Still Pretty

by Jerry Ratch

I saw this woman on a date at Denny's

Friday night

With her 8-year-old son

No ring, vacant stare

Still pretty


But wolfing down a stack of pancakes,

Looking around the restaurant


At a party of kids from some church


When you're not young enough

To know everything anymore

There's a limit to details

At the end of the cloud


I've been a little like her myself

Because of what you did

You were all around us once

This is all I know


You could see our names from the inside

And the love in me was slow

And sweet, and thick

And came oozing from me

The whole time I was with you


That's the nature of honey

A milk white substance leaked from my parts

I opened my heart

And a warmth blew out I did not know


It's true I‘ve pulled my own heart apart

But I've gotten better

I've got this built-in funny-bone inside my heart

That keeps me laughing at myself now

And you can't touch that


