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My Old Guy Boyfriend

15801580 views1111 comments44 favs

His coarsely shaking voice, whispering embarrassingly crass old guy things in my ear, will make the blood rush to my young lady parts.

A Love Story

10651065 views77 comments55 favs

The woman abruptly closed her legs.

To The Little Mouse Who Started Feeling Slightly Nauseous

10541054 views66 comments55 favs

I heard them praying to some god none of us had ever heard of. I'm glad I went to the funeral and still have the yellow rose that I did not throw into his grave. At some point you have to stop nibbling from the moldy cake.

I know a moustache

17721772 views33 comments33 favs

“Hey there!/ Here I am, a fucking moustache!/ I’m the biggest damn moustache/ you’ll ever see


10931093 views1010 comments44 favs

Every day, a fresh new/ strain of Hell reveals itself


12341234 views55 comments55 favs

Innocent victims know their tonsils. Or know the sound of their forceful removal. Their mangled beauty is the grain that has gracefully substituted all the limb-hacking. The creature used to have a friend whose gestures were very harmless, …

We Should All Have One Great Love

10771077 views66 comments55 favs

My dumb body that does not speak still cried out your name last night. Did you hear it, maybe in your sleep?

On a Count of the Stars

10421042 views99 comments55 favs

The number is very large/ and perpetually changes// as old stars fade, explode,/ or collapse into something not stars

Our Top Hats Blow Off While Yours Gets Tipped

887887 views55 comments66 favs

Our world is a prism floating through its own rainbow smeared shadows in a desperate attempt to get caught. Our lives are in the carpets, the planks, the winds. Whatever has heard us, has not believed in us enough to rescue us from our own …

Chapel of a Latter Day Agoraphobic

10041004 views88 comments55 favs

The thrum and the thrust// have beaten conviviality out of me.

Book of Forgetting

12471247 views99 comments55 favs

To make your own, obtain a book with blank pages. Collect materials; postcards, photographs, magazines. Make rules to determine what you do with them. Write things down. Make other rules to determine whether you write in the book or on pieces of paper

Brain Camp

802802 views99 comments55 favs


A Deaf Man

14101410 views1111 comments44 favs

Billy had crystal blue eyes A small mouth And long hair to cover up his Hearing aids. He told me once, with his hands How he liked to submerge His head in water and yell So loud he could feel it. "I can hear myself that way," he…

Time Flies

12341234 views55 comments44 favs

Time has wings. They are bright and beautiful, like those of a butterfly. They are delicate wings, and they carry the years away from my decaying mind. I would break those wings if I could, for tomorrow I turn seventy-three, and I grow weary of their ince

Down to Earth

11211121 views1616 comments44 favs

He ran his forefinger round the rim of the lid then sucked at his fingertip. The texture's like chalk, he thought, it tastes of earth. He hadn't anticipated this — but dipped his finger in again and swallowed. It was like scraping his tongue against a blackboard on…

Liked and Similar

10771077 views1111 comments55 favs

I haven't been here in a while!

Everyone Is Going Away

14951495 views88 comments44 favs

“I don’t know what’s going on there,” Hank, who hated his name and wanted a more Biblical name because those names (Jeremiah! Matthew! David!)—although common—sound ominous, said as he pointed up to the top of the apartment building that housed the whores

From the Notebook of John T. Cacciopo: A Brief Biography of Ann Coulter

18121812 views66 comments55 favs

"When Roach # 7845 awoke this evening, she found herself transformed into Ann Coulter. "


12521252 views88 comments44 favs

When the malady struck and the world fell dark at noon, she and I groped the walls and found our front door. Outside, bewildered, we heard the whine of jets in free-fall, explosions in the imagined distance. And we heard a car — or was it a truck that veered…

Billing Notice

10591059 views55 comments55 favs

Due to recent enhancements to our billing system, the rate per unit for your basic service can no longer be determined.

Employee Review

12131213 views66 comments55 favs

Resting bitch face strikes again.

A Quandry

12351235 views88 comments55 favs

On the river he rows a dory. It is filling with water. There is a rectangular hole in the bottom.

An Uneventful Night in an Italian Hospital

10391039 views66 comments44 favs

The voice is back! That voice, like milk and honey, like mother, like the school nurse who bandaged my scraped knee.

Land of Beastiality and the One Night Stand, #2

21132113 views44 comments22 favs

You want L.A.? I’ll give you L.A. Land of the perpetual one-night stand. Land of the Leslies and the Sweets lying around all day in their bed just around the corner from this convent across the street from my apartment that took in the pregnant and the lo


14061406 views55 comments55 favs

i flew

Natural History

11241124 views66 comments55 favs

It sits up tall on its hind legs to take in all of whatever this is, big and bluer than the sky, death's own taxicab parked on its doorstep.

Smoke and Stars

12541254 views99 comments55 favs

as distant lights all must shiver before joining in a Milky Way river

Pull Another String

12411241 views55 comments55 favs

Now as my fearful hand goes unwittingly up I search the faraway trees for the closest possible answer I know I don't know. The clever waiting beast is looking my way with an intelligent roving eye that says he likes to hit. It doesn't matter. You're worse…


424424 views77 comments44 favs

"... he with much to teach, I who had much to learn..."


14241424 views99 comments55 favs

but with a light, a rainbow light which was scattered, maybe she herself was a scattering of light, an infinity of universes caught like the opening rays of sunlight