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A Body Divided, 3

12061206 views00 comments00 favs

A group of nuns arrived in the middle of my first night at Hinsdale Hospital. I guess I must have dozed off when this odd noise, like curtains being moved, woke me up. At first I couldn't make out what that rustling sound was in the hallway outside my doo

Human Spirit - a poem

12181218 views00 comments00 favs

It feels for an exit.

Luther Loves Lucy

15841584 views00 comments11 fav

Luther Mishmash stood numbly in the yard, dumbly staring at the soiled pair of underpants flapping lazily in the breeze on the wash line. Grandpa had wet himself again. Tomorrow, at school, he knew he’d hear about it. Luther wasn’t sure which was more

Girl Friends

11351135 views00 comments00 favs

Two women grab a table near a window in a coffee shop. Outside, the sky is the color of dulled aluminum. It is early spring and pollen assaults the air with a tint of sulfur.


960960 views00 comments00 favs

look at the shape here / is it not pleasing to the eye?


915915 views00 comments00 favs

The lights are dimAnd love's the mood tonight.Enveloped by DarknessPierced by rays of light;That black dressto meis pure delight.Dancing together,Arm in arm,arm over shoulder;I promiseI won't get any bolder.Eyes meet eyesYour lips against mine.My heart is pounding,Sweet…

Dream Life (flash friday)

12101210 views00 comments00 favs

Virginia hated herself for every moment she spent wondering what it would have been like if things had been different. How would her life be if Glen hadn’t been misdiagnosed, if he hadn’t died when she was a year married and four months pregnant? Not

Little Max

828828 views00 comments00 favs

“It’s not a bad preschool. You kinda get used to it. You ever been to one before?” Little Max asked the new boy, Sam. Sam shook his head no.

A Willing Forgiveness

927927 views00 comments00 favs

I head out the door into Blustery cold winds Walking to my start mark I begin… Expecting in moments To hear the regular symphony Of anatomies brilliant Symmetry… Then I realize In my haste I have been thoughtless It will exact a price… …


11201120 views00 comments11 fav

He is poised erect before me. I take pleasure in soft skin that does not betray the strength of his cock, firm and yet vulnerable beneath my fingertips. With my hands, I coax him to his full length, girth. Tonight I ignore the heat of my Delta and bow my head in worship…


979979 views00 comments00 favs

“It’s time we moved our relationship back into an upright position,” I said.

the sweet lunar springs

717717 views00 comments00 favs

Check the sweet lunar springs that we are still bathing in. The swelling in the genitals there. Check to make sure we are ripe, and in season. It’s our way of being willing, strong under the sweet icy waters, with that fertility that is derived from you

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.2 - c.2

11191119 views00 comments00 favs

The sound built up, louder and louder causing birds and insects to fly into the air. Then it stopped.

The Perfect Crime

679679 views00 comments00 favs

I had committed the perfect crime, and I had left nothing to chance; my best strategy was chancing nothing. Prudence and planning were my only allies, and these are the best allies of success. Usually.


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The man that had been in the driver's seat approached. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he said.

She Looked In the Mirror And Saw Something Different

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Even raw as she looked coming out of the jail, the woman left echoes.

Arcana Magi Behind the Scenes: Writing through Music

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A behind the scenes look at how music influenced the writing of Arcana Magi Universe.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 30

862862 views00 comments00 favs

Ben shook his head in disbelief: Was this some theatrical soothsayer trick of Ida’s?

Character & Fitness

910910 views00 comments00 favs

Character & Fitness, the opening chapter to my novel, "Death of the Dying City."

Christmas Eve

706706 views00 comments00 favs

It was Christmas Eve. Time for the ghost to visit. Just one ghost in this story. The ghost of a Christmas past. Just one Christmas for just one ghost.He looked out the window. Under the distant streetlight the snow was falling. He turned on his porch light. …


966966 views00 comments00 favs

DRA musical - 1942… Open on the General Jackson crowded with Marines, headed to (Tennessee Base),at the front of the ship, young men laughing, unrealistic military dreams/wordless chatter... LET IT RIDE .. main character is a marine en route to base...Solo verse,…

The Boy Who Tamed Wild Things

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The boy had a gift, we understood; he could speak the language of the animals, and so soon there was a skunk that he would walk on a leash.


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...I made the mistake, thinking the point of a maze was to go in one side and out the other.

Where Do You Get Your Poetic Inspiration?

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The only magazine Auden subscribed to was Scientific American, a publication I had previously scorned as the trade journal of pre-med students and Nobel Prize winners.

Joe Wheeler

961961 views00 comments00 favs

Bearded massage parlors of dissonance whittle away hours for a few dollars and cents

Best Laid Plans

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My obituary wasn't in the morning paper, so I headed to Target.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 23

925925 views00 comments00 favs

Detective-Sergeant Claude Mulvihill sat in his squad car, which was parked on 54th Street in front of Bright Star Recording Studios. He had just finished the second of two jelly donuts and was spiking his coffee with three packets of sugar.

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.2 - c.4

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Mayumi could see as far as her eyes could, all the buildings hugged by the trees. Roads stretching outward as if reaching for something far away.

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.5 - c.3

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There were security guards running all over the place. Campus police cars, with lights flashing, at various locations in the distance. Sora gripped her books tight as they saw their dormitory building ahead.

Crash Car Star

866866 views00 comments00 favs

here we go.