by David Ackley
Anything can give it shape
various leanings and poundings
threats and allegations
it believes what it hears
listens and adapts
old men pat it like a dog
at once admiring and asserting
mothers and wives shape it
into cookies or receptacles for
and of course there is thirst
there is hunger:
all that down there
what is within is
what is missing
the shape only adhering
blown there by a fugitive breath
that leaves it complete
completely empty
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Thinking about "the missing..."
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I especially liked the receptacles for madness. *
"what is within is
what is missing
the shape only adhering"
Most enjoyable.
Thanks Beate and Erika,
Glad you read and commented on this.
Really love this one, the ending, all of it. Strong writing *
"receptacles for madness"
Well done.
Thanks, Foster, Kitty and Gary. Delighted to have each of you look, read, approve.