Most discussed stories

On Being Offered a Cup of "Grape Juice"

270270 views77 comments11 fav

I would drinkbut Iam unfortunatelychainedto a senseof selfpreservation.

You can't always get what you want.

16691669 views77 comments22 favs

Sally was bathing Homeless Hope in her bathtub when the phone rang in the kitchen.

Big Pig News

10161016 views77 comments33 favs

A pig weighing nearly 300 pounds was discovered in the back of a wrecked car in Youngstown, Ohio. The car, a Nissan Cube, was totaled, but Penelope the pig was unscathed. The car, which belongs to Wendy Thrasher, Penelope's owner, was apparently stolen

The Third Leading Cause

821821 views77 comments44 favs

I leave the 29 to go after the 1


940940 views77 comments66 favs

there is a vault in the mountains / that in itself contains infinite vaults

Fungi light/ Fungi Language

553553 views77 comments55 favs

I'm sitting in the dark of my own kitchen, because it is dark outside, not from night but from clouds. I guess that's where I'll start talking from. This isn't about you. I'm not sure it's even about me. It's probably about the…

Their Next

14581458 views77 comments55 favs

The base of the monastery before him, he let her go into a warm updraft and she cascaded out and up, never falling as she rode the tiger into her next.

I stood next to Richie Havens

12941294 views77 comments77 favs

fuck you Charles Bukowski go cry in your eggs in a Jersey diner

Imparting Shots

10341034 views77 comments55 favs

He knows why I’m here, so he stalls, talking about the coffee, about how it’s a new dark blend from a little shop in The Village, about how he loves the flavor, so rich, but just because a coffee is dark doesn’t mean it’s stronger, that, in fact, it’s the

The Lizard King

863863 views77 comments44 favs

Jim Morrison moved ever so slightly in the cold of his grave

Oil Spill Haiku

219219 views77 comments22 favs

a pelican's feather as long as my forearm now a bloodless shaft

Border Town Dawn/There's a Momentary Cloud (Reach for the Sky)

976976 views77 comments55 favs

Border town meant one thing; we were caught up real good in the middle of something preternaturally dangerous; and understanding was at the very least a hundred miles or so away in either direction. All I…

A Gardener in February Thinks About June

13391339 views77 comments77 favs

I want to be that daring gardener who ploughs up her front yard -- to the horror of the Neighborhood Association.


12411241 views77 comments22 favs

She had liked her new husband's sternness, and the way he ran his hands over her body, noticed every inch of it, made her feel not invisible.He traveled during the week, wore cufflinks, worked out in hotel gyms. On the weekends, they redecorated her house and tried to…

And then the Heat Broke

15371537 views77 comments22 favs

She did not know Robert’s skin was sliced and bruised from the twelve pound ball and chain locked to his ankle for sixteen hours that night.

Between Io and Europa

9898 views77 comments55 favs

Ever fallen in love with Simone De Beauvoir?

A Sonata For My Mother

767767 views77 comments77 favs

Because her mother died when she was five.Because a child should not lose her mother at the age of five.Because the nuns dressed her as baby Jesus.Because she wasn't educated past the age of 13.Because she had to stop going to school to work for her aunt who beat her and…

Unknown to Me

12101210 views77 comments44 favs

I don’t want to debate polemics while I’m sweaty and naked. I just want my hair cut.

Unlock the Door, Open Your Heart and Surf the Rifting Singularity

18271827 views77 comments55 favs

1) Tragicomedy set to drama is what the American public fears and abhors. But it's reality, and reality can be subject to the rifling burden of…

Agrarian Joys of Ornamental Lawns

863863 views77 comments66 favs

The leaves/ that clung through February/ fall, dung brown,

The Day the Internet Disappeared

12841284 views77 comments44 favs

Myrna woke up with a start and sensed a strange silence in the air. She quickly flipped on an electric switch and when the lights came on she breathed a sigh of relief. Dawn was just breaking so she went back to bed and pulled the comforter over her head.

Improvisation on a Theme of Absolute Absence

12061206 views77 comments66 favs

Perhaps nothing has never existed;/ perhaps something always has

Two Takes on a Flickering Moth

991991 views77 comments66 favs

Take 1. The Love Letter to an Unspoken Name Well we're beyond our appointed Moment now. We must step On what's left, alone, but That begs some explanation to These days that pinball between Stars and to the sad dreamers…

Comes After Cato

16591659 views77 comments44 favs

When they called him down there to the morgue to identify the body, he drove behind the wheel of his truck like some steady maniac on a long haul. The Ford 150 cried out for new shocks, but that hardly mattered. Mud plastered side panels and…

Frail Flowers, Sitting Monks

981981 views77 comments44 favs

The world is slick as alabaster, taking the guesswork out of the rain. Junction Road moves like thick grease under the tires of my '89 Skyhawk. The old car's making a clicking noise somewhere underneath the high-beam switch and the damn…

The Grid

939939 views77 comments55 favs

From this fundamental simplicity,/ houses, cities, regions./ A nebula stretches across the grid.

Urban Renewal

16061606 views77 comments33 favs

Bike shops, vintage shops, after hour bar shops

Shiny Dime

893893 views77 comments77 favs

I saw the shiny dime . . . .

I Ain't Your Kissin' Cousin - song

11401140 views77 comments66 favs

I ain’t your kissing cousin That’s pretty plain to see Baby, keep your pretty lips Far away from me I ain’t your kissing cousin That’s pretty plain to see You’re really very pretty Come kiss me and we’ll see We don’t live in a barnyard

The Madwoman Who Called on My Wedding Day

10281028 views77 comments44 favs

She’d reached me after running through the directory, alphabetically. Apparently no one in the a’s or b’s or c’s before me would talk to her.