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Why The Body Can't Fly A Morality Play

976976 views33 comments22 favs

Everyman: I quit, remember? I’m in a twelve step program now. Alcohol: Oh sweetie, that’s too bad, we had some great times together.

Sinning and Sinning and Sinning

752752 views33 comments11 fav

Then I learned she was revealing all our sexcapades to this young priest. Forgive me, father, I have sinned. We had sex outdoors against a tree in Wisconsin and the tree was blending with our act and becoming one with my back rubbing up against the bark

Jump Jackson and the Second Easter Mystery

12461246 views33 comments22 favs

Knowing this is too long for here I won't be crushed or enraged if no one has the time to read it. Also, it's not fiction.

Reminders for Myself

749749 views33 comments33 favs

Forgive the earth that’s got a hold on you. Forgive the trees. Forgive yourself, you were damaged goods. Therefore, quit looking for the expected. Look instead at the unknown as a fact. Describe it. Use great detail. And

Attempted Innocence

842842 views33 comments33 favs

When they first met at the bar, right away he was sweet on her. He drove an old oil-burning Buick or Olds, going down the road like a smudge pot. He never kept food in his car, where it would get hot and spoiled. He only picked nice fresh

Neediness, Incarnate

15041504 views33 comments11 fav

7 — IT'S HARD TO HAVE FRIENDS WHEN YOU'VE NEVER HAD ANY AND ARE STILL FUCKING WHINING ABOUT IT — Once he learned he didn't “bring anything to the table,” Worthless Veikass hit on the notion of [...]

Elusive Ideas in a Pineapple Under the Sea

972972 views33 comments11 fav

I cannot find my way back to the bubbling navel of the universe because of Spongebob Squarepants.

By Misadventure

10071007 views33 comments22 favs

...when they spotted each other through the glass, with he inside and she outside, she quickly began licking her fork obscenely, attempting to exhibit her sexual prowess with regard to the dexterity of her tongue and mouth...

More Bands Than You Can Shake a Stick At

491491 views33 comments00 favs

Bands: Free Blankie My First Dustbuster Sledge Hammer Glove Compartment Hot Weather Lady Cattle Prod and the Punks The Cowpokes Poker Two Fingers In Occupy This Tidy Up Goal Keeper and The Kneecaps Leslie Sweet And The Kitchen

My Yogurt Jones

965965 views33 comments22 favs

And so began my love affair with a thick, semisold substance. Sort of like Mary Van de Velde, the chubby girl who was my partner in my 6th grade polka troupe.

Ten Books That Have Stuck with Me Off the Top of My Head as I Make Them Up, #2

11571157 views33 comments22 favs

#2 The Typewriter Inside You by Harmon Gentle—I found this one at a garage sale when I was 15. Intended as a manual for sharpening one's typing skills, by the third chapter it became obvious that Mr. Gentle's sanity had slipped, and that rather than mastering the…

The First Man

788788 views33 comments22 favs

For it is yours to tame

There Was a G.I. - January 1970

10351035 views33 comments33 favs

was beaten in the back of the brig.

How (not) to Cheat

943943 views33 comments22 favs

...I’m honest enough to know that fucking around has never been accidental or unplanned. Every time I did it, even in the rock bottom throes of esteem, sobriety, and life, yes, even on the brink of suicide, I knew exactly what I was doing...

two love tankas

398398 views33 comments22 favs

December scent rains coming down sodden leaves underfoot

This, About The Man I Met Out Here In Nearly Nowhere

15321532 views33 comments22 favs

Out here in nearly nowhere I met this man. About him I know something something, and no one can tell me otherwise.

Saint Basil's

911911 views33 comments22 favs

The last of the Kazan Tatar Khans. Each dome represents a severed head.


18491849 views33 comments11 fav

She threw the wine glass on the floor.

The Random of It All

885885 views33 comments11 fav

When I bumped my head I almost fell to the ground Not so much stars As flashes of lights That looked like sparklers My mother chasing the dog She never catches it The cat sits on a nearby chair It's head moving as the dog does …

The I Hate to Fuck Book

27382738 views33 comments11 fav

This book is for those who have learned that sex is one of life's unpleasant experiences--like paying taxes, or renewing a driver's license--that does not become less painful through repetition.

The Year, In Review

10151015 views33 comments33 favs

And him, now there’s a him. I’d like if he were perfect, but perfect things never are. My daughter says it best, when she contrasts the two of you, “Daddy worked to forget about his problems. When he works, it makes him feel like there is a problem.”

Five Poems

866866 views33 comments33 favs

First Fall in Love by Darryl PriceWhat the black lives matter peopleare saying is black lives matter, too.Just as much. What blue meanies aspeople are saying is blue mattersmore. I don't believe that and neithershould you. What the green lives matterpeople are saying is we…

How I Spent My Summer Vacation... When I Wasn't Drinking

14461446 views33 comments22 favs

This is what my summer has come to: me, out of a job, aimlessly driving around the city looking for places to write, places to read, places to occupy my time.

The Tortoise in the Hair

17051705 views33 comments33 favs

Pete told me, honest to God, that the first night he had that tortoise back home with him, he woke up the next morning bald. The damn thing had eaten off all his hair. So then Pete figured he'd strike up a deal with Clarence Magee, the barber.

wheat field with cypresses. van Gogh

12791279 views33 comments22 favs

There’s no sky like that, with twisting clouds shot up into by cypress trees that are so like dark green flames, leaping out of the earth as if a dark green oily pool were on fire underground, and this was all that could escape, was its essence. And a

Treading Water

13711371 views33 comments33 favs

I can tread water like this for months maybe longer

Furniture Fights

26822682 views33 comments11 fav

It amazes me that with everything this woman has to be depressed about, what really gets her down is an inadequate lounge chair.

gravelortian part 14

914914 views33 comments22 favs

He was an old cat


11561156 views33 comments11 fav

It was cloudy, the way he liked it -- no baking in the sun. People passed occasionally. He sniffed at the joggers, “Health Nuts,” he dubbed them. He hadn’t exercised since his last high school gym class.

Thirteen Random Things I Learned About Jon Stewart From "Angry Optimist: The Life and Times of Jon Stewart."

11671167 views33 comments11 fav

Jon Stewart factoids!