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Puppy Love

44474447 views33 comments11 fav

When it started to really sink in that Audrey might never meet Mr. Right and that she may never have the rose garden wedding, the South Pacific honeymoon or silver Honda Odyssey replete with plump-cheeked kidlets snoozing in car seats, she got an eight-we

1978 What I Wanted

797797 views33 comments22 favs

What I wanted was to rewind the film

His Father’s Statement

11671167 views33 comments33 favs

He didn't want to read his father's statement. Yet still he lingered, poised over the kitchen table, where his father had left it.

No One Is Listening

11111111 views33 comments22 favs

Bum on a Parisian stoop begging with his big Jackson Pollack bare head in the rain The water running in streaks all over his brain reminding him of a painting he once thought of Man standing outside a bar talking to his own reflection

Mom Dream, from the Family Album

905905 views33 comments33 favs

She was trying to hold something, gathering in … lips blue/ black, saying: “I’m all right.” I remember her telling me, over the phone one time: “It’s a baby rabbit, and he was having a picnic. He was chewing away and chewing away. I had six tomato pla

The Squirm

10861086 views33 comments22 favs


Meeting Sandra

12831283 views33 comments00 favs

His mouth went dry, but he managed to say, coolly, “Just how would you like me to do that, Sandra?”

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 7

965965 views33 comments00 favs

Warren Jeffries had called me on the phone the night before and said, “Listen to this,” as he held the receiver out his bedroom window at the noise coming from the riot on campus. They were spraying gas over People’s Park, trying to get them to disp

A Free Rinse

13291329 views33 comments33 favs

“Turn the fucking thing off!” I yelled above the noise. “It’s fucking New Year’s morning!”

Men Free

552552 views33 comments00 favs

And now that they are gone she channels the scriptures of love between a father and a mother And the men are free to wander wherever a spirit will wander bound now by nothing at all bound only by their former loves in life, as if they s

13 fragments of a somniloquy, overheard by a burglar lost in the basement complex on midsummer night

12441244 views33 comments11 fav

1. there's nothing more to say about it and I don't want to be drawn2. beautiful she couldn't hear me anyway I was desperate and there were moths3. they'd replaced his head with a picture of the moon he looked4. none of them were speaking English more like a ticking a…

Wet Moses Cement

735735 views33 comments33 favs

If you’re trying to carve wise sayings for eternity to read in a newly poured sidewalk you don’t want to be struggling for meaning while the cement is wet.

Each Planned to Kill the Other

876876 views33 comments00 favs

What was heinous about it was how easy I assumed it would be. That was truly heinous, and it was a mistake in the end to think of it that way. But I’ve learned from what’s heinous. I’ve bought a plastic cylinder filled with nylon zip ties. They’re great f

Your Mystery

12741274 views33 comments11 fav

I took it in my hands and used it on my lips. The taste was just hers: her touch, her smell, her breath in the winter nights. She was in this. Everything we had was in this tube.

The High Price Of Wisdom

10641064 views33 comments22 favs

Billy took acid and blatzed into a 7-11, holding his dick like he hoped the store guy would think the thing was an Uzi. The guy laughed his ass off, reached under the counter, and pulled out a .38…

The Happy Bunny Family and the Enormous Publisher’s Clearing House Check

14831483 views33 comments11 fav

The Happy Bunny Family had a secret: They weren't very happy.Everyone in town knew it, but of course no one said anything. Mr. Happy Bunny would stroll through the center of town on his way to work and people would smile and nod and wish him a good day and he would return…


130130 views33 comments11 fav

Pass frame.Avert eyes.If Ido look,I'm stillnot there.

Philip Guston, Painting, Smoking, Eating

944944 views33 comments22 favs

As far as I can tell, all he eats is wedges of cake from the plate on top of his blanket as he lies there in bed, smoking cigarettes and staring up at the painting of a pile of shoes. Or else this is a real pile of shoes building up beside the

Taking a Job

14101410 views33 comments22 favs

Teaching never occurred to me in college. I took workshops and wrote often. Friends and classmates, meanwhile, switched from studio majors to Art Education, or from English to Certification. Not me. Teaching high-schoolers would be all wrong. Briefly, I…

just a girl on a couch

12801280 views33 comments11 fav

behind the curtainof a ballsy fragilitythere lives an easethat was not easythere exists a gracethat is not always gracefulbeauty can maskcheekbones that sometimes look sadwhen they are smilingeven grin determinationneeds downtimethe prize is still thereeven if the eyes…

The Truth Of Jello

10751075 views33 comments22 favs

Franz Kafka opens the refrigerator And removes a bowl of jello With the face of Bella Abzug in it


13521352 views33 comments33 favs

Don’t worry about what went aloud. I said nothing.

Damaged Goods

948948 views33 comments33 favs

As she slunk to her topless Mercedes sparkling curbside, wax job hand rubbed in Hamburg, testosterone heads turned wishing similar treatment.

Friday Night

732732 views33 comments00 favs

Another hard week tired but make the effort

in defense of assholes

10301030 views33 comments22 favs

No excerpt for you.

The Revenge of the Dead Music

935935 views33 comments33 favs

The wind is represented by Miss Abigail Weatherspoon, attorney at law. She wears a pink feather boa and is the spitting image of Janis Joplin as she appeared at the Monterey Pop Festival of 1967.

the total compiler

10001000 views33 comments33 favs

The idea of an infinite textual universe occurs in many places in the works of Jorge Luis Borges. The contexts and permutations of language, which others had held to be perhaps infinite (allowing themselves to use such an imprecise term), that…


11211121 views33 comments22 favs

That black hole isn't really a hole.

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.6 - c.5

13331333 views33 comments11 fav

Polo could sense the tension with his group. He was unsure what the creatures would do to them.

This Isn't a Title, But I'm Fingering Your Mother, While You're Sitting at the Computer, Reading This.

18651865 views33 comments11 fav