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Watching Our Reflections on TV While We Wait

15111511 views88 comments11 fav

We sat in a row on the long couch and no one's legs could reach the floor. Granddaddy took the first one the kid who no one knew and said to us "the rest of you stay put."

One of Four

12711271 views1111 comments66 favs

She stood with her sisters, pretty maids in a row, felt cold despite the scorching spring sun. Heard what the man said but didn’t register; words from the Lord flew around her like the flighty trill of the robins up above. The birds made more sense.

Wild Dreams of Reality, 7

13121312 views00 comments00 favs

7 We sat in Darrell's truck in the deserted silent world of the down-trodden industrial area of West Berkeley, where no one in his right mind went at five in the morning. "Put the gun away, Darrell," I said. "I mean it." "I can't help but keep


850850 views22 comments00 favs

It's eight fifteen in the morning, my favorite time to call, and a guy named Ernie DeCampo answers the door in his work pants and a t-shirt. “Good morning, Mr.De Campo,” I say. “Do you have any fireworks in your home?” …

Joey's War

852852 views55 comments11 fav

Joey tried to shoot the cop with his air gun but the cop sprayed Joey with pepper spray.

Irrational Obligations

915915 views22 comments00 favs

Irrational Obligations In honor of National Pi Day Any excuse for a circle, a way to pinch the day. They are calling it something like a celebration only with bigger words and too many numbers to count. We'll have to approximate the amount of joy …

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 10: In Which A Vital Fact Is Recalled

853853 views00 comments00 favs

Late spring, summer before cancer. Frank drove Max and his pal Jason to Cincinnati for their first rock show. Less Than Jake at Bogart's. A two-hour drive for ska-punk.

The Long Grass

15231523 views33 comments22 favs

Julius winced, knowing there was no way out. Amy showed him every worm, every insect, every dead mouse she’d found when they were in the fields. She pulled him forward, making his bruised shoulder burn.

Birthday Boy

10371037 views55 comments00 favs

The sound of it wasn't right in his head yet. When he said it aloud he didn't really believe it.

it’s a true story

13091309 views11 comment00 favs

My only celebrity anecdote involves seeing Barbara Bush in the back of the Presidential limo ...

The Boys

15841584 views1717 comments66 favs

The Boys The Boys, they call my brothers in the neighborhood, or Those Boys. The Taylor Boys. Sometimes, Mom calls them Thing One and Thing Two, like in The Cat in the Hat. Those bad boys. Nobody has brothers like my brothers, kicked off the school bus, barred…


19131913 views3535 comments1919 favs

The gull put its foot down, stretched its wings out and swept into the salty breeze.

The Voice of My Body

996996 views11 comment00 favs

It's saying, "It feels as if you've given me your old, your tired and your poor. I feel much older than the years you've logged."

Silver Spring to Phoenix

11871187 views55 comments55 favs

Vibrations of a cavern a mile beneath silver willows.At two in the morning beyond the Sheratona lumination of pollution intercedes realism.Cardinals and doves develop their melodyprogressively caught in beat/heart echoes,as with spelunker canaries fluting noxious gasa small…

the marriage of heaven and hell & their cat

871871 views11 comment00 favs

It is hard

Bird In the House

18621862 views77 comments22 favs

"Because of the way our society is structured, a lot of people have to climb hard to get to anywhere reasonable in their lives, losing fingernails and a sense of dignity on the way up."

There's Life Underground

937937 views44 comments00 favs

I'm not dreaming anymore.


12761276 views2727 comments1414 favs

Your writing offended the editors greatly, and we would select certain word choices we disliked, but we truly hated every word, including mere articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.

The Fountain

18241824 views66 comments44 favs

The man looked at him for a moment, as if he didn’t understand him, “Mr. Wallace, you have a genuine miracle in your bathroom. This isn’t something that just wraps up.”

Ode to a Crow

15621562 views77 comments33 favs

We walk in silence. We water our plants. We don’t eat as well as we should. We try to love. We try to forget.

Of Mugs and Men

14831483 views44 comments22 favs

I want to break that mug. (Break him.)


13051305 views66 comments33 favs

Doc and I talked for several hours. When I told him Mona was pregnant, he turned his head and looked at me. “Who's the father?” he asked. Don't know, I said. Mona didn't know, either.

Wild Dreams of Reality, 6

15441544 views22 comments11 fav

The diner was half filled with the loose ends of humanity that stayed up until five in the morning. We picked a booth by the window. The light in the diner was a dingy yellow, and the seats were that lobster-red vinyl that could only have been installe


896896 views00 comments00 favs

Michael lay on his back and counted his breaths, measuring their depth of inhalation and release.


12051205 views22 comments11 fav

Six thousand dollars was a small price for a man's life. Mario was in the back seat of the Honda with Johnny next to him handcuffed, all tense. Francisco had it on a rap station, the sort of music that gave Mario a headache.

Needles And Sins

983983 views00 comments00 favs

They've put down roots under the dome. Want to push through the ceiling, blot out the sun. I have other plans.

Tea with Mrs. Doyle

20682068 views3636 comments1616 favs

I looked at it awhile waiting for it to cool. She said, "Ahh, go on! - Go on, go on.”

Alt Break

10211021 views22 comments11 fav

the Griot Grrrls stopped playing their distinctive brand of power progressive acoustic worldfunk at open-mics around campus

You leave me

765765 views44 comments00 favs

laying with you, thinking with you, breathing with you


13361336 views1010 comments55 favs

As a boy I fished under the Tappan Zee bridge which spans the Hudson River above New York City.