What if it IS as simple
As God destroying a tower
And scattering the power hungry
who built it?
What if They saw
an oppressive system
Being born
On the backs
Of slaves
And said
And this example lived on
But everyone missed the point
As if reaching for the Divine was the problem
We know how projects of ego are built
We who have been stepped on to build them
We who have been mouthpieces to build them
Who were groomed to obey
Who were forced to obey
As if reaching for the Divine was the problem
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Love the refrain
"We know how projects of ego are built
We who have been stepped on to build them
We who have been mouthpieces to build them"
Sharp piece, Emily. I like it. *
"Who were groomed to obey" *
Excellent, Emily. Glad to see you again!*
Powerful, all of it, but that last bit especially *
Sweet refrain!
Thank you, everyone. As a teacher during this time I hope to make time to engage with your work as well. I am grateful for the thoughts you have given mine ❤️
yes. *
The logic works.
Love this.