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Night fear illusions

483483 views22 comments11 fav

Sometimes/in the middle of the night/awake under a panoply/as caustic as Doré/illustrating Dante


14011401 views33 comments11 fav

In every word there is both music and history. Music from the way sounds come into union with each other, and history in how they get there. There is form too, sure, but I am not a calligrapher. I'm a scribbler if anything. And so my sentences look mo


965965 views44 comments11 fav

Jeans. You passed yours along to me with some helpful tips.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 47

874874 views77 comments00 favs

Who better to know the wiles of the fox than the vixen herself?

How To Dismantle A Bell

938938 views22 comments22 favs

Pictures of war correspondents from The Tribune, and colonial photographs in a fruit crate

That Spark

817817 views22 comments22 favs

these fleeting moments of insanity.

You're Breathing My Relapse

10121012 views11 comment22 favs

I was an alcoholic for ten years, starting in my early twenties and continuing into my thirties. Then finally, after many attempts, I got myself straightened out. My son's birth finally did it for me. It wasn't like a switch flipped in the delivery room…

Sequence Instead of Services on Sunday

792792 views33 comments22 favs

We reach for things and objects// made of ever smaller things and objects

A Million Pieces

13081308 views33 comments22 favs

Today's girls all look the same. Angie isn't even sure if one leaves and a new one enters. They blend together like paper-dolls, clinging to one another, connected, braided. This morning, while one of them lies with her legs in a V, the alarm goes off

a grey green enamel vase in the rain

996996 views22 comments22 favs

we hover black as carrion birds with a glut empty need seems to me she's fell as thee and knows exactly where we posture anxiously spitting falsehoods on cue twittering like snipes cause there's nothing left to do she might have spent her whole life just

Reading at the Anatomy Museum

13521352 views22 comments11 fav

If you know how, all bodies can be read like books, like poems, like scraps of song

Alternate Tale

953953 views22 comments22 favs

Suppose Eve, strolling through the sunlit Garden, had not stumbled on that particular Tree at all, the wily serpent twined in its lower branches?


11451145 views44 comments22 favs

So if we all have an idea what goes down when the young person at the cash register (the registerista?) asks, “Can I help you?” then we all know there’s a different way to habla at Seattle’s gift to the world.


714714 views44 comments22 favs

B is now on all fours, running his hands through the hair of the other. What he whispers is repeating.

It Ain't Berklee College Of Music

13211321 views33 comments22 favs

“You know who Neil Peart looks like?” Gram said, ignoring Aaron's outburst.

We Are Not Just A Bit of Irrelevant Pollution

972972 views44 comments22 favs

"It's hard to make a man understand something if his livelihood depends on him not understanding it."--Upton Sinclair I understand what Zappa was saying,about broken hearts and assholes, but, well, reallywhat if yours is already broken and already…

It's End of the World Karaoke

10971097 views22 comments22 favs

It’s End of the World Karaoke at Big Daddy’s and Lara takes a photo of herself for Facebook before she goes on stage. She’s holding a basket of nachos in one hand and her phone in the other. After she takes the photo, she says, to Javier, “Hold these,” an

Boise Poetry Slam

976976 views22 comments22 favs

The boy buckled in and told his mom, “No mommy, I can do it myself”

The New Girl

973973 views44 comments11 fav

She’s new, with the enthusiasm of a new person. And everyone wants the new girl.

After: An All American, Post 9-11 Love Poem

10741074 views11 comment33 favs

After he got on one knee, and she said, I do. After they watched the televised bombs disappear the city. After everyone fell asleep. After shock and awe, him and her making love…

Church Construction (Leaps of Logic)

802802 views44 comments11 fav

Suddenly you've got something to do on Sundays - Wake up early and dress your best.

Ode to Flannery O'Connor

536536 views22 comments11 fav

Gert sat in the car and wiped at the inside of the window while the defroster blasted at full strength. The shards and slivers of ice that networked across the windshield were just thick enough to hinder visibility. Bane wrenched the door open and shoved

A Handsome Boy Spends a Wednesday

10231023 views11 comment22 favs

It distresses me that you will never lust after me / the way you did for that girl / who had her hands around your belt

The Comforts of a Robe

12011201 views33 comments22 favs

Woman With Water Bottles has taken up a little spot in the back of my brain, her hair tickling her eyes in the breeze.

Men and Babies

993993 views44 comments22 favs

"Mama skipped the training bras and just gave me her old bras. I'll be 25 before I can wear her old bras..."


11771177 views11 comment22 favs

A possum sits on a fence. The fence is downtown in a not-very-big town. Hard to say about possums and fences; this is not the first possum to sit on a fence. Once, during a suburban backyard party a possum sat on a fence and observed. Before long he could walk more…

"Cary" Me Home

11001100 views11 comment22 favs

"Would you mind if she took your empty seat?" The stewardess said. "She has a phobia." "Oh." Archie's dimpled chin fell, then a smile broke above it. "Not at all."

20th Century Boy

10421042 views33 comments11 fav

The night I screamed you out of my life for good, I fed your confettied photo to swirling toilet, a ticker tape parade and dead fish burial rolled into one. Later I found the box, a jiffy…


391391 views22 comments11 fav

[Boy, was this a hard night!]

All Seeing

11531153 views22 comments22 favs

Our Core Values define evil as the concealment of information. And those who conceal information are evil.