the wiggly word / floats toward the crowd
I was walking my Belgian Waffle-Hound
Past the Belgian waffle shop
I found a penny on the ground
And did a tiny little hop
I spun around and went inside
The Belgian waffle shop
And bought a little waffle
For my Belgian Waffle-Hound
In case I need to reach for something that is not mine
The line weights are spot on/
and the snap of lines is textbook/
for a discipline that died with AutoCad
The death of light is not darkness but a dimming. Something stays, still.
happily fling Molotov cocktails//
against ICE agents in armored vehicles/
and sing the pain of their burning deaths/
as triumph against asininity.
I don’t like long walks on the beach
Or sand between my toes
Jellyfish stinging my butt
Saltwater up my nose
I don’t like long lingering glances
But I sure like fancy pantses
And yes, a bum without a bottle
Is like a car without a throttl
The aisle, nave and/
transept twist themselves/
into an auditorium.
I love the notion of uncertainty-/
which seems inherent/
at the level of particles-
I have the fear of comedy
I have the laughter of war
I have the need of a commando
To come sack and ransack us
Over and over again, O
I am a pillow, a rock, an ant
A soft Southern deer in the headlights
I have the mask of Anonymity
He sure can play piano
With those giant lobster hands
In his ratty raccoon coat
And his old black cowboy hat
His boots of Spanish leather
And face like sultry weather
His raspy croaking voice
Picking out the words so choice
They reall
I let go of my properties, my work.
The suite of dark rooms/
extends forever./
It’s no big deal.
You may think it's illegal
Well, you'd be wrong, ya hear?
Cause you're just in the wrong
Neck of the woods
And it's legal here
Want some beer?
Yeah, that's right
It's legal here
Don't go opening the door
Any wider, I know
You don't