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The Serious Writer’s Obituary

13251325 views55 comments11 fav

...was discovered today hanging from a shower outlet in his bathroom...

Valentine's Day: Say it with Chickens

15141514 views33 comments22 favs

Love at first sight? Not for me.

Micromanaged Truth

855855 views22 comments22 favs

Let your father stay through that dinner when his mistress needed him, while your mother was on the verge.

Bad Boys

612612 views22 comments11 fav

Her name was Carrie. And yes, it was love at first sight. Yes, she was a client, and you were supposed to keep your hands off the clients. Everyone in real estate knew that. She came into my office and took a seat in the reception area. I had a listin

Butterflies are the souls of dead babies

10361036 views33 comments11 fav

When he leaves, she collects all the caterpillars she can find at the bottom of the garden and sits cross-legged in the shade of the buddleia. She makes a hollow in her skirt and drops in the smooth green, the furry black, the red, spotted and the spiny ones and watches as…


19221922 views55 comments11 fav

He didn't think there would be girlish confidences, hopes, dreams but he is shocked, appalled, by the little boys aging at ten-speed, already wizened old men ready for cancer and heart attacks with toy trucks in their hands, skeletal women beloved by men

Third Shift

10491049 views44 comments22 favs

Some great, doubtless precious; some hollow, likely empty; some only shards, but you never know...

To Walk Backwards

815815 views11 comment22 favs

Tom wasn’t crying. A few snowflakes, the first of the season, flittered down and landed on Elizabeth’s new headstone, christening it. Tom didn’t have his topcoat, and he never buttoned his suit. He tried not to shiver. Lynn lifted her face from Tom’s c


947947 views44 comments11 fav

Endless. I find this story.Beginning. To walk.Repeating. Repeating.The Memory. Of snow.Amsterdam. Rivers narrow.Hearts. Divide.Hands. Emboldened.Patronizing. Unpatriotic.Semblance. House held open.Forging. The ties…


936936 views33 comments22 favs

They call me Curiosity and I am curious. I am also a robot. Please. Don't judge me. Robots are not all stupidly obedient, bubble headed twits with whirring gears, lithium batteries, and nanocrystalline electrodes. I have a temperature. I have self-monitoring…

An excerpt from "Goodbye, Baseball"

864864 views33 comments22 favs

The boys were his biggest nuisance. The unwashed guttersnipes poured into the park early, all shoeless and half shirtless. He only imagined how thick the fleas must be in their thick tangle of hair, of which only two didn’t have covered with a cap with an


11131113 views44 comments22 favs

theme songs for concentration camps!?

Under the Stars

778778 views00 comments11 fav

There was once a girl. Her name was April. Her family lived at the edge of a village. When she looked out her second floor window she could see the forest stretch for days. At nights after supper she would lean over her bed; watch the stars in the distance and wish many…

How to Forget

12801280 views44 comments11 fav

Refuse to go to the church service, even though you already missed the funeral. Tell his mother something came up. Call his phone over and over, just to hear his voice, until his mother asks you to stop. Make a recording of his voicemail. Delete it an

Time. Stop.

915915 views22 comments22 favs

So young. So innocent. How do you tell a little one that her mother is dying? The father seemed to be bathing in a sea of hopelessness lately.

IRON Meditations (thoughts while pressing a clean shirt for work)

11881188 views11 comment22 favs

An yet we are all inmates...

Zero Gravity

742742 views22 comments22 favs

Here is a blank space soft and white like paper extended indefinitely.

Hubris, Now Hollowed

933933 views44 comments22 favs

We laughed like lords and lunatics Our schematics stretched before us


925925 views44 comments11 fav

It is not simple to love in two places, and I have always been a restless woman waiting for signs. Then you appeared walking on my very grave while the stars aligned themselves in patterns of celestial light. I have watched the moon eclipse with you drawing breath…

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 1

829829 views22 comments22 favs

Defenestration - the act of throwing someone out of a window. I went to Prague recently to visit my family’s castle, which is called Krivoklat. I’m not even going to attempt to explain to you how to pronounce that. It’s outside Prague, about an hour t

My Life As A Series Of Houses (1968-2012)

785785 views22 comments22 favs

One night just as I dozed off I was awakened by a circular saw going right next to my head. The coke dealer was working on his deck. His hair was biblically long and he wore a pair of goggles as he worked on his patio utterly oblivious to my presence just

Potsdamer Strasse #2

12311231 views33 comments22 favs

Beautiful kids in sunglasses dashed around as colourful as jars of mixed fruit in the warm air of a midsummer’s night drinking on the riverbank, the bar sheltered under a crusty wooden shack, the sight was stunning in the twilight before the sun rose.

Bubble Rap Blues

10121012 views55 comments00 favs

"The Chinese don't have no Mardy Grah, bitch."

Rain Typing

10301030 views33 comments22 favs

"I'm just going to take a power nap!"

The Sticking Point

848848 views22 comments22 favs

I felt dark, dark...

Long Division

970970 views22 comments11 fav

This energy said, "Fuck it, I am going to be the fucking sun." In it’s language it sounded more like "Khershhhhhhh Hhhhhhhhhhh Zirshhhhhhh."

Ibby's Falafel

12531253 views33 comments11 fav

Dark hung over the night like an occupation force. Across the street a Cuban diner fought it off with green and yellow neon lights, Latin rhythm beating through the air.

Algae Freunden

13501350 views88 comments11 fav

She had a strange name which I am ashamed/ To have forgotten, seven times, maybe nine,/ Her lips transgressors, wet with sourapple ...

Gods Sense of Humor (April Fools Challenge)

11201120 views1010 comments11 fav

I wonder, God. Do you sit around and play with the universe like it was your Wii? Or your Farmville? Or maybe your little iphone app? I mean, really. Did it ever occur to you that the little men, women and children on your screen actually bleed? Do you think…


24682468 views66 comments11 fav

At the center of the world our bodies float over each other near to everything, at the center of being Not like arrows pointing in three directions but like our own bodies pulsing in and out Laughter can cure nearly anything it is sa