Richard Godwin

Location London
Occupation Writer

About Me

I am a crime and horror writer who likes slipping the net and swimming in the slipstream.
My play 'The Cure-All', about a group of confidence tricksters using the New Age to fleece their venal customers, has been produced on the London stage.
My stories can be found at an array of magazines, as well as in the recent anthologies 'Back In 5 Minutes' by Little Episodes Publishing and 'Howl' by Lame Goat Press.
My crime novel has been accepted for publication and will be available later this year.

Why do you write?

The human condition: mysterious, unknowable, cruel, ambivalent, unsure, driven by the irrational, controlled by the illusion of order, living on the precipice of chaos with a lover next to you and a time bomb on a nearby bench. Some of the greatest achievements of man lie within the pages of books and in paintings and works of music.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Dostoyevsky, who changed the course of the novel and went deeper into the human psyche than anyone.'Crime and Punishment' is at the top spot, although he wrote so many great novels. Dickens, who was probabaly the most natural storyteller ever born, and although he couldn't write women his works are still modern in their grotesque passages and paranoia. 'Great Expectations' is more tightly structured than his other novels. Graham Greene, who wrote some of the greatest novels of the twentieth century without any form of self-indulgence. 'Brighton Rock' is flawless. Cormac McCarthy, who burrrows deep into the psyche and fetches the shape of our darkness. 'Blood Meridian' is a great novel that inherits and expands the frontier tradition. The Spanish poet Gabriel Garcia Lorca who spins beauty from decay and grief. Any of his collected poems. TS Eliot who archived the dark psyche of the last century and made poetry from it. Any of his collected poems. James Lee Burke, who writes Gothic prose and tells crime stories that are real and profound. 'Swann Peak'. Beckett who stripped it back and still found wonder. 'Waiting For Godot'.

Richard Godwin's Wall

LynnAlexander – Dec 06, 2010

Hello Richard! Haven't been on in a while, trying to check in.

Christopher Grant – Sep 10, 2010

Richard, I'm finally on FN!

Jane Hammons – Aug 19, 2010

So glad you joined the Noir group. I look forward to seeing some of your writing.

Randal Houle – Jul 01, 2010

Welcome to fictionaut, Richard. Looking forward to reading more from you.

Robert Vaughan – Jun 25, 2010

Welcome to Fictionaut, Richard! Hope you enjoy your experience.

Darryl Price – Jun 25, 2010

"Some of the greatest achievements of man lie within the pages of books and in paintings and works of music." That, my friend, just made me a fan of your work.

Michael J. Solender – Jun 25, 2010

Greetings Richard! Glad you made it.

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