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Tuna Sandwiches

799799 views11 comment11 fav

The tuna fish sandwiches were laid out the way they had always been; they were cut into triangles, with wet paper towels between them. They stayed that way over an hour, untouched, aside from a dimple the size of my cousins finger to test the softness. …


14161416 views66 comments33 favs

That’s what she left behind, and I put it in my mouth and swallowed.


12621262 views1313 comments1111 favs

In the cool, damp morning, Jeremiah trembled, from the weight of the gun, from fear he would miss.

Red Lady Octopus

10531053 views11 comment11 fav

I hand one of them the octopus and run out of the room.

When I Met the Mountain Man

10371037 views22 comments22 favs

I am young. This is years before I start to hide my accent.


10901090 views33 comments22 favs

Sirens wake me, screaming warnings in the dark.

Wanna Ball?

709709 views11 comment00 favs

She came out to Laguna Beach one time, and we saw each other at this party and she asked if I wanted to “ball,” as she put it. Yes, I said immediately, because I was famished and really wanted a lot of sex because I had just finished a three month project

A House Made of Stars

15551555 views66 comments44 favs

My cousin had put them up last year, showed me when we stood on her bed as her fingers pointed, traced over the outlines, then turned out the lights, so that I could see them glow.

My Life As A Series Of Houses (1968-2012)

833833 views22 comments22 favs

One night just as I dozed off I was awakened by a circular saw going right next to my head. The coke dealer was working on his deck. His hair was biblically long and he wore a pair of goggles as he worked on his patio utterly oblivious to my presence just


15221522 views66 comments44 favs

We lived in a white and mint green trailer in the woods. I was 23. The hanging of the clothes on the line made me feel kind of famous in the eyes of nature

Adam, Eve and the Indie Author

13601360 views77 comments55 favs

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. What on Earth does that mean? What the hell? Earth, hell, heaven, they were good concepts. He took a rib out of Adam and began to write with it.

Florence, of Irvine

748748 views22 comments00 favs

she said, point blank, “Can you help me? I need a lover, and a friend.” “I can be both,” I said. I don’t know, I just opened my mouth and out it flew. You don’t even stop to think what you might be saying at a moment like that. I mean, she knew I was s


10471047 views00 comments00 favs

The music is too loud in here and it's hurting my ears. I know some of the words to the songs because my older sister listens to the same stuff when she's in her bedroom and is playing her iPod and my dad yells at her to turn that crap down. I like my dad. He calls me…

Diplomatic Relations

12931293 views99 comments55 favs

I fully intend to show Hamilton the delights of soft Oriental carpeting and a delicious new position I learned not long ago. It involves a silk scarf, a leather strap and some aromatic herbs.

full moon over econolodge on I-70

10071007 views33 comments22 favs

There was no hope for the writing desk. Even if it had not been for the splintered leg held together only by duct tape, there was no way Ron could have fit into the back of the station wagon with the rest of the luggage. He asked the Mexicans across the s

Earth Day Celebration

10021002 views00 comments00 favs

At the annual Earth Day celebration, Frieda looked up in the sky and saw a lone goose. It had caught her attention with its call, echoing off the buildings and trees.

Grace Gladys Gibbons

14401440 views44 comments33 favs

Grace Gibbons is a way of life.

My Life As A Series Of Houses (1950-1968)

13671367 views44 comments22 favs

There were three other guys on the bus. The landlord (or buslord) let us use the kitchen and bathroom in the house he shared with his wife. I rode into San José City College with the other guys, who were also taking classes there. I remember frigid autum

Eat Drink Grow

17311731 views2020 comments1818 favs

Can you see me dying? 'Not quite', Said Mummy, 'because it happens Very slowly all the time.

Day Off Work

10401040 views99 comments44 favs

My time glass allocation nears its end.

Honey Bee

16231623 views66 comments22 favs

But only to watch the boys squelched over and over — only to suffer the longing of a life I will never live with them while in the nunnery of honey.

Sun Striking

13191319 views1313 comments44 favs

Sun strikingGolden snow glistens Across empty fieldsLong winter shadowsTrees like fingers The morning in their grasp

Camp Lake (excerpt)

11791179 views33 comments22 favs

In retrospect, we should have been a cult.

The Blue Whale

13581358 views22 comments22 favs

The blue whale in the bathtub weighed one hundred tons and wore a grin like the Cheshire cat on steroids. Her smile stretched from wall to wall. Her blowhole scraped the ceiling. Sam never learned how she crammed her tail down into the drainpipe,…

I Wish This Was Fiction

11581158 views44 comments22 favs

The convalescent home's common areas are surprisingly well-appointed, given the neighborhood, which makes his actual living quarters that much more dismaying. Poorly lit, dusty, stifling, the room reeks of socks worn for weeks on end. My nostrils burn, and my eyes…


12431243 views66 comments66 favs

Then I am wearing a brightly colored raincoat while sitting on a deck among hundreds of tiny glowing spores


11611161 views00 comments00 favs

Damien, my boyfriend, talks me back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night, he doesn't judge me for being afraid of the dark, or being lost at sea, he simply listens to me breathlessly explaining why I'm awake— again— at 3:32 in the…

One-Nighter without a Stand, Even

732732 views11 comment00 favs

She lay down sideways on the couch with her large breasts spilled out toward my face, as I sat cross-legged on the floor, so that they were more or less right there in my face, and well, you pay attention when tits are hanging out in the open like that. S

My Composite Girlfriend

820820 views00 comments11 fav

Her dad regaled me with stories of his up-from-the-bootstraps climb out of poverty on the hard-scrabble, rough-and-tumble Lower East Side of New York, where he founded the leading supplier of hyphens to writers of purple prose.

Falling Man

16541654 views1414 comments1212 favs

My mother pointed to the soaring red towers, each with 600,000 rivets, she said, put in place by men like my Pa, by their sweat and arms as hard as balcony railings.