It wasn't meant for our brains to take in so much information,
I hear someone say on NPR
The information age, seems to be suited for me,
I can't get enough of it, it floods my mind and nerves,
Reading wikipedia and blogs for hours and You tube
And im sure I cant process enough of it to make sense
The dozens, and hundreds of ideas calling and controlling me
Seems rather much to me like:
All Things Considered
I'm highly prone to anxiety and panic
Breezing thru the weeds of my mind
Concentrating on one task is a hard thing to do,
With the dozens of flowing ideas, rolling thru
My head
The days are frantic
And it always seem to be not
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A poem about information overload.
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Good poetry. I'm an information junkie. I love the information age. Although it requires self regulation: which isn't easy; yet do-able.
"All Things Considered"
The title itself makes me stop and think.
Damion, this poem resonates with me. I have often thought of the super-saturation of information, e.g. images, audio, text, light (I'm a photographer),etc. I even consider sitting at a traffic light and trying to see across the street very nerve-racking as too many cars and trucks wiz by and blur the opposite landscape. We'll never finish processing all that we take in. We will forever be "buffering", and you know how anxious THAT can be!
Say, if you get a chance, I'd love your perspective on my Chapter One for the story I've started called, BLOCKED. Take care my friend, glad you liked my short poem titled "Thursday". Later-