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Luminous Nights, 9

634634 views00 comments00 favs

Both of us agreed we needed to break up, and have some time apart before we ended up killing each other. Before Robbie left Chicago to begin classes out in California, he made a promise to me — that he intended one day to return and marry me. He sai

Free As A Bird

941941 views44 comments22 favs

The cell was crowded, barely enough room to swing a cat.

Daddy Walked the Pits

22972297 views2323 comments1919 favs

Seems like the tar just got hold of Daddy somehow. What is it about asphalt and a man?

IRS Tries Eunuchs for Tough Tax Collection Cases

589589 views00 comments00 favs

“I’ve seized a family’s satellite dish, I’ve put a lien on a guy’s blue tick hound–everything,” Suggins says with a laugh.

The Floating Dock

943943 views11 comment11 fav

Charley carried the corpse over to the dinghy and tossed it into the pool of rain water collected inside. The headless snake swerved through the water, oblivious to its fate, powered perhaps by exposed nerves and muscle memory.

Even The Air Has Fingers

548548 views11 comment00 favs

Fingers amaze me. They uncoil from a fist into a star of infinite capacity.

77 Words About Nothing (4.05.2012)

959959 views00 comments00 favs

I sold my ego to pay a parking ticket. And then I wrote 77 words about mental health.


772772 views00 comments00 favs

I try to make conversation by showing her the washing instructions for the jeans I just bought for $375.00. She reads slowly. “What, do they assume you live in Australia or something?”


786786 views33 comments00 favs

I wanted only to be still, to become a rustle for a moment of papery fall leaves sighing past one another on their way to the funeral pyre in the front lawn, sweetly fragrant with the scent of death and inevitable decline, fearless in their annihilation, incandescent…

Right Now You're Being So Sloshed{revisited}

489489 views22 comments22 favs

amongst the other gentlygathering flotsam up against my internal dictionary's borders. Doesn't matter much if the deed is life rushing itself through a tube that poured us out together like this, or just mutual need that…

15 Restatements

10621062 views55 comments33 favs

I arrange 15 restatements of how lovely you are forward then backward, horizontally then vertically then along the diagonals.


20132013 views2626 comments2323 favs

I counted telephone poles and the seconds between them. The old highway cut straight through the sand and it seemed the road would never end. No curves. No hills. Just poles.

Rules, Laws, and Restrictions: The New Society

662662 views44 comments11 fav

#1. No chocolate or dessert ads of any kind after 8 p.m. #2. No names such as Wild Ferret, Backhoe, or Bunny Bacon allowed on the internet after hours. #3. No Smoky Motor Cars It’s the New Society. All will be well, after dark. Remember, only the

Brussegem, a snug hell (novel excerpt)

993993 views00 comments00 favs

Long ago, this painter Brussegem had hung the dark mantle of Outcast Artist” over his shoulders—and over his life, he formed a strict philosophy—Art and Only Art—and protected his solitude and artistry with all his moody might,....

Why I Don't Write Sex Scenes Anymore

15601560 views1111 comments99 favs

I’ve had my face talked off by those types (and I’m sure you’ve met a few) who need to say and hear “special” words, and they go "unh-hunh, unh-hunh, o yeah, o yeah, unh hunh."

The Judger

11871187 views44 comments22 favs

Better not hand me that iPhone. I'll look up every damned thing in it.

The Confounded

803803 views22 comments11 fav

Your left hand cups your balls which are drawn up tight under a turgid fireplug cock. Your right hovers over your temple, thumb cocked at the cheek. Your eyes are dreamy, mouth wry, chest and belly furry and fat. You're a picture in a file on my desktop on which…

How to Pass among Mortals

10821082 views99 comments44 favs

Take no form or face beautiful enough to cause warfare, or that which would provoke inanimate objects to song. If a tree wishes to flower in your presence, request that this happen very slowly.

Luminous Nights, 8

823823 views22 comments00 favs

Overnight Robbie had lost his youth. But since he was still only nine and his arm looked like a nine-year-old's arm, people didn't notice much at first, until he tried running. Or if he was introduced, and they went to shake his hand. He immediately lea

The Eric Dolphy Marching Band

11081108 views22 comments11 fav

My wife storms into the kitchen with a pink mako shark slung over her shoulder, barking "Dinner!" towards me as I sit on the counter swishing my middle finger through a bowl of sand.


778778 views00 comments00 favs

no one told him there was a place where heroes died, but he should have known it was in love


21832183 views2121 comments1111 favs

12. Paper Wings (Gillian Welch) This one's really depressing. Maybe you shouldn't listen to it so much.

Subways are Silver

767767 views00 comments00 favs

Subways are silver Taxis are yellow and Trees are green.

Momma's Prayers

942942 views33 comments33 favs

One night, I wake and Daddy’s in the bathroom with a hanger in his mouth.

Mississippi Burning

13501350 views77 comments33 favs

“There are no inhibitions in here,” the postman shouted, gesturing at the dance floor with his Marlboro Light, the glowing tip aimed at a woman in a taut skirt. Leaning far forward, her hands nearly touching the plywood floor, she planted her feet and beg

Hollywood Stars

11981198 views33 comments11 fav

Your Uncle Howard and I listened to Dutch Reagan re broadcast big league baseball on WHO Radio when we were little. He'd call the play action off the wire complete with sound effects. The son of a bitch turned out to be a Republican...

Downtown Milwaukee

10211021 views88 comments77 favs

Downtown Milwaukee My feet are exposed, never been out in public even out here— …

Wavering Faith

10171017 views22 comments11 fav

Grady Quail wondered why God didn't just have another son

The Infinte Wheel

11991199 views99 comments66 favs

Scientists have discovered what I already did once on dope way back in the Sixties. There are so many other earths out there that they are almost infinite. Now in our other lives we have to shuttle from planet to planet reading our poems. And

Bootsy Goes on a Bender

12821282 views66 comments33 favs

Bootsy awoke with a hangover that only brain surgery could cure, a hangover that caused a seam to open in the known universe, leaving Bootsy on one side while all other matter sped away, away.