An action oriented solution for bovinity
Why was it so difficult to move / toward anything?
She looks exactly like my sister, though I do not have a sister.
Lady, if I were going to hire a whore, it wouldn't have been you.
And by God he made it to heaven! St. Peter waved him on in...
Nothing more savory than gossip relayed in confidential tones.
Oryn knelt down beside Alysia and grabbed her white and light blue hair. She pulled it back, and tried to get an emotional response. Their eyes locked in place. Sparks of anger clashing between their faces.
If you were looking for her
She's in the backwoods
grafting your skin
from her thighs
Another subject of interest is "furverts"--"individuals who engage in sexual activity while dressed in animal costumes."
The increasingly furrowed lines on his forehead made her stomach clench.
We need to keep writing
because the great ones
aren’t always that great
We need to keep writing
to insure that the future
even has a future
We need to keep writing
because the wind won’t know how
or when to listen if we don’t
No one could understand. No one wanted to understand. They were all gripped with horror, fear flowing through every nerve in their body. Could it be a serial killer? Could it be an animal ? Could it be an accident? Or was this a prank gone bad ?
Whoever came up with the term kismet is an absolute moron. There isn't a single reason, or word, that can describe what exactly my brain has concocted in the face of him. No, kismet isn't what makes it happen. It's my own stupidity..
In the vaultwhere no one had daredsince your first stillborn screamsI swept out your deadThe gnawing thingsboneless and dustyand stinking of churchesYou came to me thenand I took youthere in the shadowsunder the tree on the grassnear the reeds by the lakeI dived in your…
It is no coincidence that the bossa nova craze coincided with the years in which I achieved my greatest romantic success--first through sixth grades.
He couldn’t dredge up a single memory about the sex.
At James’ funeral, Edward recalled the Brooklyn night in James’ Chevy.
Jane says to Roy, “What are you doing, Roy?”“Fuck off, Jane, I'm reading,” says Roy.“Well you could have just said so.”“I did.”“I mean just without—”“Yeah, well fuck off anyway.”“I've had…
The silence grew louder as it grew longer.
She is left feeling like she has missed a stop, that she's at the last stop, that she's somewhere she wasn't meant to be.
Roanne hungered. Memory had ruled her forever. Shards really, edged like machetes: daddy, whose fingers had eyes in the dark. Momma, ensconced in the shadows. Inside the church, those pairs of short…
You will say how easy it was to love him, How he is kind, gentle, Quick to rub your shoulders in the evening And never one to forget an anniversary. They will ask you of his interests, moods, pass-times And you will silently think of…
where is the magic at?
the spit
the dirt
or the words?
"What is a vageena?" I wanted to know.
Who will plume the chicken?
Who tend
the little flower
of the soft person?
Who steal the pea out
from under the bank
while you’re holding it up?
Her eyes grew wide, moist, catching the low light, holding onto it as if an imprisoned lover. "So you come home." I smiled. Was she playing a game?
I don’t name the dog but the fish requires a name. Animals that do not get eaten must be named. The dog is still on the menu.
It was Judge Fogarty who said “Thirty days in the market—take him away. Give him a good broom to sweep with—take him away.”
Billy took acid and blatzed into a 7-11, holding his dick like he hoped the store guy would think the thing was an Uzi. The guy laughed his ass off, reached under the counter, and pulled out a .38…