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10271027 views77 comments55 favs

I miss her.

Cat Woman Sexy #9

10451045 views99 comments55 favs

He kept saying how my old scars excited him to new truths


946946 views88 comments55 favs

Perhaps my grandparents, Fred and Lela, when they were growing up....


12311231 views99 comments55 favs

I brimmed with sexual energy and it flowed about me like a buttermilk, silk robe. Rich and thick, musk-laden and fortified with my own particular brand of woman.

My Hot Rod and the Redhead

10001000 views55 comments55 favs

I think the Air Force Colonel must have known, from the flushed looks on our faces, that I had just fucked his daughter in a roadside patch of ragweed on the way to their house somewhere outside Danville. I remember looking back and forth between him and

What Was It

935935 views66 comments55 favs

we were all meant to do with our love? What I can think of is to ask the question again. I suppose there are others more willing to supply you with a proper answer, but none seem real to me. These words are only stones,meant to skip across the…

Why Men Compete

991991 views44 comments33 favs

It starts on the Fallopian Speedway:


818818 views88 comments55 favs

The next/ may be the lucky one,/ undiscovered all these years.

(There) You Are(There Again)

868868 views88 comments55 favs

looking like you never once purposefully disappeared from our view. Like a river running clean through a fog's lying heart. Like standing thunder, suddenly gone solid enough, within a crazed hungry countryside, like a smile's radius, to be seen and heard …

Jackie Kennedy, Marge Simpson & Longevity: What I Learned From Magazines This Week

941941 views88 comments44 favs

The title of the overdue book returned to a public library in San Francisco 100 years after it had been checked out? Forty Minutes Late.(Readers Digest, 04/17)In 1999, Kathy McKeon, Jackie Kennedy's former assistant, went to a Halloween party dressed in a Marge Simpson…

Dramatic Effect

957957 views99 comments55 favs

You wanted transcendence, wanted height, danger, the tracks blurred into murky distances behind and in front of you. You slipped, reached for it, starlight shining in your eyes, something you didn't have when I held your hand. We didn't fold the…

A Cuppa

650650 views88 comments55 favs

David: Glad you made it. It’s been ages since we've had a cuppa.


11341134 views55 comments33 favs

papaya over-ripe displayed on the half with spoons sticking out - ” very ripe, tastes good “ blue crabs cooked with lavender i was sniffing a spoonful when the chef came out

On a bridge in Regensburg

13501350 views66 comments44 favs

To hear my name, called out across the Roman stones on a bridge in Regensburg through the languid March drizzle, was to breathe again as my head burst through the water.

Snake Eyes

12161216 views88 comments55 favs

Not believing enough in God he was made unfortunate. Neither cursed nor damned; merely little things. Missing rides, running out of toilet paper, showing up late. Until, suspecting someone he had overlooked, he chose a God. The wrong One it transpired. Things…

More news, another fugue...

569569 views55 comments55 favs

...he'd made a regrettable deal for Monkeydick long long ago, and the pain was deep, and it never went away.

Fear in a Handful of Dust

11531153 views99 comments55 favs

I fear my personal information travels the World Wide Web/ and mad Ukrainians will steal my name and wealth./ I fear the fiscal cliff and raising the ceiling on national debt./ I fear a death by taxes.

The Dead in Paris, Parts 5 and 6

919919 views55 comments55 favs

The virgins smirk / // We got medieval on their asses

Haliburton v US: Fallout

921921 views99 comments55 favs

Immediately following the landmark decision, Justice Roberts departed Washington for a six week, thirty state tour to educate and inform the Citizens of the United States regarding the judiciary and its fundamental role in the American Way.


10421042 views88 comments55 favs

"the dark velvet slide of the tongue."

How Was Your Afternoon, Dear? 2

10041004 views77 comments55 favs

The pool deck was covered with the bloody footprints of resident gawkers.

The Medicine

10561056 views55 comments55 favs

It wasn't pain but half of it, so half of it I mended

A Night in the Trailer of the Headlining Band

970970 views99 comments55 favs


This Cab Goes Out To The Styx

11631163 views88 comments55 favs

“Hey, Buddy,” he says finally, “you were supposed to make a right back there”, and I can see his eyes flash as he reads my ID card on the dash...

The Bottle

17231723 views88 comments55 favs

That bottle just sits there in the closet, next to the hats and a box full of old gloves. Years it’s been there. Try as we might, we never open it. We just don’t have a damn thing to celebrate. Who was it brought that bottle into our lives and went and ruined …

Fall Apart Stuff

16521652 views55 comments66 favs

He is snoring inside the silo of his throat. The inside there shines golden but that’s not the truth. There is something caught below the gold.

What Literary Rejection Letters Would Mean In The Real World

16161616 views88 comments55 favs

I ask for your patience with this form message, as it is part of a system that ensures every submissive ex lover is considered separately, since I am involved in a lot of anonymous sex.

Kitchen Fruit Fly Suicides

10031003 views55 comments55 favs

How the hell do these 1/8 inch long red-eyed flying insects wind up in my kitchen anyway?

Imparting Shots

10251025 views77 comments55 favs

He knows why I’m here, so he stalls, talking about the coffee, about how it’s a new dark blend from a little shop in The Village, about how he loves the flavor, so rich, but just because a coffee is dark doesn’t mean it’s stronger, that, in fact, it’s the


762762 views66 comments55 favs

What I had liked about Harvard before it showed itself in psychocareerist TV appearances and lid-down disingenuous printed psychotopical drills for maintaining crass privilege was the description online of its linguistics department.