Most discussed stories

Memoir 2.2

667667 views22 comments22 favs

Just after Al snapped the shutter the fucking monkey tried to tear his face off.

gravelortian part 13

807807 views22 comments22 favs

Upon further investigation two soldiers were found


14511451 views22 comments11 fav

One night the woman went down in the basement, grabbed an electric drill, and let the voices out in eight places.

The Secret of Healers and Monsters

11531153 views22 comments11 fav

If there was a single constant in the boy’s life, it was that he had always thrown knives. In his youth he had thrown them only in his mind . . .

Begonia {part three}

11761176 views22 comments00 favs

Now, the Kingdom of Begonia was known for its serenity and virtue. But just like any other place, there can sometimes be dark and mysterious inhabitants.


11011101 views22 comments11 fav

Terry worked in a factory out in Northlake where she added a little squirt of milk and another little squirt of cream to those tiny half-and-half coffee creamers you find at every motel in the country. The owner of that factory hired only women to work

Wavering Faith

10271027 views22 comments11 fav

Grady Quail wondered why God didn't just have another son

The Mother Kidnappers

789789 views22 comments00 favs

We kidnap mothers of all sorts: old mothers, single mothers, young mothers (rarely), but we never do it for ransom. As a society we are adamantly opposed to the use of violence. Our mission is to remove mothers from environments they are not appreciated in, whether by their…

City Girls Never Need Car Keys

983983 views22 comments33 favs

But they all know the parking prayer...

Saint Christopher Phone Booth Blues

824824 views22 comments11 fav

I've got to stop it. This can't go on. I've got stop yelling at people. Dog people. What's up with dogs of a sudden? Why does everyone suddenly seem to have a dog? I like dogs. Don't get me wrong. It's unleashed dogs that make me go ballistic. One reason is because …

Absinthe Drinking in a Bar in Paris

10951095 views22 comments00 favs

Half past six; already, through the gloom Saltwater flourish sifts from wharfs that ply Their play like girls that haunt the midnight's womb, As far it seems as walks of Barbary. Within the bar, French waitresses and sots Play dice with time awhile and rub…

Wild Dreams Of Reality, 3

20922092 views22 comments11 fav

The following day, I was so nervous that I decided to have a drink to keep a lid on my nerves. It wasn't even noon yet. They say that's when you know it's getting bad, and that drinking has become a problem. But I hadn't gone out with anyone in over fi

Inspector of the Dawn

596596 views22 comments00 favs

It is a strange world, dawn. You may find yourself alone with your God, the old, and the young. Very likely a bird. An old one out hobbling past on a cane, a small dog trotting from bush to bush, sniffing a pile of leaves, jumping back, st

and they are really living!

679679 views22 comments11 fav

These people, what is it with them? Is this who we’ve become? They left their great need behind when they were taken out of the country. They seem to live without thought of that blood. They do not respond to anything that calls to it. They seem sha

Jack Kerouac, Republican Party Hero

19811981 views22 comments11 fav

Mr. Kerouac is the author of On the Road, Big Sur, and numerous other works that defined the Beat Generation, and he's the foremost drunken writer of his time to embrace conservatism.

February 2012 Denver, COLORADO

10731073 views22 comments11 fav

"You don't need the gun," Dean said. "Bring me a bottle of peroxide and some duct tape."

gravelortian part 15

822822 views22 comments22 favs

Eager to please the guards, doctors and preachers

The Magic Trumpet

986986 views22 comments22 favs

I gave my trumpet case to a girl named Sophie; she liked the velvet inside.She still played with dolls;they would live there,in the dark away from the world.Safe. I was a terrible trumpeter;i missed the high notes in band, squawked like a chicken.I strapped the trumpeton my…

Europa Sonnets (A work in progress 1-4)

783783 views22 comments11 fav

1. So this is how the Western world ends, with a shrug:Great lanes extinguished of the lamps that yearned Once for tomorrows turnstiled as agog We watch you, Paris, long rejected, burned- If without flame from exiled …

Flesh Alive

308308 views22 comments11 fav

Rise up, carcass—march! / Naught is new beneath the jaundiced sun: / last of the last of Louis' gold, / light is sliced through clean / beneath flecks and films of time.

En Pointe

10971097 views22 comments00 favs

Her gaunt arms softly rose, sweeping in front of her with movements that were hesitant at first but, as the music that only she could hear took her in its grip, became graceful and assured.


13341334 views22 comments22 favs

I feel like shit.

Shana (Refuse)

12381238 views22 comments11 fav

Papa said he'd be in the stands watching: section H, 5th row, seat 35. During warmups, she had looked, during stretches, she had looked, but she had stopped looking right before the race."Don't worry about me," he had said. "Focus on the race," so when the man had said on…

Twilight of the Trotters

989989 views22 comments11 fav

Neither you nor I is old enough, of course, to remember that America’s most popular athlete once was a horse.


942942 views22 comments11 fav

How does Bandie feel about snakes? This is my thought. What good is a serpent without venom?

Facing the Music

11781178 views22 comments22 favs

The spirit bottles line the top of the bar

Every Mirror with Two Sides

10701070 views22 comments22 favs

She was gazing down at her two hands holding the peach seersucker top, but without blinking she saw four hands—ahh, idiot, the mirror! But in the next moment no, it was four hands . . .


677677 views22 comments22 favs

I don't care what my reincarnated self thinks about today. I'm already aware that everything stinks in the end. Well. It's supposed to. But all things must seek travel while they can. Dance while they can. Dream while they can. Laugh while they can.…

A Day At The Beach

10211021 views22 comments00 favs

Rothko and Stella loved the beach. To Jalapeno it was just one big litter box and for her it held no great appeal. She sprawled sunbathing on the dashboard lifting a lid occasionally to watch Lauren riding a wave. The dogs delirious with freedom romped and chased tight…

The Diaphragm

12811281 views22 comments11 fav

They had a deal, she reminded him. If he didn’t want to wear a condom all the time, he’d have to help with her birth control.