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I held at my gut and immediately regretted laughing at Frank when he pulled the pocket-knife out on me. I doubled over and fell to the floor. "John, was a typer all this important?" Frank asked, knife in hand.

Downland Ballad I :Photo-disintegration

970970 views11 comment11 fav

Like a distant memory of past expectations I wander through past journeys, delineations chew on the fresh air like a discontented Wordsworth now free, free to roam where I will..

The Nutty Professor

24532453 views11 comment00 favs

- Do you get out much, Professor? - How so? You mean to lectures? - No, I mean, you know, say, a walk in the park, or, take in a movie, or, maybe take a chick out to dinner, show her a good time, get a few drink

"If I die again, just let me go"

10851085 views11 comment11 fav

Will wondered if Doobie was afraid that it might be nothing but the abyss waiting on the other side, but he promised Doobie he’d let him pass on if it was finally his time.

A Tale of Two Writers

11431143 views11 comment11 fav

A famous author and an inspired writer meet at a coffee shop, both looking for inspiration. The patrons there don’t know if this meeting is by accident or design, but they are in awe of Fame.

Sweet Story

806806 views11 comment00 favs

I came back down in skinny jeans with holes in them and the tights still on. Little purple kneecaps.

living in the flames, again

658658 views11 comment00 favs

I was meant to stroke, touch, handle the union of love, the egg, the ova with desire. Hurling the self forward so you could handle the semi-virgin loaf with your four flowered gloves, your soft kid gloves, and deprive the night, thank God, of its natural

Helen of the Poetry World

848848 views11 comment00 favs

That night we went out to shoot some pool at the pool hall over on Durant Avenue, which was above a bar called Kip’s. Rotten Bobby walked in with his own damn pool cue, which came broken down in two pieces. He carried it in a narrow felt-lined carrying


803803 views11 comment11 fav

We are / packed in a speck of dust / adrift across the universe, / revolving an ember.

No Collar

958958 views11 comment11 fav

Eating my teeth off pulling the silk from my lips and swallowing each kerchief wholejust trying to find the priest who has his heart set on a motorcycle

The Band That Didn't Memorize Christmas Songs

786786 views11 comment11 fav

A man stared out a window, only to see a passing train.

Lunch, daily.

938938 views11 comment00 favs

She’s not settling. She can learn to like this.

Ways of Making Love

10991099 views11 comment00 favs

the honesty of bodies & the lies hidden under skin.


13211321 views11 comment00 favs

Almost on cue, Xavier emerges and is in the vendor’s face. “X,” as he is known around here, is indoctrinating the obvious newbie on the merits of showing up earlier and the logistics of placeholders and markers.

Tour Guide

10461046 views11 comment00 favs

“It is not your shoes the Americans complained about!” Roberto yelled, sitting behind his desk, cigar smoke curling around his purple face. “It is your UNDERWEAR!”

Chimes of Coins or Branches

931931 views11 comment11 fav

It must be some sort of Freudian twist, but as her cold fingertips draw rings on my navel, I think of my mother. Here, her body watches my tongue, asking my lips to curl into the letters of her name. I can't get erect. I remember my mother's face—her eyes almost…

Out(side) of my mind

774774 views11 comment00 favs

I leave you because you violently told me to, I still love you because I told you I always would.

Strayhorn's "Chelsea Bridge" (Webster/Mulligan)

608608 views11 comment00 favs

The chorus is a melancholy enlightenment; this is all I have, he thinks, the only transcendence I’ll get out of this day. I should seize it while I can.

The 83rd Meridian West

10121012 views11 comment11 fav

The priest went into the place in those parts, the priest an old pear or grape gotten ripe and then moreso, but never actually expiring . He was hunched and it looked like he was broken at some integral part, but nobody could tell for sure where. One time, a bat…


889889 views11 comment11 fav

It's been almost two years since I bought it.


13921392 views11 comment11 fav

writing because it's the only drug i havesick on sadnessas the weight of the moment crumbling around me comes down some sweet second inspires…


10351035 views11 comment11 fav

No, I’m not at the junior high bus stop. I’m at the dining room table with my parents.

Fragment from a Paper Story

950950 views11 comment11 fav

While Leif was still very young, his emotions were very easy to read, for they appeared on his parchment coloured skin, named in his mother's writing. When he was seventeen, Leif fell in love. She was a pretty maid, one of the college servants who kept his…

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 5: In Which Lymph Nodes Are Involved

999999 views11 comment00 favs

Astrid did not smoke. Astrid did not drink. Astrid was not overweight. Astrid did not live a sedentary lifestyle; her whole life, aside from shopping, was working out. Astrid had no history of breast cancer or other female cancers in her family. Astrid di

The Cicada's Cry

13061306 views11 comment22 favs

In the cicada's cry No sign can foretell How soon it must dieBasho "Hear the locusts?" The woman lifts the child's head. "Hear em, baby?" The child looks blankly in the…

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 5

10261026 views11 comment00 favs

and we got the apartment, which was on a street that backed up on an alley situated, as it turned out, right across the alley from the very first Hari Krishna house, where they would wake up at four every morning and begin their maddening chanting: Hari K


765765 views11 comment00 favs

He thought life was easy until he met you.With your vicious ways, your swirling hair and your radiant smile.All a man could want, all he could desire.And just that touch of strangeTo sway his mind like a siren sways a ship.But you refused, his offer didn't lureHis heart was…

Bedtime Stories

10331033 views11 comment00 favs

Even before I tap on the door I know I am being watched with one eye. My footsteps have surely given me away. A swift tug on it reveals her to me—half of her, that is, and I slink past the threshold, to her. From her eyes I see that she has…

Unintentional Hermits- Becky

875875 views11 comment11 fav

Suddenly she feels the urge to go, the TV lounge, with its flat Ikea furniture and black sofas where two young men glowering sprawl, is unknown territory. She can imagine those eyes, mouths, hands all over her. One of them looks up and there is an unspoke

Mickey and Harriet

911911 views11 comment00 favs

Ellie's got two parrots. She owns the house down the block to the left where the golf club owner fixes her grounds and garage because he can't stop working on his vacation. …