1502 6 5
So she started sneaking into people’s houses in the middle of the night. She’d just sit in the kitchen for an hour or so, and just feel the peace. Never took anything or got into anything. Just sat there silently.
1287 6 6
Man, I'm not feeling so happy anymore. I tried to tackle my money but it slipped past me and ran out the door. I don't have a clue what to do. I'm hungry and I can't be worrying about you while both of us are trying to snag the same pair of…
1182 7 5
And right there beside me
That single wobbling
Snail-like trail of my heavy
French Horn case
1191 10 5
as I imagine only you canyou're the ocean on fire before anyone else hasbroken that ancient seal, or simply taken the first icy plunge.You can eatall the bitterfruit there is, but that stilldoesn't make theworld a more hatefulplace. Only people…
1239 8 5
Ellen arrived on the beach when it was still too dark to see the ground; the fine shells and small, sharp rocks hurt her feet, but she went ahead until her toes felt the edge…
1091 6 5
To listen is to feel embodied reason//
sing and dance with consummate grace
100 12 5
881 7 5
1140 8 5
It's all over now, Baby Blue...
1063 7 5
I dreamt, said the Donkey, of an apricot. An apricot the size of a heart. …
669 9 5
1608 11 4
His coarsely shaking voice, whispering embarrassingly crass old guy things in my ear, will make the blood rush to my young lady parts.
1088 7 5
The woman abruptly closed her legs.
1079 6 5
I heard them praying to some god
none of us had ever heard of.
I'm glad I went to the funeral
and still have the yellow rose that I
did not throw into his grave.
At some point
you have to stop nibbling
from the moldy cake.
1800 3 3
“Hey there!/
Here I am, a fucking moustache!/
I’m the biggest damn moustache/
you’ll ever see
1123 10 4
Every day, a fresh new/
strain of Hell reveals itself
1256 5 5
Innocent victims know their tonsils. Or know the sound of their forceful removal. Their mangled beauty is the grain that has gracefully substituted all the limb-hacking. The creature used to have a friend whose gestures were very harmless, …
1097 6 5
My dumb body
that does not speak
cried out your name
last night.
Did you hear it,
in your sleep?
1059 9 5
The number is very large/
and perpetually changes//
as old stars fade, explode,/
or collapse into something not stars
916 5 6
Our world is a prism floating through its own rainbow smeared shadows in a desperate attempt to get caught. Our lives are in the carpets, the planks, the winds. Whatever has heard us, has not believed in us enough to rescue us from our own …
1033 8 5
The thrum and the thrust//
have beaten conviviality out of me.
1275 9 5
To make your own, obtain a book with blank pages. Collect materials; postcards, photographs, magazines. Make rules to determine what you do with them. Write things down. Make other rules to determine whether you write in the book or on pieces of paper
837 9 5
1446 11 4
Billy had crystal blue eyes A small mouth And long hair to cover up his Hearing aids. He told me once, with his hands How he liked to submerge His head in water and yell So loud he could feel it. "I can hear myself that way," he…
1261 5 4
Time has wings. They are bright and beautiful, like those of a butterfly. They are delicate wings, and they carry the years away from my decaying mind. I would break those wings if I could, for tomorrow I turn seventy-three, and I grow weary of their ince
1149 16 4
He ran his forefinger round the rim of the lid then sucked at his fingertip. The texture's like chalk, he thought, it tastes of earth. He hadn't anticipated this — but dipped his finger in again and swallowed. It was like scraping his tongue against a blackboard on…
1105 11 5
I haven't been here in a while!
1533 8 4
“I don’t know what’s going on there,” Hank, who hated his name and wanted a more Biblical name because those names (Jeremiah! Matthew! David!)—although common—sound ominous, said as he pointed up to the top of the apartment building that housed the whores
1843 6 5
"When Roach # 7845 awoke this evening, she found herself transformed into Ann Coulter. "
1285 8 4
When the malady struck and the world fell dark at noon, she and I groped the walls and found our front door. Outside, bewildered, we heard the whine of jets in free-fall, explosions in the imagined distance. And we heard a car — or was it a truck that veered…