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Stream of Unconsciousness

20712071 views77 comments44 favs

In his dream, he was choking on an ice cube. He didn’t know what would happen first — if it would melt or he would die.

Core Values

929929 views77 comments77 favs

Over dinner last evening she said things have to change because she can never be happy with our lives being so concentric and I knew she meant that while we share the common core of marriage, she felt she was a small circle and I was a larger one, enveloping her,…

(On Tuesday...)

10851085 views66 comments33 favs

On Tuesday, he wears his suit to the cafe. Of course they'll let him pay! Of course. Under the table, his wife accepts their wadded bills.

Something for you

12381238 views66 comments11 fav

Bearing the smell of paper on her fingertips. Ink in her hair.

For Refrigerator Poets, Verse Builds Bodies and Minds

11641164 views66 comments33 favs

"Thanks for the wild sex--let me know if you have any problems with the lint trap."

Generation Blues

934934 views66 comments11 fav

A Satire We are the Social Justice soldiers, we parrot platitudes and lies, And expect you all to worship the same things we idolise. We ignore Islamic extremism and domestic terrorism too, Because we are Cultural Relativists whose brains are up our…

Cheat Sheets

38133813 views66 comments11 fav

I decided to cheat on my husband the day the washing machine broke. It was Darrell's fault, anyway. If he hadn't tried to wash the dog in the Maytag, none of this would've happened. It just goes to show that a man who forsakes the normal use of a househol

Good Morning

11551155 views66 comments44 favs

Sleep never fades away quickly. It has to be shaken off, layer by layer, before reality can reach you. That is the way every morning works for me. There are some days when I will sit at the edge of my bed for almost an hour, shedding remnants of dreams

Dead End

12051205 views66 comments44 favs

She'd still rest her fingers on your back, and her smile still lit the lantern of your soul.

What the Father Said

11941194 views66 comments33 favs

At night, instead of sleep, there were new and secret pleasures. Half-awake lessons in dexterity, in the limber material of human life.


12151215 views66 comments55 favs

You load the pipe and suck in the fireworks. Whistling missiles, slithering sparks, shivering teases, dripping embers. You fall asleep with flashing neon outside and the Fourth of July in your veins. When you wake up, your room is the saddest place o

A Felinist Critique of Macbeth

20042004 views66 comments22 favs

Lady Macbeth goes around moaning “out, out damned spot,” when a well-placed lick would have solved the problem immediately, with no unnecessary and heavy-handed dialogue. Once again, clumsy work.


10441044 views66 comments22 favs

not the sky

The Hater

12801280 views66 comments11 fav

You look at people and despise them all.

Sticking My Head Out of the Car Window

903903 views66 comments22 favs

Standing on the beach, watching the waves crash onto the shore, before the storm. It is easy to understand why dogs like sticking their head out of the car window. Standing on my favorite part of the beach, merely feet from the beach house. The house you weren't…

We Should All Have One Great Love

10301030 views66 comments55 favs

My dumb body that does not speak still cried out your name last night. Did you hear it, maybe in your sleep?

We Never Left

987987 views66 comments66 favs

Above our bellies we are beautiful women with luscious breasts. Where there is skin, believe me, it is flawless, irresistible. Most of us have long hair, but there are some among us who keep their heads close cropped for aerodynamic…

New Kid

980980 views66 comments66 favs

Wild are the woods tucked in the backyards, tame the front lawns of green, manicured, with a hedge and a few flowers, a well-maintained driveway, and a garage door.


298298 views66 comments44 favs

There is coffee to the right and whiskey to the left.

Sinking to the beat

10801080 views66 comments44 favs

I'd wear my pajamas too, fitting for the big sleep

We're All Guys Here

17021702 views66 comments77 favs

The doorbell rang while Ron was masturbating.He closed his eyes tight. Tried to hold the image of Lori bent over the arm of the couch. No use. It was gone. Ron sighed, then levered the recliner down. Tied on the terry-cloth robe Lori had given him. He kicked aside an empty…

Read Chinese (from The New Yorker)

18161816 views66 comments44 favs

Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison—right now that’s all I can say.

Writer's Envy

12631263 views66 comments55 favs

You may think you've tasted envy, but yours was just a sour sip of wine at a civilized wine-tasting. Mine is bottom-shelf, well-brand gin in a biker bar with miss-the-urinal piss stains on the floor.

Lemon Citron

625625 views66 comments66 favs

Here it comes at long last. We just can't do it like that again. We don't have the same time. But something's wanting something more to be more than this. Here it comes again. But you bailed on me the last time around. Went silent as a…


10571057 views66 comments00 favs

The arid paramour, your breath is hot, dry, cedar. I sweat you corpus fluids and salt and the unnamably impure.

Theater of War

11211121 views66 comments44 favs

We became The World Famous Shadow Puppet Theater because we thought that the best way to become world famous was to act as though we already were.


11311131 views66 comments44 favs

just before my break,/ he came on the line,/ old and slow with computers now/ but wanting a discount/ he'd been told he qualified for.

Kicking Out the Enjambs

765765 views66 comments33 favs

I can be iambic when I want to / be!

That Was Then, Not Now

819819 views66 comments33 favs

Memory is unreliable, of course-/ re-coloring savored scenes-/ paler here, more saturated there-


11361136 views66 comments44 favs

His face was creased with sadness the first time in the room and he danced his tai chi like a young man half his age, and laughed, like headtrippers do, from the neck up.