1086 5 5
Due to recent enhancements to our billing system, the rate per unit for your basic service can no longer be determined.
1245 6 5
Resting bitch face strikes again.
1262 8 5
On the river he rows a dory. It is filling with water. There is a rectangular hole in the bottom.
1061 6 4
The voice is back! That voice, like milk and honey, like mother, like the school nurse who bandaged my scraped knee.
2146 4 2
You want L.A.? I’ll give you L.A. Land of the perpetual one-night stand. Land of the Leslies and the Sweets lying around all day in their bed just around the corner from this convent across the street from my apartment that took in the pregnant and the lo
1430 5 5
1161 6 5
It sits up tall on its hind legs to take in all of whatever this is, big and bluer than the sky, death's own taxicab parked on its doorstep.
1279 9 5
as distant lights
all must shiver
before joining in
a Milky Way river
1281 5 5
Now as my fearful hand goes unwittingly up I search the faraway trees for the closest possible answer I know I don't know. The clever waiting beast is looking my way with an intelligent roving eye that says he likes to hit. It doesn't matter. You're worse…
457 7 4
"... he with much to teach, I who had much to learn..."
1453 9 5
but with a light, a rainbow light which was scattered, maybe she herself was a scattering of light, an infinity of universes caught like the opening rays of sunlight
1536 3 1
I sit in my chemise like a forgotten rag doll on the stool before my vanity. My body is postured towards nothing in particular, my gaze keeps returning to vacant; it’s far preferable to any fixed sight it could find.
1412 8 5
It’s a grey and stormy day naturally
We’re crowded into a tiny bus shelter
as it pours 57 varieties of cats and hounds
They keep hitting the pavement around us
with the splatting sounds those animals make
when falling out of the heavens
1068 5 5
The boy stared out his window, noting the suns slow and eventual passing behind the distant mountains. He saw his face reflected in the window pane and turned away. His shadow loomed…
254 7 5
1284 6 5
Cézanne sags during a moment of paint. There is an umbrella in the room whose surface collects his thoughts. Outside, in the rain, the grass and garden smell strongly of spring. Fruit litters the table. Light through the window writhes in conversation with shape and…
1081 6 5
He stops smiling and only
says he loves me when prompted,
as if asking me to pass the salt
for his inner peace as it tastes too bland.
1234 5 5
On the coldest day of the year, the weather man walks back from the measurement booth across a snowed-over plain, solid as cement and tinted with the pale yellow glow of the northern lights.
1242 6 5
I reach into my pocket for my keys and discover the cough drops Iput there a week ago have melted. Now my fingers are sticky. And I don’t have my keys.
1835 8 4
Tell me your hero and I'll tell you what's cooking with you...
1095 5 6
I said: “Doesn’t he understand? People like me, geniuses—great, mad geniuses—are prone to failures because we do not accept the common notions of society? Doesn’t he understand? I’m not like the others.”
1595 9 5
I envisioned bound feet of ancient Asian women who wore embroidered slippers that hid grotesque disfigurements.
855 6 5
Villon, get the hell outta here!
1203 6 5
It was the sodabottle glasses that scared Entro the most. Stubbled with scratches, taped with residual angst and piercing his soul with contempt he’d seen only on the National Geographic Focus Antarctica series - as Seals readied to mangle for Alpha bragg
1114 9 4
He wasn't sure if I was joking.
1280 5 5
How would you like to leave the land of your ancestors, the place of your birth, the home of your identity?
1336 4 4
I call him a Staffordshire terrier. You call him a pit bull. Some people say he's lovable. Other people say he'll bite your face off without thinking too hard.
1185 7 4
Once again there's too much to handle and
no space to process
1247 7 5
I got a sixth of a cow in the freezer
That’s not meant to be just a teaser
I guess all I’m sayin’
Come on home and you’ll be stayin’
Cause I got a sixth of a cow in the freezer
Got a rack and a half of ribs
I ain’t tellin’ you no fibs
1550 5 5