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In the Carnage of Lament

883883 views1919 comments99 favs


I Am Not Like All The Rest: Funny Lines From Online Dating Profiles

10781078 views1010 comments99 favs

After becoming single at age 62, I joined an online dating site. After a year of perusing profiles and meeting men for coffee, staying single is starting to look better and better to me. But I've stayed on the site, in part for the pure enjoyment of…


13741374 views1111 comments1010 favs

Slip me in Between the cracks in your schedule Between the sheets of your bed Between your memories and your fears Between your eyes and the moon where I'll twinkle at you Slip me in somewhere, I won't disturb you Won't make you want to push me away Let…

In Due Time

11801180 views1111 comments1010 favs

Almost every weekend I'd ask Henry to go out with me and Marge, telling him we could double and, hey, maybe he could bring Ellen, who he dated a while back, who still asked about him. I'd suggest such things as going to a movie or out for a few drinks to reminisce about our…

Deliberate Music

10281028 views1111 comments1010 favs

My emulations always fail. At heart,/ I don’t want bougainvillea nor blushing pilgrims

Sea Floor Fever, or The Note that Came With the Stone

15491549 views1212 comments1010 favs

I'm dying but that's not to say what you think it says. I've crossed the river of myself many, many times before and wandered to the shore, broken and drenched and full of the fever of dyingdreams. Each time was a kind of ritual mask, drying off the beat ofmy newly…

Awaiting What the Afternoon May Bring

13721372 views1212 comments1010 favs

Another siege/ with kamikaze fervor.


13061306 views1515 comments1010 favs

No jagged bits of crust were thrust up/ through the prairie’s black gumbo/ to give us cataclysmic mountain views.

Texas Route 29

15411541 views1313 comments1010 favs

Texas Route 29 is not a straight line.It traces the perimeter of our own Georgetowncompelled west kicking off shit-stained bootsgreeted by green and yeller' John Deereignored by motley cattle, heads bowed weighed low with marrow-filled horns.A Jack Nicklaus golf course…

The Little Room Where We'd Fit

12351235 views2727 comments88 favs

She asked if I needed to be measured for size “to make sure they feel really good on you,” her lips all gloss and smile. I was nineteen and knew my size but changes in weight had caused fluctuations before so maybe I'd be different…

Peggy Guggenheim Visits Picasso's Bathroom

23122312 views1515 comments88 favs

The goddamn artist. This was her fourth inquiry, first visit. Her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned against the cold porcelain.

The Shop Girl

15801580 views1414 comments1010 favs

Just a little shop girl in for the summer. Working on a typewriter. Barely knowing where the keys were. That was her. She was terrible at it. He was in a suit. He looked short, and thin, but something about him was captivating. He was in his own way hands

The Birds (2)

16441644 views1010 comments77 favs

The birds were stacked up in the branches of a pine tree behind the feeder. Several were sitting on the fence. “They’re massing,” she said.

Sweet & Sour

16861686 views1717 comments77 favs

Since the divorce had gone final, the matter settled once and for all, he’d taken to a masochistic bingo of sorts.

Old Wounds

14691469 views2121 comments77 favs

We got married in a hospital. My bride had her appendix out the day before our wedding, so we decided to tie the knot in her room at Hoover Memorial.


10401040 views1717 comments99 favs

...a session/ of hide and seek/ among the syllables.

Sparrow and Mockingbird Greet the Dawn

13331333 views1818 comments99 favs

feathered waves of tangerine peach

The Bounce

11581158 views1212 comments1010 favs

I. Two cancer scares since June, one came up nothing the other nothing much. (My breasts are dense: I know all about moles— little bastards don't have to get sun to go nuts.) My manuscript travels ether to…

How It Went Bad With Horsepen

12241224 views1313 comments1010 favs

You should never have believed your daddy when he said a man with half a dog was better off than a man with no dog at all.


12311231 views1515 comments1010 favs

when the mirror cracks my eyes won't cry it's a perfectly respectable (romance) between her and i

Please Don't Pass The Salt

12451245 views44 comments44 favs

The only silver lining? The man in my life and I are in this together.

Agents of the Anthropocene

11441144 views1717 comments99 favs

Perhaps they serve/ a God’s twisted will// as they accelerate extinctions


11571157 views1313 comments1010 favs

the last, best// analgesic--/ guaranteed


12581258 views1111 comments1010 favs

Someone will labor to keep it alive/ although the body will want but/ to return to random particles

Figures in Disquieting Landscapes

10571057 views1313 comments1010 favs

Tentacles hold fast to the small/ thrashing thing they believe is true// which, devoured, once crushed/ completely still, turns into shit,

Love Story

11041104 views1010 comments1111 favs

I fall in love with a second cousin at the picnic. I make sure I sit next to her.

Dad, August 10, 2010

13511351 views1010 comments88 favs

Satchmo sings a love song over the sound system. People read books, tap keyboards, drink coffee, eat cake. In Barnes & Noble—more a coffee shop these days than a bookstore—I am thinking about my dad and his stomach cancer.The terror he…


118118 views1414 comments1010 favs

Celia was born with another baby's head atop her head and everyone in the village thought her cursed. It was because Celia's mother had been too young to be intimate with a man, twelve only, and the man, important in the village,…


797797 views1212 comments99 favs

The murder of two teens late one humid night on a tiny rural Virginia island brings a dark, malignant mystery edging into the village known as Leicester Court House.

Brief Studies of Doomed Females

18901890 views1212 comments77 favs

She is unsure if it will work, despite all her reading of physics and flying carpets and propeller planes. The practicalities of aerodynamics in application remain to be tested.