Alphabetical stories


904904 views22 comments33 favs

hot, full focused, hypnotic


855855 views00 comments00 favs

Andy writes porn.

S.K.O.S.O. vs T.O.O.T.H. (With an update on Jinni of T.O.O.T.H.)

10931093 views66 comments22 favs

"What have I done? What in God's name possessed me? Confessions of some college trouble in the 60's.


11381138 views44 comments44 favs

people keep trying to get me/ "out of the house"./ they see fun in me, and cool in me,/ and want to spend time with me,/ and i am flattered most sincerely./


903903 views22 comments00 favs

He cut a hole in the sack

Sack of Meat

15311531 views1515 comments33 favs

The Nurse left work at five o’clock, walking down Dekalb Avenue toward Flatbush. He didn’t frequent the bar closest to the hospital, although he guessed other nurses and doctors from Brooklyn Hospital did. But he liked to pretend that he cared about h


997997 views00 comments00 favs

“Eat up, little brother” Jack called out from his end of the table. “The food will make your blood dance. It will be eager to mix with Helen’s.”

Sacre Something

11191119 views11 comment00 favs

My first abroad journey completed. A picturesque way to end it all, really. I’m into that, I think to myself: making things play like movies or dramas or as beautifully as I can make them.


13701370 views66 comments22 favs

"What the fuck are you looking at, Carl?" She snaps, turning her head toward me as the truck edges off the road and into a field of tobacco, into those broad green leaves of ancient sacristy and modern ablution. This is not a blissful kind of field. It is not full…


11781178 views99 comments77 favs

They rise up, a sullen, sorrowful/ army of reproach, staring,// stone-faced but eyed with fire.


12151215 views00 comments00 favs

The church building was a rustic structure made of rough-cut lumber that over-lapped in the clap-board fashion. The building itself was unpainted, but the boards were a weathered gray that only came from years of exposure to weather. The steeple towered o

Sacrifice on Maple Drive

11661166 views00 comments00 favs

Sacrificial vic bleeds out . . .

Sad News

14511451 views00 comments00 favs

They got out wearing their crisp brown Army jackets and khaki pants; she saw the cross on the lapel of the officer's shirt and just knew. These men brought sad news from faraway places.

Sad Robotics

720720 views22 comments33 favs

Robot telephones me today...

Sad Songs

14951495 views1313 comments1212 favs

She was thrilled when she learned that her best friend was having an affair.

Sad without Tears

10101010 views11 comment00 favs

Sometimes, to be sad, you don't need tears.

Sadie Hawkins Day

41324132 views77 comments99 favs

It’s Leap Year and my school is observing Sadie Hawkins Day, which means the sixth-graders have a dance where the girls ask the boys to dance and the rest of us get to dress up like hillbillies.


10761076 views77 comments66 favs

Safe does not ride horses at sunsetSnorkel in MolokaiRaft down a swollen river.It does not steal kisses in a darkened theaterTouch the inside of a thigh under a restaurant table.Safe does not declare war.It chooses dinner every night at sixMass every SundayConfession once a…


12491249 views1010 comments1111 favs

She left knives and hot pots with handles akimbo. Like a guardian angel, he turned them in. Like an ungrateful Eve, she turned them back out.


13711371 views1010 comments66 favs

He is drilling the door of a safe to access the keys he locked inside.

Safety First

16821682 views1010 comments88 favs

I am not a gun, but I think I may have pulled a plastic movie trigger in some kind of real world action before, accelerated, pivotal scene, one way or another before, this new frame came into its paranoid view .You see? I am not a plastic water bottle,but I…

Saga For The Eyes

11761176 views44 comments22 favs

Stars fat as the stars that Van Gogh painted on his easel in Arles, a ring of candles burning on the brim of his hat. Stars that fill the night with delirium.

Saga of the Sugar Ants

15031503 views66 comments55 favs

They’re persistent, I’ll give them that. They keep coming. And coming and coming.

Sagacious Abridgment

12251225 views99 comments22 favs

A cloudy autumn morning greeted Sean as he stepped from the trolley at Grand Central Station. On his way to the tracks he purchased a copy of The New York Times dated October 24, 1934.

Saguaro Poem

12381238 views11 comment00 favs

I thought I would write a poemAbout a saguaro trying to please God The saguaro would spend a hundred yearsGrowing an arm and offering flowers in its fist —God barely notices. The saguaro flowers a crown for God.More arms. God then loses his patience…

said the fury to the shade

10771077 views33 comments44 favs

let competitions in crime ensue let every madness bring let every sword be drawn let every furious rage flow free let anger know no shame let all blind rage inflame . . .

Sailor & I

10101010 views66 comments33 favs

We were born here. At the top of the stairs underneath a painting of basset hounds playing croquet. And a hallway closet filled with lost someones. And the police, three times a week, singing nursery rhymes while walking up to our door.

Sailor's Visa

10981098 views33 comments00 favs

He's got a rager for Casablanca, the old Bogart and Bergman classic. I can't snap him out of it.

Saint Basil's

10101010 views33 comments22 favs

The last of the Kazan Tatar Khans. Each dome represents a severed head.

Saint Christopher Phone Booth Blues

892892 views22 comments11 fav

I've got to stop it. This can't go on. I've got stop yelling at people. Dog people. What's up with dogs of a sudden? Why does everyone suddenly seem to have a dog? I like dogs. Don't get me wrong. It's unleashed dogs that make me go ballistic. One reason is because …