What if every cloud you saw carried a bit of hope?” she said to the window, looking out at a rolling storm. There's something peaceful about stormy weather when you're inside. Stormy weather. It almost sounds quaint. “Well?” she said,…

Arcana Magi Memorial - c.5

12441244 views11 comment00 favs

Azure became silent. She never thought of her death before, nor thought about actually fighting creatures and saving people’s lives.

The City

992992 views11 comment00 favs

“A story shines brighter through a tear in your eye,” You say


11371137 views11 comment00 favs

“Again,” Danny said, and I hit him with everything I had until I was out of breath and it was his turn to hit me. We did this three, four, five days in a row, took the weekend to admire our bruises and heal a little, and then on Monday we were back up th

Rude Awakening

14041404 views11 comment00 favs

Vito suddenly found himself wide awake. He was unable to recall having fallen asleep or dreaming or awakening. It seemed he'd just entered bed, yet a glance at the windows told him it was already the middle of the night.


907907 views11 comment11 fav

Bullets and cars can kill in the cityThe weather doesn't feel rightIt was hot yesterday.And has now gotten coolerThe wind blows heavy,And it's rainingThe sky has turned greenAs people sit down to hearThe news reports on the radioThe tornado might hit us,Everyone seems to…

Injuries Few in Annual "Running of the Cats"

849849 views11 comment11 fav

"We improvised to show our Spanish compadres that we meant them no disrespect, and the running of the cats was born."


10721072 views11 comment11 fav

The Bird King is trapped behind the mirrors. Sometimes you'll see a hand, a wing, fluttering in a dark space. You may even see his breath, a pulse of mist in a corner of the glass. But don't ever smash his silvered prison. Don't ever let him out and into the world.*****O…


965965 views11 comment00 favs

I saw the little family that lives under the neighbor's backyard deck two weeks before while decapitating grasslets

Open Wounds

10001000 views11 comment11 fav

Where the skin had grazed, shredded by the coarse gravel to form scabs, fascinated Jack. It reminded him of his youth and his own grazes, scratches and stitches. As a boy he imagined scabs were rough foundations of igneous rock, blood like lava pouring th


943943 views11 comment11 fav

Rain pours down in a world transformedthrough thunder. The storm rages, night takes on a weight, and everyone hides, most from habit, some from fear. She stands there, soaked and beautiful, responding to the…

The Sticky Platypus of Love, the Novelists' Battle for Sedative Peace

991991 views11 comment11 fav

Let there fly the sticky platypus of love, resplendent beak of the sleek.


934934 views11 comment11 fav

a man and a woman in a room at the end of the world.

The Earth Squeals

10611061 views11 comment11 fav

Who knows how long I have been crouched here, tied down by kelp and thin vines, trading laments with animals? They all look terrified.

Writing Prompt 5086992075

11461146 views11 comment11 fav

Set your three-word story in prison.

Do You Ever Really?

700700 views11 comment00 favs

The pavement was so hot, it burned the souls of my feet. I really thought they would blister, but they rarely did. I would try to walk on the grass, between driveways. Carrying that large bulky box. I would hear the the slap, slap, slap, of some of the other…


10661066 views11 comment22 favs

suddenly she blurts out: “You are vulgar.” There is actually no perfect translation to it. “Bastos ka.” She meant I was vulgar, but also disgusting, distasteful, offensive, rude, salacious, obnoxious…

Portrait Of Junky Summer

927927 views11 comment22 favs

Old scars at night burn hot and bright Deep in her heart in Texas She rides around with the ragtop down Driving her brand new Lexus

The Last Warrior

938938 views11 comment22 favs

His wings, like tiny shoots, grew a season in an instant. The pain was gone now. He rose up as effortlessly as centaurs run, as angels fly. "I will sing your name as my brother among my brothers," the Seraph promised. Kladius watched the beasts below

The Impending Fall Of Space Junk

894894 views11 comment22 favs

The world is always changing, even if it's in several eras at once.


919919 views11 comment00 favs

We’re forty-three.

Dear Mouth

13401340 views11 comment11 fav vigorously screamed blasphemies at inanimate objects


12171217 views11 comment11 fav

“We know you’re in there, motherfucker. Step out, slowly, and we might keep you fit for an open casket funeral."


15701570 views11 comment11 fav

My best friend and roommate Eliza woke up one morning with the sudden conviction that she had to become very fat, as soon as possible.


909909 views11 comment00 favs

you and i exist outside of the chaos and noise entwined in eternal embrace

Sonnet VII

817817 views11 comment11 fav

Oh Triple-Crownéd who evades my sight,/ Guide me down proper crossroads in this life/ As you have promised to grant me your might/ And make of me eternity's fair wife.

On Being Hailed by the Former Head Cheerleader of One's Midwestern High School Whilst Crossing Boston Common

632632 views11 comment00 favs

I turned and gaped- In horror gasped-- There was no clear escape. Down Winter Street, up Park perhaps? Too late-she had me in her grasp.

Everything to do with you

10351035 views11 comment11 fav

I don't know, I could go on all day with these little niches he found in every person that made them at least a little interesting. Everyone collects baseball cards.

Earthquake 4.0

944944 views11 comment11 fav

I thought the dog was up to someting.


859859 views11 comment11 fav

She sat down in the big soft chair in front of his desk. “In your religion you believe in past lives, right?” “Yes, reincarnation is a tenet of the Hindu faith.” He replied. “As Catholics, I think we believe that only Jesus had the power to come