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Arcana Magi - c.27: Hard Battle

11931193 views00 comments00 favs

A burst of mud spilled out over Jonas and scooped his body up like a raging river. It spun his body over in a rebound rather than pushing him through the door.


10401040 views00 comments00 favs

Tent City has gone quiet. There is a deadline. I heard it on the news. I’ve never thought about the word before. How in this place it means what it means.

Standing Ovation

809809 views00 comments00 favs

All of the reviews are the same, one star reviews with five star ravings. What the fuck do these pigs want from me, if not my art? Pearls before swine would be an…

Red Hair

885885 views00 comments00 favs

She was the middle child, tall and lank, red haired and strong, in a girl kind of way. A girl forced to cope with something tough and objectionable. She was the care giver to her younger brother, making sure he got out of bed and ready for school. She did

The Face of the Moon, And Another Story

10641064 views11 comment11 fav

For example, I never noticed that the moon had eyelashes, not until tonight. You said you couldn’t really see that, not at all. You preferred the fact that the word “lunatic” sounded like an attic on the moon...

One Brief Moment

776776 views00 comments00 favs

I have sat aside and entertained the coveted feelings of what was not in my hands. Only briefly, a moment shared of hidden secrets and joy. But of and between us, I cannot say that this moment is a considerable spur-still I desire…

Carmen Scarpino, Pioneering Wise Guy, Dead at 78

902902 views00 comments00 favs

Breasts were developed after World War II, the result of improved nutrition and the additional muscle mass that “Rosie the Riveter”-types acquired through manual labor in jobs that males abandoned to join the war effort.

No Dogs Allowed

766766 views00 comments00 favs

They were an interesting young couple. Tom was a big man with rugged features, though not handsome. His face was deeply pock-marked with the scars that are sometimes left over from a terrible bout with adolescent acne. His wife – though I was never cert

Arcana Magi Cross - c.3

12971297 views00 comments00 favs

Ai thought she was flying at first, but she felt herself leaning on something. Before she could figure out what was happening, her eyes closed again, and had a short dream.

Rock and Sushi

10081008 views00 comments00 favs

If I remember him at all it’s because I decided not to flunk him so he could graduate. I had this theory that teachers should be bound by the same oath as doctors, First, do no harm.

The Party and the Body

779779 views00 comments00 favs

The Party and the Body The party at my mother's ended Saturday night deep into Sunday's morning. I tried to remember the exact circumstances of the end but although they wouldn't come it didn't worry me. I knew I would remember at a certain point. It…

The Beat of Sorrow

12311231 views00 comments00 favs

See a girl like Lily sitting offstage in a wooden chair in a fourth-rate club somewhere, crying, holding on so hard to so little, and as it breaks your heart to watch; forgive me. Understand me. You can’t rescue us. We all deserve more.

Cellphone Girl (Part II)

11911191 views00 comments00 favs

The tsunami started, ironically enough, with a phone call.

Ten Dreams That Raised Some Of the Dead

11011101 views00 comments00 favs

Dreams will show you a life that might or might not be yours, but you better believe that they've got to serve when you're asked to come up with a story."--Frank Baron, the night he made bail and left town1. First Blood in Dreams Long Ago The…

Female Scent-Marking in the Suburbs

873873 views00 comments00 favs

We watched through the plate glass window, like kids watching a mother guppy eat her young. A woman approached the sweaters but stopped suddently, as if she sensed the dark force Darth Vader projects in Star Wars movies.

DOOMSDAY CORN A GRIM FAIRY TALE Written under the guise of a children’s story But primarily written for adults

10201020 views00 comments00 favs

Our entire planet became poisoned by the monoculture system of agriculture. Mother Earth, who is the very soil we stand on, play on, dig in; Mother Earth, who is the very air we breathe, laugh in, talk in; Mother Earth, who is the very streams, river

Mental Energy

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‎" You know, the cure is not worse than the disease" Leon said to his therapist for the fifth time.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 19

755755 views00 comments00 favs

The vibrations gave her a real charge. It works dressed or undressed.

The Pope of Rock 'n Roll

486486 views00 comments00 favs

Pope Leo XIII endorsed a cocaine-based drink and at the age of 90 sat in on “The Last Castrato, Complete Vatican Recordings.”

Vision and Conviction in San Lorenzo

985985 views00 comments00 favs

"They don't know how this formed or how it got to where it is today. What we do know is that it's not going to last forever." Said Edward McCabe to his daughter who hadn't learned to talk but communicated with her father through her agreement or disagreem

Yukon Mining Company

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“I lay in bed every night and wonder who is lucky enough to go home with you.” That was all it took. She was. You are. Let’s face it: anyone that poses that question is.

Home for the Holidays

12711271 views00 comments00 favs

Deployed to Afghanistan for more than half of his two-year marriage, Trent is coming home for the holidays. But which holiday, exactly? And will he make it?

After Tom Phillips

14191419 views00 comments00 favs

but still whisper the brick / and mortar details in both ears / at once, twice.

fall is falling faster than your nightmares

534534 views00 comments00 favs

the rails we use when we get tired of unraveling the ways their read red lips kill the explanation we amp we vamp Hell's steep hallucination

April 1, 2020

9696 views00 comments00 favs

So I had a reading for the Library of Congress and I cried during the whole thing because my mother didn't have a funeral or a service since she died on April 1, 2020. Now that day is the day my mother died instead of April fools. In Spanish it is the Day of the…

Clipboard Cutie

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Perhaps she’s also a do-gooder. One of those socially conscious, change-the-world type girls complete with a never ending supply of life’s own contagious enthusiasm.

Begonia {part nine}

10471047 views00 comments00 favs

Miles away Coriander was stepping through the forest with a light but determined step. He was exhausted, but the terrors he imagined every time he pictured his beloved in the claws of a dragon were too intense to allow for sleep.


914914 views00 comments00 favs

Popular wisdom would have it that heroin addicts are some kind of cross between vampire menace and low-rent cartoon.

When I Lied To You

536536 views00 comments00 favs

You thought you dated wild girls? They were tame compared to how I turned out. Ever hear of the Chicago motorcycle club called the Hell's ___? (Chicago's watered down version of the Hell's Angels, but we did party with some of them, and the Outlaws, onc


12141214 views00 comments00 favs

... all my friends are girls; I like opera; I can answer all the questions about male and female ejaculation – without stammering – in sex ed. classes. And Braydon? In boardshorts, tall and tanned and naked from the waist up ...