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11761176 views33 comments22 favs

The night we broke into Bron-yr-Aur it was too cold to make love. I said I wasn't horny anyway. You put your hand on my forehead: Are you ill?

Seasons of You

976976 views55 comments22 favs

Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall, the Good Lord made them all.


989989 views33 comments33 favs

I’m reading an article about honeybees as I wait for the results of my blood work at the doctor’s office.

Psychics or Ouija Boards - Who Ya Gonna Call?

10071007 views22 comments22 favs

Madame B would come once a week and tell me things that I needed to know in exchange for some free items. She would come and grasp my hand while telling me the same thing week after week. Madame B always told me to relax and things would eventually come.

The Tesseracts

681681 views44 comments22 favs

From 'Excelsior' (fifth section) - a poem in 9 parts. So this is what begins at thirty? Thirty-five, And waiting. Those make love with water mildly, they That sink and skim the tide's meridian fingers: Brown swans that bob the blue orb's plumbing sheer. So this has…


845845 views33 comments22 favs

My memory is like tracks in the snow. My memory is cookie dough. My memory is dirty tube socks.


10771077 views55 comments22 favs

Once there was a man who wrote in code. He was comfortable among substitutions

The Paris American

11061106 views44 comments22 favs

He returned to America on the Fourth of July. Twisting in his cramped window seat miles above the Atlantic, he buckled up before the descent. “You can handle this,” he muttered. Hungover, still reeling from the dreamy head-turning experience of…

Luz Maria

12671267 views44 comments22 favs

Although badly educated, and although the Michoacána fought to deny it, she held the complex notion that borders are not abrupt lines, simple artifacts of geography and cartography.


10461046 views33 comments33 favs

Waking in the middle of the night, tangled in the hotel sheets, I wanted to hear the story again: their pilot friend, the war, his specialty. "It's just a screw, son," Dad said, "nothing exotic."


11241124 views44 comments22 favs

He stands straighter and walks toward the phone in the back, near the bathrooms. His wet sock slaps loudly against the tile floor. The buzz of conversation dims to whispers, barely audible above the roar of the espresso machine.

Junk Pulse

934934 views33 comments33 favs

Me included...


873873 views33 comments22 favs

We continue,/Held beyond all surface Liking it still/And each other/Often surprised:/Like finding garden flowers/No one planted/In summer bloom

from: The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars

615615 views55 comments22 favs

That was when we discovered we could make one shadow jump right through another and come out whole on the other side. Our shadows were indestructible. It was one of those moments of discovery maybe only gallons of pink Chablis could bring on. Or dope.


13441344 views33 comments33 favs

Don’t worry about what went aloud. I said nothing.

Serve & Protect

10601060 views22 comments22 favs

If she was still breathing, Tom promised himself he would let her live, but right then his shoulder ached and his right hand was throbbing.

Bonne Fire

11871187 views55 comments22 favs

And the voodoo pins pinged as, folding and imploding, she was reduced to a petro-chemical puddle.

Keep more opinions to yourself

874874 views33 comments33 favs

You read your fortune cookie:


11011101 views22 comments22 favs

The young boy sat on the swing, hearing sirens in the distance. The tops of his shoes were dirty. His fingers as well, where he drew stick figures of people in the dirt. His…

Best blurb (pitch) -- and thanks, Sally and Prickly

930930 views1414 comments11 fav

The author's note explains...

Evolutionary Nonsense

261261 views33 comments22 favs

You can say words like "good",just not to me, I'm not in the mood. Ever sincethe fire extinguisher went kaput. Ever since yellowbecame red and orange became blue. Ever since thenews announcement that there is nothing more than carbon.Nectarous your…

Going on Account

10141014 views33 comments33 favs

I study the architecture of hunger. I listen to intuitions. I have a map of heaven and a map of hell and they are the same map.


987987 views66 comments11 fav

His land lady was somehow thrilled that the Herr Doktor Professor had a visitor from the US and invited us for tea. She caught us coming in and without thinking anything, and at her persistence, I had absently accepted. My friend did not seem to want to b


11361136 views1010 comments11 fav

Her preferred post-coital activity is to pant, to suck in air with urgent greed.

Conceived in the New Liberty

18991899 views66 comments22 favs

Each mobile unit carried an Alsetex grenade launcher for dispersing tear gas. Any group of five or more people was deemed suspicious and immediately dispersed by roving patrols.

Galileo Worries About His Weight

953953 views22 comments33 favs

I, Seer of the Stars, Cartographer of the Cosmos, / measure my mass, and to whom do I owe this woe...

Wait room

690690 views44 comments22 favs

It was Saturday morning."The coffee maker is not ready yet," said one of the old men. Like the present company, his form was swollen with mismatched layers of cold weather wear.It was a white room with a dozen men, three couches, and a large screen television flickering…


11411141 views22 comments22 favs

Tomorrow, they'd bury their daughter . . . and still, so many questions. Why would a beautiful fourteen-year-old choose for herself such a horrible, painful death? In life, she appeared the antithesis of suicidal ideation: excellent grades, well-liked in school and…

An after-image, a ghost

426426 views33 comments22 favs

It was also witnessing the emergence into explicitness and clarity of everyone's expendability.

The Country Star

663663 views33 comments22 favs

He’s got horns and a tail I found him on sale He’s got snake in his DNA Evil in his eye And plenty of chicken pot, chicken pot Chicken pot pie But he sure can play piano With those giant lobster hands In his ratty raccoon coat And his