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For Rent

117117 views1010 comments66 favs

A writer was looking for characters for a new story and decided to rent out a room in his brain, thinking it might attract someone interesting. Given the poor real estate market, there were no takers, and he decided to offer the room for…

yet mo bands

11681168 views1010 comments99 favs

Doofus National Puppet Radio Total Bogascity Sex Cowards Mein Kampfire Boner Hyperventilate Sewer Video Rats Psychic Umbrella Fire Your Psychic! Tender Brisket Megatrouser Puzzlement University Housecoats Fuchsia Big Ass Dawn

Leash and Let Leash

8989 views1010 comments11 fav

"I see you have a woman on a leash," said the man next to Bobby on the Greyhound to Chicago."Yes, you may speak to her, if you like, she may even answer you."The man glanced at Bobby to gauge his seriousness, took him at his word,"Excuse me, miss? Why are you riding the bus…

Walking On Air

10261026 views1010 comments77 favs

Nik Wallenda was going to walk a wire stretched from Sarasota Bay across US 41 to a condo on Gulf Stream Drive.

The Drone

12151215 views1010 comments66 favs

"He turns in his bed, and reaches for a body, like the blind to braille."

These Babies I'm Not Having

988988 views1010 comments33 favs

They're haunting me with every spotting. They're convincing me they'd be the unexpected blessing. They're confusing me when I look at my already-children, taking on the shape of this one's face, that one's gestures. We've been…

The Late Show at the Argo

17631763 views1010 comments22 favs

The couple drove away at the end of the late show. They crashed sooner or later, often with fatalities to the woman cuddled up against her illicit lover.

After the Storm

12161216 views1010 comments1010 favs

I watch from the cabin window the death of the sun, hear the howl of the new-born storm.

The Land Collector

12121212 views1010 comments77 favs

He liked owning acreage.

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

26532653 views1010 comments44 favs

A woman is fishing in the Seine at the far left of the painting, while time is suspended and light remains. One man plays a trumpet. A half dozen people sit or walk under parasols. Couples stroll and children run or sit or stand beside their par

Carnal Knowledge

13721372 views1010 comments1010 favs

He says he’ll have a Bud, too. The woman taps her pencil on her pad, looks at the kid and says, “When?”

No Wind

358358 views1010 comments55 favs

The candle was near the windowsill.It smelled like the musk my father used to spray before he went awayto work.Oh father, I remember you,your chocolate brown eyes,would watch the sunrisebefore breakfast;serious- so serious and waiting for something that…

Becoming an Author

16591659 views1010 comments88 favs

"good luck, and be assured acceptance for representation or publication is based on different criteria at different agencies and we are sure you will yet find someone mentally deficient enough to give your book a shot."

Diary of an Angry Psychologist: Wednesday’s Appointments

21382138 views1010 comments11 fav

--New Patient: Pearl, 48, 15:00 PM Pearl is not her real name. Her real name is Stella. Pearl used a fake name to get past the intake screeners. Pearl is my ex-wife.

This isn’t Silverlake anymore

16841684 views1010 comments99 favs

I hear the slightly scratched voice of Joan Baez coming from the record player singing about the junipers in the pale moonlight, applause erupting like hailstone on a corrugated iron roof. I am singing back through the bedroom wall, wishing the


11681168 views1010 comments99 favs

...when they decided to teach her a lesson, it was with particular vigor and vitriol...


12891289 views1010 comments55 favs

I do not come with a cardboard sign or tip jar.


12531253 views1010 comments55 favs

how alike, breakup & death


997997 views1010 comments99 favs

Only last Friday, he was introduced/ around, smiling, healthy,/ a fine young man.

Incantatory Plea to the Civic on Interstate 75

866866 views1010 comments77 favs

May the timing belt stand the stress again

Time Passed to Time Present

10931093 views1010 comments99 favs

Four Quartets is a slender book which/ can be read with intensity in its entirety

As the Wine Keeps Flowing

10071007 views1010 comments77 favs

My blood has turned to flour I've been in Babylon too long My heart was singed by fire But it's drowning in my song We raised a prayer to Mary We had to take our share We took our places in the ferry But we didn't pay the fare And we don't know…

Big Hot Day

12011201 views1010 comments1010 favs

There is an emotion out there I can feel it already in me swimming around in my blood like a big hot postulation. Like a big hot hand of light.

I Don’t Think Her Last Name Was Tucker

10961096 views1010 comments99 favs

I ran into Tanya at “Pearl's” — maybe it was still called “Big Balls” — over in the Stockyards (Ft. Worth) in '72 and right up front we both admitted to loving honky-tonks and “done me wrong” songs which is why we were there…

Birth of a Tiger

12591259 views1010 comments55 favs

He was instantly on her, pulling at her nightgown

XAM: Paragraph Series

17591759 views1010 comments66 favs

Grief is to have given freely too unfreely. Grief is to have given one year too many. Wicked is to have wanted it to be given away that way. Wicked is to Sam as duty is to Mother. Sam’s wife is to his friend’s wife as one Mercedes to another.

The Yin and the Yang

12941294 views1010 comments44 favs

Penis vs Uterus

Close those lips

16091609 views1010 comments44 favs

Ma tells me not to put a tampon between my legs. For fear of cotton fornication.

The Rare Air on Planet Teeny

13181318 views1010 comments88 favs

Half-pint Ball canning jars, each labeled in earnest capital letters, took up a whole wall of Teeny’s bedroom. Inside each jar was air she had collected from some place important to her life.

Prayer for a Flash Fictioneer

131131 views1010 comments77 favs

Molly was a fanatical Flash Fictioneer, devoted to her miniature art form, the bonsai of literature, the tiny tales popularly known as flash fiction. She filled an entire blog with daily entries of the stuff. She came to flash…