145 12 10
The magician was bereft. What's a magician without a hat?
1420 16 10
Two stories, limestone, gray shutters,next to the park.“We almost bought that house,” my father always saideach time we drove by.He doesn't go down that street anymore.What could have been taunts him from the sidewalks —two little girls and a bucket of…
1334 18 9
1039 12 10
We are our own pathogens.
1157 12 10
A man of action would take to his rake/
but Sloth would rather watch and wait/
for snow to erase each leaf on leaf.
1491 15 9
The violin hung on the wall after that, a witness.
1738 15 10
"The cops are just doing what they're being paid to do."
1905 13 10
Eve is eating a plum. The plum is cold and how it got cold is sort of a mystery, but there are mysteries everywhere and the cold juice on her face doesn't really incline her to worry much about mysteries.
1584 19 10
The snows have not come but left behind are the sounds of summer in my old neighborhood.
1944 4 3
I execute my plan (conceived hours earlier while painting toenails) to go next door to the 7-11 clone and buy some coffee. I am too lazy to walk six blocks to the grocery store. I understand that this is a problem but I will deal with it later I swear. …
1111 10 10
I dreamt I was raped the other night. Sometimes it was me, that is, and sometimes it was another woman with a dark bouffant hair-do. Definitely outside though and the hulking back of the man was covered by a charcoal wool…
1446 6 4
This was looking down from what we know as The Grassy Knoll.
1192 12 6
forced to submit/
to reasonableness//
and universal healthcare.
1761 8 8
But we tell them to each other. We feel we are riding on a boat in the well. That is our secret. We aren't. We know we aren't.
1834 13 10
With the whole bizarre crowd surrounding us like birds on shit covered cliffs, offering up a bowl full of choppy seas to the many bored and stuffed sky gods, we danced our way into all their hard shell covered hearts as one thing. Still they never knew our hiding …
2045 25 10
You said it was easier when you were ten and could play Risk with a girl and it was a game, not foreplay.
1952 15 7
“Black is up, red is down,” I said, knowing he turned to pleasant memories of lawbreaking when he felt discouraged. I asked him to meet me for coffee. He said he hadn’t bought a coffee in a year.
1057 17 10
politics only add to assault and distract
1347 12 10
1405 13 9
1126 14 10
My grandfather was ninety three. My mother was sixty three. I was thirty three. My daughter had just turned three. Our ages were all lined up like the beauty marks on Snow White in the Donald Barthelme version of the story.
1146 9 10
1354 12 9
I had a crappy room on the fourth floor of a crappy hotel.
1644 12 10
'This dude’s whole life must be in this book. It’s like, a man diary.' The thought makes her laugh.
1018 15 10
I no longer go for walks without my bamboo stick. Tightly held in my hand, thin and light, it beats the invisible particles which try to land on me and bite. My face is hidden as in shame under a rough gag, my hands are getting rusty, missing the touch of other hands. My…
897 13 10
I'll see her this fall, a redhead in camo
1150 11 9
The commodore drives a 67 Caddy rag top
All fin and boatish power
1329 12 10
of placing the rope just so; of settling
the veil with care --
1469 11 9
1388 12 9