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The Gallery of Wounds

11361136 views1616 comments99 favs

The blood is memorable/ as is the copper taste of that/ momentary certainty of lockjaw.

Walking Coma / Resurrection Happens

12031203 views1313 comments1111 favs

It’s possible to forgive the past its trespasses / stop seeing the future as a threat, reimagine / the present as a goal.

Those (Beckoning) Lights

16641664 views99 comments1111 favs

The understanding we made was neatly wrapped up in its own blue tissue cocoon like a neatly rolled joint and dumped unceremoniously into the forgotten past like a plate of leftover digitized lies. The lid was slammed shut. Time passes too tightly. And you …

Something Horrible Has Happened

12861286 views1414 comments1010 favs

The smart drivers know the signs/ and the back street ways around the wreck.


11841184 views1111 comments1111 favs

Why do people kill themselves with food? It’s obvious, I suppose. They’re hungry.

I Am Really Bad at Titles

13671367 views1313 comments1111 favs

The hair on my arms have greyed, or so that's how it looks to me. It's been 12 years since we last spoke. I think I haven't aged too well. I bought a rocking chair.


12641264 views1414 comments1010 favs

In those years, you and I were told to leap for a world suffused with sound and industry.

An Open Letter to my Fictionaut Family

12221222 views1313 comments99 favs

Dear Fictionaut Family,Some of you may recognize my name and remember reading my work, some of you may have joined more recently and be wondering what the hell I'm doing addressing you directly. I began writing on Fictionaut in 2010, during four years as I was fragmenting…

Drop Water

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slather consciousness


19721972 views2222 comments77 favs

“Sorry, I farted,” Ted says after the nurse leaves. He squeezes my hand like he’s telling me grave news.

Dog Years

12251225 views1212 comments1010 favs

Already my back aches

Dumb Ass

11811181 views1818 comments99 favs

I want to tell you how the odor of the flowers/felt her funeral day

Crazy Eyes

12261226 views1212 comments1010 favs

The kid with a testosterone chip Instead of a brain

Mathilda Is Not My Girlfriend

14961496 views1717 comments1010 favs

Some idiot was gonna let a snake eat him. I know, but I saw it on the internets. That's some dumb-assed stuff right there. Everyone knows about snakes. The Jesus book tells us all about them, inside us, slithering through ruby-red and eating our guilt from inside out.…

The Elvis Latte

19491949 views1515 comments66 favs

Elvis at a Starbucks. Some graphic words.

The Facts of This Life as Its End Approaches

935935 views1414 comments1010 favs

The knees remind you: you are old,/ and broken, and unlikely to improve

Dealing with Sudden Melancholy

18611861 views99 comments1111 favs

Someone who I know only via Facebook and a writer site we both belong to posted a picture of a 12 week old fetus in the palm of a human hand. The message was anti-abortion. You know--how can you consider killing this baby? And the picture was of a tiny, tiny…

Rear View

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The man of a thousand faces was defunct.

On " Thinking outside the box."

16211621 views1313 comments1111 favs

Love to. Really would. …


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Liz didn’t steal his heart / she embezzled it


14061406 views1111 comments1111 favs

not to free ourselves// from suffering// but become the window// through which it sees//

Confessions of a Liturgical Voyeur

15751575 views1616 comments66 favs

...when she spoke, her voice still seemed to spill bourbon from a heavy crystal tumbler, and drift cigarette smoke in a dark paneled room.

White Woman

14301430 views1818 comments55 favs

She had a compulsion to organize things according to their size or colour or according to some other abstruse algorithm that clicked through her mind. She didn't know that this was OCD

Time Change in Florida #2

11051105 views1111 comments1010 favs

Time Change in Florida #2 Sapped, yes. But not finished. Not yet.So what if I mostly live in my head?Who says I have to be out running aroundimproving body income outgo technical savvy? The dizzy awe of a Southwestern …

An Extremely Complex Fall Evening

18631863 views77 comments66 favs

Soon the entire sky load of constellations was carried across the bumpy fields

3 Good Hubcaps - song

16101610 views1212 comments88 favs

I got 3 good hubcaps That oughta be enough You can take away my house You can take away my stuff Just leave it on the curbside With my beat-up Cadillac Got my 3 good hubcaps I ain’t never coming back

Air On The G String

13651365 views1616 comments99 favs

If love could only by heat be bound

In Your Dreams

12161216 views1212 comments1010 favs

What did it mean? What would a psychologist say? Oh, who cares. In my opinion, we ask why, what, when, where, and how too often.

Pretty Face

15741574 views1515 comments99 favs

The two girls who were my best friends had not minded that I didn't draw it in. It was Obie, as we called him for short, who commanded me to inhale at thirteen. "You're dead," Obie said, as soon as I did it. I fell backward in the tall, yellow grass.

Frankie and Alice, 2013. Brooklyn, New York

17411741 views99 comments1010 favs

1.)At the corner deli, sweat dripping down my face, I ask for black, but Frankie adds milk. Just to spite me. Because I won't sleep with him. As if. Wonder what his wife would say? Punch me in the jaw, right? Like maybe the rules about holy wedlock vary…