by Mathew Paust
The murder of two teens late one humid night on a tiny rural Virginia island brings a dark, malignant mystery edging into the village known as Leicester Court House. One of the first to perceive this danger is local lawyer Joe “Blow” Stone, hired to represent the youth suspected of killing his friends for no apparent reason. As more seemingly motiveless murders occur, Stone follows links back to the hushed-up poisoning of a dozen U.S. senators, who became violently ill after desserting on cherry cheesecake in the Dirksen Dining Room two years earlier. Although most of the victims recovered, they found they had no more taste for sweets. Eating more nutritiously, they lost weight, burned off diabetes and other chronic ailments, and now were healthier than fat-cat politicians had any right to be. So what's the problem?
After an investigator discovered the tainted cheesecake's source, she reported her findings, and disappeared. A team of agents claiming to be “from the government” and assuming her autistic boss knew how to find her, tortured him for over a year to no avail. Finally releasing him and tracking him to Leicester, where he'd started a new life, the agents switched strategies. They'd found that empathy seemed to be his true weakness. Ergo, by killing innocents around him, presuming he would blame himself for their deaths, he would break. Desperate to find the source of the chemical that had ruined the senators' sweet teeth, the team saw its stakes as nothing short of saving the national—if not the world's—economic health. A sweets-shunning, robust populace, they believed, would devastate the commercial food industry, and bring crashing down Big Health Care, Big Insurance, Big Pharma, Big Banking...all of the Bigs, all of them.
Joe Stone can trust only two people to help him protect his community from more random murders—an auxiliary sheriff's deputy he's known since childhood, and the autistic hero's dangerous daughter.
I confess to toying for half a moment with adding “Big Publishing” to my list of Bigs above, but allowed a second thought to restrain me from risking both big toes beyond my illusion of sanity. I'm shakily aware marketing realities with fiction are ever fluxing, so I am hesitant to suggest a proven genre or category into which Dubious Appetite might comfortably fit. Retrospectively I would suggest that without conscious design this novel comprises a hybrid of genres, including elements of the crime, mystery, suspense, legal, and satiric forms—and possibly others. Startling me during its fifth rewrite was the notion that hey, Dubious Appetite just might be something sidling up Tarantino's alley! Hmmmm…
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Spare the world an insidious poison, or save the economy? Here's the intro to a query I'm working up to entice a literary agent to read at least the first three chapters of my new novel, *Dubious Appetite*
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This is terrific, Mathew. I read it so fast I didn't catch the story line but that's because the writing here is so greatI just devoured your words. Particularly loved, "desserting on cherry cheesecake" because I'm partial to changing nouns into verbs! On rereading, enjoy the concept as well.
Strange story, beautiful writing.
Three cheers for "Dubious Appetite"! I look forward to more installments.
My his trust pan out.* (best of luck with the query, too.)
"they found they had no more taste for sweets" Love that, the understated way you present the central idea. Works great.
Interesting and original. There is something new under the sun. Good Luck!
Mathew-Nice synopsis, concise, well-written and enticing. Didn't you post chapters of this book a year or so ago? Was a terrific read. Good luck getting it published.
Now there's a real twist to go against the grain. Great idea Matt, best of luck!
i love it. "Blow" is definitely cinematic, as is the whole idea. Bring on the Panavision!*
So glad to this ...
*, Matt.
Thank you all.