Mimi Carmen

Website http://

About Me

Well, nice of you to ask. I'm married, work as an assistant, executive secretary to my husband in his business. In between, I read and try to write or revise my short stories every day.

Why do you write?

Writing is nearly like a drug. It transcends the ordinary to beyond, it entertains, inspires, lowers and elevates your expectations, your speculations, your desires. Not only the dream state, but the craft of writing is involved,and it's free. I've thought about why I write, and decided it's something I have to do. In all of my 27 Civic Theater plays, I was enchanted with making the character come to life. But mostly I wished I had writen the story from which the play was taken.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Well, there are just so many, but if I chose four from all the rest, Flannary O'Connor, Vladimir Nabokov, Ernest Hemingway and T.C.Boyle. Right now, most of my reading time is spent reading Boyle, although I try to sandwich in Nabokov's autobiography, Speak,Memory. Favorite Books, again too many. Try to catch up on John Updike. I read all of T.C.Boyles immediately as they are published. Boyle's short stories, the anthologies are a constant inspiration to me.

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