by John Olson
Needs simplify life. For instance, today I need a farm. I'm in a mood to grow beans. I'm no greenhorn. I once petted a cat. And saw a woman crushing cans with her breast on YouTube.
Her breast was huge. Both breasts were huge. She used her right breast. Lifted it to her chin, aimed at the can, and shoved it down as hard as she could.
And crushed the can.
That must have hurt. That can't be good for a breast.
They say the mammary glands evolved to keep the eggs of early mammals warm. It is hard to say, because breasts do not fossilize well.
I feel quite certain they did not evolve to crush cans.
But what is emotion?
A high cliff overlooking the Pacific ocean.
John Ruskin doing a swan dive.
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Pretty cool. *
I can understand why Chris liked this. It goes from a to f to t to y, skipping 22 possible siblings. Well, OK, so I've been drinking.
Did John Ruskin tell a woman the virtues of being barefoot and pregnant before he did the swan dive?*
The details get lost under earth. Sumerians may have had container crushing bare breast competitions.
Where the hell's the video with this?? *
Love that last image. *