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The Wedding Is Off

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I sat in the kitchen with the phone in my hand. The phone had just stopped ringing. When it rang, its screen lit up with the face of the caller. It vibrated and played a tune called "Dusk 2 Dawn." Now the kitchen was silent.

We do not make the most of situations

12011201 views33 comments00 favs

We do not say the phrases that would smooth things over.


10021002 views00 comments00 favs

That was really the problem with leaving. She had to leave everything, could take none of the perfection with her. Anything she took would’ve been too little, or too much, once removed. Once not in his house, not in his vision or touch, the magic would

Sarah Nell

933933 views1616 comments33 favs

There are two, though, that stayed for more than just a little while: Marvin and Oscar. Marvin was married and that's all I have to say about that. Oscar wasn't and it seemed as though he wasn't planning on getting married either. What a petty man he was.

A Dispatch from an Enivironmental Lawyer Who is Trying to Grow a Mustache

11141114 views11 comment11 fav

Angelina Jolie, seducer of Brad Pitt, tattooed mother of rescued orphans, and the unlikely daughter of Jon Voight who broke Billy Bob Thornton's heart, is only two blocks from me, in a travel trailer on Seventh Street, gently rousing herself from sleep.

From the Found Notebooks of Homer's Writing Group

15741574 views66 comments33 favs

Oh, also, had no idea what the whole visit to the Kingdom of the Dead was getting at. Interesting, but seems unrelated to the larger story. I'd cut it. Remember — this is a story about one man's attempt to get home. Stay focused on that.

A Little Bit of Syrup

13361336 views55 comments33 favs

"I made up my mind then, in the backseat, sucking on a cherry Popsicle, that I wanted to be like Ruby’s mother..."

Too Quiet on the Carpet

13451345 views44 comments11 fav

I've seen the pinch marks. It can't be worth it.

Why We Came to Target at 9:58 on a Monday Night

19341934 views1818 comments1313 favs

Donnie remembers just in time. So we run practically every stop sign and red light in town, and get there just before they close.


14171417 views1313 comments88 favs

There is a price. It's on the back. If you turn it around you'll see. It isn't expensive. Everything's okay.


14951495 views00 comments00 favs

The man that had been in the driver's seat approached. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he said.

(On Tuesday...)

10801080 views66 comments33 favs

On Tuesday, he wears his suit to the cafe. Of course they'll let him pay! Of course. Under the table, his wife accepts their wadded bills.


22382238 views77 comments77 favs

My father-in-law is drunk. This is something only my husband and I know: the old man does not stagger or flail, he is not vacant; neither too-friendly nor hostile to the woman who shows us to a table and sets down three bundles of silverware wrapped in paper…

The Oddest Thing Ever Found in a Pocket

14151415 views88 comments22 favs

On an October day in 1909 Mrs. Prudence O'Kannady, industrious wife of Mr. Joseph Patrick O'Kannady of Corn Falls, Nebraska, discovered, while sorting clothing for the wash, in the pocket of a set of dungarees belonging to her youngest son Rufus, a tiny human head. When…

The Big Dipper

40554055 views6868 comments4141 favs

She was proud of her breasts, which were large, adult size. I didn't have any breasts yet, but the doctor said not to worry.

Three Cigarette Stories.

1833618336 views1111 comments99 favs

My mother is private with her grief. Since my father’s death last year there has been almost no talk of him. When she got back from the funeral, she put his clothes in boxes for Goodwill, and rearranged the furniture in the den. She won’t discuss what

Greedy Pigs

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So I says,


950950 views00 comments00 favs

“Gaudy talking, ordination, high finance and politicking won’t save you. Moshaka zumbrala!” screamed Pastor Cleon Wrunk.

The Marriott Hotel, Downtown Brooklyn

14911491 views77 comments44 favs

There was a time when she could quell the loathing that Fred inspired in her. She could force it down. Back then, for instance, when they’d been in counseling, the ball of hatred had only been a little, overripe orange - squishy and occasionally mushed

None Of It Grace

19251925 views2323 comments77 favs

I made him stop at an AM-PM. We bought a bag of barbecue chips and a yellow rose. Those days, we were testing our keels, sloshing against whatever rose most wicked. On the way to Beth Anne's apartment, we passed a man on the shoulder heaving a couch back

His Name Is

20602060 views1515 comments1212 favs

Larry lies on top of her, he kisses her, his lips, she thinks, are dry, but she prefers dry to wet because overly wet in the mouth is never a good thing.

Move Over

10971097 views77 comments22 favs

In fifth grade my mom gave me her CD player. I didn't own many CDs, only a few I remember, but I couldn't take it off my head.

Once There Was a Way to Get Back Home

20772077 views55 comments11 fav

I should have covered myself with leaves. I should have wandered farther from the path.

Envy the book

12071207 views44 comments11 fav

Once, during an argument, she had said, It’s like there’s another woman, except she doesn’t exist. Which sometimes it really did feel like, a betrayal, being thrown over for someone else. The muse. She could have shot the muse.

Dakar 1989

12561256 views77 comments33 favs

Everyone runs to the plane but me. I get the last seat (middle of 5), crush men’s bags on my way. I’m white & female. They glare.

Lisa Duncan's Mom

19481948 views1111 comments88 favs

Lisa Duncan's mom was puffy, and you could always see part of her breasts.

Reverse Order

13051305 views55 comments22 favs

Robert wants so badly after reading a book where a man wakes up as a bug to wake up as a bug. He researches the avenues of metamorphosis where science has been where it is going. He is disappointed that of all things science has turned into other things, none…

Second Wife

17401740 views1515 comments1010 favs

If things continue to go bad for her she will become second wife in six years.


21442144 views1717 comments66 favs

Red is a boy...

The agreement

12261226 views22 comments11 fav

It felt like he'd just taken his marriage out into the woods, forced it to its knees, and put a bullet through its head. Or they had, together.