What don't they all do for us?They absorb, eliminate negative feelings and make you smile. To just name a few ... They make you sane, how insane it may seem from a certain point of view.But let me tell you this: I'm 1300 kms away from my family. I don't care much about…
I dreamt my legs were stirring the air up behind your back, as you lay between my thighs. Stirring the air repetitively, like a sea anemone stirring the water to feed the soul, the hunger between the legs and arms, for new life.
Stirring up the salt
Every night I say "I dream about you all the time, Nae Ann," but the truth is I don't. I dream about stupid crap at work like air filters for a 2006 Mazda RX-8 GT.
Somewhere outside of the future I am seeing Weinberg, the duplicate failed mimeographed onto the front of ourselvescompromised composite grown from a codependent blastocyte talking to the boxes on the edge of tomorrow, collectiblecrystal lined folliclesharvested at the peak…
and say did you know it was written just for you? But I will. No one will walk up to you on the busy street one day and say did you know he loved you this much? But I'm telling you now. What good would a pyramid be or a hanging garden or a starry…
The fish would need a name, but she didn’t know how to tell if it was a boy or a girl. Did fish have penises?
She didn't know why she thought the ring wouldn't fit her finger, but it slid on easily and effortlessly, coming to rest in the old familiar place it always had, the groove that had worn in her finger after seven years of wearing it. She hadn't worn it in a few months,…
They all looked for Vic's leg after the accident.
I remember some of the tight-fitting garments you wore, your looks seeping through them. The light blonde hairs at your neck and at your middle. Were we really expected to keep our hands off each other? It is foolish to think so. I know what I was think
That’s true, you know, what they said about the drummer and spontaneous combustion.
For the woman with no arms, life is a constant dexterity demonstration
I Charles had always been bad at small talk, especially when the other person wasn't helping by taking part. “What're we doing after this?” He asked. Hiro's reply was to frown at…
square mannequin-wives who can’t look in their eyes
a pit-bull or a rottweiler or something like that
"It was here where he’d first seen the girl—Nan. Slender, with brown hair, pale skin, sitting on a bench, and reading from a pile of papers on her lap."
Born, he stood up. He wore nothing as often as possible
On my snowshoe walk today
a man leaned out his window and
yelled at me to go away.
My cell phone shakes; it’s my father’s voice calling my name - so far away - with long distance crackle and panic on the line.
We two have this entire lifetime left, so let's waste it . . . .
A motivational speaker I know intimately cannot abide any form of swearing.
When detox-man drives away, the windows down, the radio playing on the classic rock station (The Eagles), he thinks about moving out of town.
If I can’t lure you with this animal that’s in me, what can? I want to know. With this pain that was privately held for so long? That was acquainted with the fellowship of hell? I sang, I cried out when I was away from you, even while tossing and twitch
I draw your location on my thighs. It takes up both legs; it’s far. I think about showing you but something comes up. The phone rings. I tell her I don’t want to donate to the PBA.
A brown snake coils and nests around purple plums on his lap. I am thrilled he isn’t dead.
"I need a male friend, and I think I've found one."
And what about: there's this signature dessert at the restaurant where you are eating and it is called DEATH BY CHOCOLATE? And you know it is, because you've had it, and wow.
The river was frigid. Branches, empty cans, and used condoms float past me.I lost my jacket when I became snagged on a tree branch. My shoes are gone. My skin is blue-grey, as are my lips and fingernails. I've been face-down in this river for two…
Nothing is what was wrong when I asked.
"We regret the inconvenience. Due to hijack activity, we have orders to secure this flight. Please remain seated. We will be landing shortly. Thank you for your cooperation."