Some people burn slow
While others burn fast
And between
All kind of things happen:
There's happiness sadness
Joy and anger
Things happen
And when you are in the
The worlds molds you
With all it elixirs and tempations
The good times
Then come the wounds and scars
And the doctoring
All the agonies
And the kicks of
The drugs
Then dope
And sex
The shit you love more than
Life itself.
When you enjoy life
Too much
There is always some kinda of
Price to pay
The world won't be inherited
to the meek
Or strong
But to the MISERABLE
All those closed and boxed in lives
They died long before their actual death
But some of cool people lived it to fullest
Finding every sorrow and vice
Nothing but pain and ectasy
You left a young beautiful corpse
As you rot in your casket.
But at least you had LIVED
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122 words
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A poem about living fast or dying slowly.
My edit, minus the cliches:
Some people burn slow
others fast
And between
All kind of things
And when you are
in these Worlds
They mold you,
elixirs and tempations
Then comes the doctoring
All the agonies
the kicks
sex and dope
The shit
The world won't be inherited
to the meek
All those closed and boxed
They died long before
their death
You left a young
beautiful corpse
But at least
you had LIVED
Hail, the epicurean!
Nice edit Samual.