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Garph and Sparky Barker

13651365 views44 comments00 favs

Children, afraid of dogs cried. There was uproar of melee. Children strained at their leashes to get away.

The Promise

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Conjoined - her hardened nipple brushing, softly, against him, his chest hair caressing her skin like a thousand hungry lovers’ fingers – the perfect moment lasted eternity.


12121212 views66 comments11 fav

I’m trying to get this said, this piece of fact. If I am a person who can own something, then that something that I own is not me, not me as a person. I do not own my foot, my foot is my own. It’s like a whatsit, a semantic distinction I’m trying to


13971397 views55 comments22 favs

She sees the little girls in the yard through her front window. They’re as naked as the day they were born, not far from the event itself. They dip backward and forward like pitchers, laughing, balling up their little white fists and shaking them like t

A Letter to the Global Warming

13381338 views44 comments00 favs

I am mightily pissed. I was, like, waiting for you last night, at the Greenhouse cafe, and you stood me up. I should have listened to my mom who always advised me not to go on blind dates, but you are so popular that I just couldn't help myself. When I ca

Three Photos

16371637 views33 comments00 favs

The first photo above shows plainly: five children dressed in suits and dresses. There are three girls. Each girl wears a yellow sundress with chiffon ribbons. The boys have been terrorizing them--the girls, not the dresses.

Faithful Still

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The moonlight illuminated Dahlia’s bare breasts. She remembered when Gerard used to appreciate them.

Winnie the Pooh and the Very Medicated Day

28322832 views3434 comments1717 favs

One day, when Rabbit was taking his medications, Tigger bounced his carrots to smithereens and Rabbit had an idea. A wonderful, terrible idea.

Moving On

19361936 views1313 comments66 favs

When we say "Nanoism is looking for twitter-fiction serials for its current contest," this is one example of what we mean.

Slut Whore

24822482 views1313 comments55 favs

Slut Whore has every Barbie on the market lined up sitting on the windowsill along her bedroom wall, and all their best clothes and accessories.

The Cheerleader

963963 views22 comments00 favs

He sat behind her in Honors English, each day studying everything about her.......

To Make Way for the Future

11431143 views55 comments11 fav

It was the shock of black hair twisted into a long thick braid that got our attention and made us want to find meaning here. Albert thought he recognized the hair in the grave.

The Birth of Roget’s Thesaurus

13061306 views00 comments00 favs

“Imagine a Shakespearean scholar coming upon an undiscovered work by the Bard. That’s how thrilling this is."

Cream Base Neutral Tan

11021102 views22 comments11 fav

Face defined-front part of head Cybil's eyes stick to a mirror and guard the woman's skin. The woman's image could be the result of uncontrolled narcissism, yet dry wrinkles are visible from her reflection. Disguise cream covers some of the woman's c

Something for you

13031303 views66 comments11 fav

Bearing the smell of paper on her fingertips. Ink in her hair.

Sort of Like Bukowski, But Completely Oblivious

11651165 views00 comments00 favs

My eyes don’t close but hers are shut tight, and something inside tells me that to this girl, I could be absolutely anyone.

The Bludgeoning of a Burgeoning Young Artist

11181118 views11 comment00 favs

There was an implicit understanding, made clear by Athena's gentle stroking of Freddy's silky blond hair, that he would share her canopy bed with its frilly fuchsia pillows. He didn't mind this, despite despising the color of the pillows.

At the End of a Day

760760 views00 comments00 favs

We have morning doves. Sparrows. And these orange-beaked birds that Karen spotted one afternoon and which gave her dreams that night about wild toucans and macaws and about two parrots—white and red—that adopted her as their mother when she said, ...

Carpe Tempus

12661266 views11 comment11 fav

Now all I have left is yesterdays.

Fifth of July

17661766 views33 comments22 favs

On the day my grandmother was buried, my grandfather shucked corn.

Alcoholism Does Not Come Naturally to All Alocoholics

11061106 views44 comments11 fav

Couldn't get that first beer past his nose. Fared no better with wine, gagging on red and white. Then someone fixed him screwdriver.

Writing Prompt 5086992075

12021202 views11 comment11 fav

Set your three-word story in prison.


956956 views11 comment00 favs

We’re forty-three.

Cold Blooded Moon by Paul D. Brazill

10791079 views11 comment11 fav

Jason poured himself another glass of Burgundy and tried to flush Jenna from his thoughts

SWAMPLANDS by Paul D. Brazill

12541254 views55 comments22 favs

Elvis awoke in a cold, dank sweat, hungover from bourbon and bad dreams.

The Congregation Next Door

11851185 views33 comments11 fav

When Carlton Hanks bought the house on the corner of Annunciation and General Pershing, right next to St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, he believed that he’d live in peace.


10021002 views33 comments00 favs

Goodbye comes in stages. At first you recognize that you will “miss” someone when they are gone. Then you have to accept the fact that they are leaving. And finally accept the fact that they are gone; and not particularly in that order. If only it

Tooth Decay

16291629 views11 comment00 favs

The schedule fell smoothly into place: After Imogene went home at the end of the day, Calvin locked the office door, then he and Rosalie marched into the examination room and she flossed him.

Holy Adam and Saint Jason

10611061 views11 comment11 fav

“Where is my mom?” I think. I shouldn't have to be here alone. I am twenty two years old, strung-out on methamphetamine and sitting in a courtroom. It is the third day of the murder trial. My son was the victim. He was only two and his…

Dead Batteries

10161016 views33 comments33 favs

She woke before the sun was up to brew a pot of coffee. His eyes blinked open as he lay in bed smiling, smelling the fresh coffee mixed with marijuana smoke. He walked to the living room and sat next to her on the couch. He rested his head against her shoulder.…