Magdalen Powers

Location Oregon
Occupation writer/teacher/editor
Website http://

About Me

I like to fix and grow things.

Why do you write?

Compulsion, basically, the same with editing (teaching is fun and pays money). If I'm not making or tinkering with something, I get cranky. (Crankiness occurs at other times, but this kind is easiest to remedy.)

Any favorite authors? Books?

Penelope Fitzgerald, James Joyce, and Mary Robison come most immediately and forcefully (and alphabetically) to mind. Books (same listing method): Edisto, The Master and Margarita, Suttree, Ulysses. I know I am forgetting things. This is not new.

Magdalen Powers's Wall

Magdalen Powers – Mar 16, 2009

Hello! How long have you been here? I must Contact you!

Kevin Fanning – Mar 16, 2009

Why hello there Ms Powers.

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