947 7 6
we feel entitled to, so unwanted, afraid for, from the billions of stomping oafs, leaping onto our hearts like squishing jelly sandwiches for fun, bullies in power out there? To be brilliant onits tiny behalf? I forget, exactly whyare you still here anyway? Don't…
1156 4 5
I lost a baby two years ago. At 8.5 weeks after seeing her heart beat. I haven't been able to talk about it, but I can write about it. My throat cracks and splinters when I begin to form a thought or word or phrase. I took such great care when…
1047 6 6
And pity us, this generation of sighing:
1420 3 2
It was spring. The stepmother brought her newish daughter to the toy store for a surprise.
1370 7 5
The man and the lady loved to laugh. She would tuck her hair back and lay her head on his stomach after dinner while watching old scary movies on Thursday nights. She would listen to his stomach digest the food and laugh then, he would laugh and…
1117 7 6
Maybe it was a trick of the gloom.
1034 7 5
From this fundamental simplicity,/
houses, cities, regions./
A nebula stretches across the grid.
1048 8 4
He stood with the bride of quietness / on the precipice of questions
1881 9 6
Six kinds of crazy, he said. That told me everything. It told me enough.
717 7 3
No harp now hails, / no wood sings mirth, no good hawk / swoops through the hall, no swift steed / paws dirt in the castle-yard. Woeful death / has emptied earth of an ancient race.
1927 14 4
I still walk into galleries. A shadow of my old self still walks into galleries. That old self was hungry to be wounded by the juxtaposition of color and form and texture and line and darkness and light. But I can no longer see art. I can…
731 8 5
I ate a tuna salad sandwich for lunch.
2613 6 3
This happened to me on Friday, May 3, 2002 in North Austin on the corner of North Lamar and Mulberry Street.
1402 9 5
I'm warming my stool at the far end of the bar as usual, nursing my fourth draft on a balmy Wednesday afternoon when I lock eyes with this lady who's bashing her head through the front door. You've heard the expression, “50-yard fox,” right? —Looks…
1327 11 5
An anorexic middle-aged woman walked up and watched me..
1118 8 5
Have you measured the cups, the conveyors' yield? Do you know the span? I am the LORD your God, she murmured.
1429 7 6
Now, the Midwest was ashes. The oceans were covered with hydroponics plant growth.
897 6 5
You don’t want to tango with me, she said.
183 12 5
Frankly, I would rather die than have my diary published. Now that everyone in the whole world knows Anne’s deepest secrets, I’m sure she would want to kill herself anyway.
1014 10 5
things of
783 6 5
I can walk among words, Scatter them like birds, to compose two thirds of a poem, when they settle on nearby wires, in an order inspiring wonder. What do they think, when I scatter them asunder. Bring them disarray, Shape them to a…
1241 8 5
1442 10 5
As a boy I fished under the Tappan Zee bridge which spans the Hudson River above New York City.
1417 10 5
I tell my doc I’m special, 1 in 1,000,000 special: unhitched, pushing 44, and knocked up. "Call Guinness," I joke, and fake jab his right arm. He puts his two hands over mine, smiles gently, like a father.
794 6 5
A petition submitted to the Planning Department of Palm Beach Florida requests a zoning variance applied to Mar — a — Lago. Studies, backed by research, have defined Mar-a- Lago, an ideal location for shelter and protection for immigrants, fleeing from…
1295 6 5
Even the neighborhood houses show their sunburnt faces and symptoms of heat stroke in the glow of their night lights.
1105 13 5
each act of creation is a jolt of expectation
1556 9 4
Where I grew up, you did not venture casually into ocean waters.
915 8 5
We broke our hearts rather than sit in your reversible seats with the plain brown paper packages tied on our laps, we did so together. You don't want to hear about that. It gets too close to the actual murder of love. I…
1589 5 5
But all that they found at the top was bloody red spatters on pure white snowflakes. And beyond that footprints that got smaller and smaller until they disappeared completely into the spicy green pines.