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Boolean Muteness

934934 views44 comments11 fav

I believe in scouring the sea with spears

The Untimely Death of the Old Forgotten Man

12791279 views44 comments22 favs

I watched haunted as my pearl tooth circled the rotten porcelain sink. I could feel my hair thinning and my pale skin suddenly felt too loose.

Hardly Used Tractors

19431943 views1313 comments77 favs

Now Carver Smithton has a paunched belly as stout as the beer that fills it. His upper lip is thick, fat and flat like a caterpillar run over by a semi on Highway 17.

At the Faire

996996 views99 comments11 fav

Carl and Dolly were actors. Dolly was offered the lead in a porno film, but she turned it down.

Abre La Puerta

5858 views77 comments33 favs

My daughter, now four, can count to 15 in Spanish. How old are you? Cuatro. How old will you be on your birthday? Cinco. She likes Dora and thinks Diego is weird.

A Few Introductory Words

10791079 views44 comments00 favs

And without further ado, The Author.

Exiled from English

10421042 views22 comments11 fav

Then they made him stay after school and met with his parents. Scott was sent outside to play in an empty playground. He didn’t feel like playing. He sat on the steps outside the classroom and listened to his Dad shouting through the plastic walls.

Happy Birthday... Mr. President

12181218 views33 comments11 fav

Her dress swirled around her as she stepped into the ballroom, looking every bit as sultry as her recent Playboy cover...


20342034 views88 comments33 favs

They should have shot me when I turned 80, a bullet right between my sunken eyes.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 4

13471347 views44 comments00 favs

That night we slept on the floor of Kirk and Maggie’s apartment and listened to them arguing all night about art and life and love. Ah, me, I sighed, the sad soul of America! I thought of Walt Whitman. I thought of Allen Ginsberg.


962962 views99 comments44 favs

My dad / always had a fondness for Raleigh’s kind of loss

What Noah Joad Was Thinking When They Left Him Behind

16091609 views1010 comments77 favs

Going to catch Ma a fish. Won't be special like Tom coming home. But she won't have to feed it. She can eat it.

Book of Genesis

11811181 views55 comments22 favs

Almost to the elevation of regret.


987987 views00 comments00 favs

I catch a glimpse of myself in the small mirror on the adjacent wall and find myself becoming shy at my own reflection, which is ludicrous in theory, shying away from oneself, but as I lock onto the few freckles I have spread neatly on both cheeks...

Lost Dream

13951395 views1010 comments55 favs

It’s a song you knew once, begin to remember now: You’ve had this dream before.

How To Make Your Own Falling Star, or Dreamland Begins at Sunset, So Be a Dear and Pass It On, Will Ya?

24872487 views3333 comments1616 favs

The world moves its roving glass eye around in front of you like a dog trying to flip over a frisbee, as if trying to show you how the loveliness of all things here and yet there, from an anything goes, different, always shifting,…

Parsing We

10091009 views22 comments11 fav

An excellent plan. Just like old times.


11431143 views44 comments22 favs

So if we all have an idea what goes down when the young person at the cash register (the registerista?) asks, “Can I help you?” then we all know there’s a different way to habla at Seattle’s gift to the world.

Moving Day

52015201 views1919 comments2222 favs

I didn’t hear that Duncan Pratt had been killed until I’d been out of the Army for two weeks and had gone four days without a single thought about that final year in Vietnam.

The Boyfriend

11071107 views66 comments44 favs

As a boyfriend, he knows that such A.D.D. insensitivity could be considered a major liability in the eyes of most girlfriends, including his.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 3

930930 views22 comments00 favs

That put a real crimp in our already crimped sex life. Actually I didn’t mind as much as Allison minded. It made her real grumpy when she didn’t get laid. I could never understand how she could bear so much pain, because she was so small that it was l

Tales from the Golden Age II

15711571 views1313 comments44 favs

--How's the wriiting business? How about that thing you' was workin' on..."Gawain's Green Nights?" --Yeah, well, I'm kind of off the soft-core...

Four Quarters for a Dollar Moon

11151115 views22 comments22 favs

There's a large tunnel that runs under my house. I can only estimate but it's not deep below the ground and that's what worries me.

Serving Up Apathy

10331033 views11 comment00 favs

"Did you want that with the shrimp or the chicken?" the waitress asked. "Uh, shrimp is fine" the old man replied. "I'll be right back with some more bread" the waitress plasters a fake smile on as she walks away. 'What the hell am I doing. I've got a BS i

Jelly Doughnuts (from The New Yorker)

14701470 views44 comments33 favs

Simmi's only been in New York three weeks, but the second night she was here Buck took her to a coffee place he knew, and now Simmi makes sure he takes her there every night...

Along Came Doreen

20152015 views6060 comments1616 favs

I didn't really know her. Yet, to me, she and her friends epitomized the local hip scene.

The Wedding

10001000 views66 comments55 favs

Anneliese inserted one of her crystal drops in Hymen's left ear and kept her left earring in. For a quarter, she bought a handful of cashews and plopped them on a red napkin.

I will be your girlfriend, Sam Pink

13411341 views11 comment00 favs

I don't really know, though. I've been locked in a beer cave for the last ten years of my life. I was just let out by some frat boys who were looking for Natty Light.

I Like it This Way

13561356 views1717 comments77 favs

Through its branches we saw a couple. Teenagers, narrow and pale, two young birch trees, their roots twisted, submerged in the water.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 2

832832 views22 comments00 favs

A large crowd of students began to gather around the base of the building that housed the administrative offices, where my hearing was being held. The meeting room was up on the second floor.