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May 4 was a good (and productive) day off.
Notes on "Parthenon" for non-architects:
Morphosis is a cutting edge and well-regarded architectural firm based in California founded by Thom Mayne back in the seventies. They have a delightful web site.
Architectural Record is the last serious American magazine devoted to contemporary architecture and should never be confused with the crap-filled Architectural Digest which is actually all about inferior interior design.
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Great set, Gary. I like all three - "Among Monuments" is a great piece.
"Among the Monuments" is incredible, Gary. "Assault Season" made me smile. "Parthenon" makes me want to jump on plane like now.
Thanks, Sam.
Thank you very much, Gessy.
Greece could certainly use the income from your visit about now...
Really enjoyed how the first two poems are informed by history. Especially Among Monuments, with its movement through honouring past poets to the melancholy mourning of passing time and then the smile at the end. Assault season made me smile too.
Reading the threesome, I was pleased being left with a chuckle last. And I did indeed chuckle at the final poem. As much as in identification as humor.
Truly enjoyed the first poem, and I've had similar thoughts myself. However, they lack the subtlety and beauty of your words.
Thanks very much, Chris and Mark.
When you find that lab, let me know! Much about "Among Monuments"strikes a chord with perfect tone*
Thanks, Jane.