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The Death of Tarzan

18441844 views1414 comments88 favs

Martín stood over the slow, labored panting as if it were a mystery he could not explain. The dog lay on the frayed pillow bed, a knot of fur and skin, in his father’s office. One eye, like an almond floating in milk, stared up at the boy.


22722272 views99 comments44 favs

He envisioned sinking his hands through his fat and pulling out the young, sinewy, long-haired Brendan Yin, the man Evelyn fell in love with. The blubbery shell would fall away to the floor, like a greasy banana peel, and the real Brendan Yin would be lo

Dirty Mother For Ya, a response to Memphis Minnie, with a little help from Roosevelt Sykes and Blind Boy Fuller on Mothers Day

24312431 views1414 comments88 favs

Just stay at home woman, and do your job / wash those dishes, mama, its what I pays you for

Wrapping Kevin

17711771 views1111 comments77 favs

Wrapping Kevin It was his last…

Pentagon City

15741574 views1313 comments88 favs

I had been in bed for a couple of days and by this I mean sleeping for fifteen or sixteen hours at a time. I don’t think that I believed in God anymore. I no longer knew how to stay awake.

Accepting New Patients

972972 views88 comments88 favs

You've had some truly awful shit pumped into your brains for years at a time now. The practice started a long time ago. It's not always your fault. The only lasting way to get it out of your head is to go and figure out exactly where…

Texas Was Better

11321132 views1212 comments77 favs

The buds were red--it seemed they were dying at the beginning. I had no idea what fall would be--bright fish composing on Beethoven Street.

Enough, Trump

13271327 views66 comments66 favs

Enough, Trump.We've had it my dear, with your pink ties, your hairs, your swagger, towers, your plenty of monies,your tempers, your honeys. I don't speak for all, not at all, but for many who never did like your style or bile, your tenacious temerity,…

Kite Flying

11591159 views99 comments99 favs

She may never know and it sureis a small world. She may neverknow and they have a list. She maynever know, I'm very grateful.She may never know and I couldhave sworn we were getting along justfine. I refused to say goodbye. I am still wearing those…

The Writer as Rapist

15071507 views1919 comments66 favs

She's at an artist colony in the state of Virginia. She's in her studio. She should be writing. That's what everybody thinks she's doing out here. Why else would she be in her studio alone at 3:00 a.m.? But there's an interloper. A new painter? Sculptor? Maybe he…

A modicum of madness

10091009 views1010 comments88 favs

for the moment/ you think you know what you’re/ doing and do it.

Drunk and Disorderly

12411241 views1010 comments99 favs

Growing up in Mississippi meant growing up in a “dry” State which it was until 1966. Dry State meant selling alcoholic beverages, except for beer, is illegal. Period. By period I mean there was no distinction between selling whiskey and stuff to adults and…

Hard Times

792792 views1111 comments88 favs

None of this is real, he says, and the path slopes down to a house that is possibly haunted. One always looks in such windows, one cannot not look at the predictable detritus of another's failure, a queer satisfaction, a fairy's dust. But no, not real, none of it. And…


11651165 views1111 comments88 favs

I was sleeping the night of a hurricane party. I awoke to lightning flashes. They lit the undersides of descending clouds, and lit the shadows of scattering dancers. The hurricane must have turned inland.

In Mimetic Sympathy with the Dark Core of the Galaxy

929929 views99 comments88 favs

It renders the inner ears inoperative-/ Music that once reverberated inside 
/ the brain-hut concert hall squeaks


11211121 views1414 comments88 favs

It's not loneliness I'm afraid of. It's how I would be happy to be alone too much.

Second Steps

670670 views88 comments88 favs

The train station offers a pleasant atmosphere, though it exists as an in between place. People only come here to go somewhere else.


398398 views1111 comments77 favs

Then for a few seconds, maybe even a minute or two, we wallow in a sensual shower of raw emotion. Our defenses are nonexistent and we are overwhelmed with care and gratitude. Suddenly, we love our enemies and are willing to forgive our trespassers.


11771177 views88 comments88 favs

Doorface has a door for a face. Thus his name. He was born with it. The door in his face, not his name. No one is born with a name. The naming comes later.Doorface finds his unusual physiognomy mildly inconvenient. People keep trying to enter his head. No one likes it when…


771771 views99 comments88 favs

What will become/ of the resource-sucking poor


12241224 views1313 comments88 favs

I’m aware I will never be a woman the night you leave me for another city

circles, the round

793793 views1111 comments88 favs

and skirts, lovely batiks, swirl around your ankles

Dealing With a Small Box Epidemic All On Our Own

12831283 views88 comments88 favs

Sometimes you've just got to dance to Be heard. You have got to sing out loud To be understood. Other times No matter what you splash 'n' paint on 'em The beauty goes on shamelessly Not arousing any type of newfound Curiosity. We're…

55 words #4

18091809 views1010 comments88 favs

I drink with my thinking problem intact.

Cartoon Campfire

12891289 views99 comments88 favs

This is the parallel room that I keep my heart in. Got a solo fireplace. I don't want to invite anything else into the story. It doesn't matter if no one knocks on the door ever again. I'm too shy to hope for much more than a couple of Interesting…

Days of Thor

13131313 views88 comments55 favs

Mars' circled state is slain, no bird of Jove That roosts protected in its green youth's flush; Its storms no more bring moistness from above, From blue beads cradled in one thunder's flash. The god of War was husband once to Love: Her arms were …

Things I Wish I'd Said to M--

10291029 views1313 comments88 favs

Treasure that first love. And that first heartbreak. Don’t let it be the last thing.


11471147 views88 comments99 favs

They coo and gurgle in the warmth of twig and down. They are so delicate, hard to look at without thinking of death. I tell them I want for them chief among all things strength, speed, resilience.

Manifest Destiny

902902 views1111 comments88 favs

Will it take the rise/ of cyber guerillas to finish it/ in the way it should be finished

Our Enormous Fat Man

810810 views88 comments88 favs

Pity would have been appropriate. Yet, townsfolk whispered behind his back. Shouldn't he do something about it. So lazy. A gluttonous swine. Hadn't his mother kept him too long at tit, breastfeeding ‘til four? Look. Look at him now. A fat man. Our enormou