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711711 views33 comments11 fav

Everywhere fear binds the elements


11321132 views33 comments00 favs

He was still on the ground...


196196 views33 comments22 favs

The routine was this: after getting off from the job at Carpet World in the Bear Run Shopping Center off of I-95, Stephen would wait for Dink to pick him up in his mother's honda. Then they would drive around for a while, usually on the less trafficked ro


773773 views33 comments22 favs

I dream empty, the wind blowing benzene blue. Shards of glass. Barbed wire. Bricks crushing flame into notions gone quick, never painless. Is it my blood? In my eyes. On my hands. Is it for you? I'm not sure where I'm walking here. Walking towards what from. Is it…


13761376 views33 comments11 fav

Jane worked out of her new husband's suburban house, struggling to remember it belonged to her too. She shook off memories of years in a rented Mid-City shotgun, an old elevated dwelling that still seemed like home. It ended up with four feet of canal water…

The Big Game

14271427 views33 comments55 favs

The vampire donated floodlights so the children could play ballgames at night. The lights came on but the dugouts remained vacant. The vampire sat alone in the bleachers. “Sometimes I am less than the sum of my parts,” he said to the sum of his parts.

The Sun, the Trees, the Clouds, the Grass

849849 views33 comments33 favs

The sun was a dish of burnished courage


10461046 views33 comments22 favs

she sees that no one has considered her needsshe feels left out, and so she strikes outon the offensive, nostrils flaringpoints her finger and makes her caseshe has been wronged, justified in her angershe will not back downthe accused one is hurtstrikes back with her own…

The Bachelor's Hymnal

10601060 views33 comments33 favs

OhYou like quiet nights in?I do tooBut we might not get alongbecauseOnly part of youwants silence

Unlucky Star

10341034 views33 comments33 favs

“I don’t want you to, not even for one minute,” she continued, tone empowered, “Blame yourself. If anything, you’re the only one who has ever given a damn…” she thought more, then added, “…besides Jeremy.”

The Jaws of Life

12291229 views33 comments00 favs

You’ve known her since grade school and even though you’ve never copped a feel, it gave you a strange chill when you heard boys talking about her breasts, pressing against madras or chamois with some devilish life force, or how one day she’ll fuck l

Here is the thing. No one knows what it (actually) represents

991991 views33 comments22 favs

beyond knowing that when it hits you, you've been very much run over, and flattened like a stack of cardboard pancakes. I've seen it all before, and it works all right I guess. But my oh my, my, my oh thank you Jesus, to…

Ibby's Falafel

12631263 views33 comments11 fav

Dark hung over the night like an occupation force. Across the street a Cuban diner fought it off with green and yellow neon lights, Latin rhythm beating through the air.

to a gregarious stranger

10951095 views33 comments00 favs

Three lines.

Of the smokers I’ve kissed

13341334 views33 comments11 fav

The man next to me on the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto makes me think of the smokers I’ve kissed.

Private Red

10751075 views33 comments11 fav

Your favorite nickname existed only in the bright red cherry smoldering at the end of your smoke.

mythical son

791791 views33 comments22 favs

I would have given your son to you. I would have had him in a heartbeat. And I would have showed him your inner beauty, even though you were absent. I would have hidden nothing from his nature. I would have given him everything and anything he needed, s

How To Find Yourself (or a reasonable facsimile)

16511651 views33 comments00 favs

While I had believed that the subject had been exhausted, that the bottomless pit of the individual navel gazer had been done to death, now here arrives How To Find Yourself to show that previous literature had only scratched the surface of the belly butt

Buy Me Some Peanuts

10541054 views33 comments22 favs

The voice on the other end mumbles, not forming words, but I understand: I am to be the starting third baseman for the Detroit Tigers.

Maginot Line

7777 views33 comments22 favs

We shared a bedroom, my sister and I, all our lives through high school. This was unfortunate, as she was extremely neat and I, two years older, was extremely messy. In my defense, I was extremely clean and she was not. There is a…

We Shall Not Go Unheard

333333 views33 comments22 favs

I am human, I am no piece of meat.I am (womb)an.I stand on my own two feet.I move my own arms and legs.I do not scramble eggsnor do I wait for the telephone to ringfrom possibly potential datesdesperate for my affections,none of them remotely worthy.Independent am I. …


11641164 views33 comments11 fav

The blackout lasted longer than anyone thought. From my fifth story window, the whole city seemed to shut down. I heard noises above me. How could it be?


10581058 views33 comments11 fav

Sheep are very philosophical, I hear. Stop this hopeless dreaming.


730730 views33 comments11 fav

Watching himself dissolve comes with no sense of meaning. It is simply what it is. He finds that curious.

The Threat of Distance

939939 views33 comments33 favs

The lone young man walking in the distance,/receding silently,

Black Hole Me

10451045 views33 comments22 favs

my fingers vibrate magnetic/ a humming void/ where my brain was

How Lost Can We Get?

747747 views33 comments22 favs

“Your family, that family is crazy, everyone of them hush hush, tweet tweet, a little screw loose – or a bird, what kind of bird they got there?”


910910 views33 comments22 favs

Boil (n.)––1. Pus-filled pustule inflammation of the skin, usually painful. 2. Slang boiled pus, bucket of (n. phrase)“Your asshole brain is a bucket of boiled pus.” (see also pus, SCOTTISH derogatory term for face.


924924 views22 comments22 favs

Last night I met a man from the same littleshithole townthat you are fromand I kissed him in the mouth to find out if he tasted like coallike you do.While he slept, I tried to pinpoint on a map I drew on his back exactly how far apart you might have been:how many years…

my own image breaking and falling

717717 views22 comments11 fav

What went racing through my mind as Lynda was telling me about the farmer she was seeing out in Western Illinois with his 12 inch dick? She was only 5’2”. “It’s so big I can barely get it all in me,” she said, with her mouth part way open. That old look