She was a dead bird the morning I found her, wings clipped in dirt and blood vanished into tiny braille maps on concrete. Her belly hummed a phantom warmth through my pulse as I wobbled between cars, cactus-shaped pedestrians in mirrored glass, road signs that said "Go" to the bridge where we once hung our minds and I felt sunlight oozing from her kiss, her hair translucent through my fingers.
I must reach my stop before she turned cold.
She had traveled to find a place of her own. When there were no words from her, I folded yellow paper cranes and folded them into microscopic birds that I pushed down my throat. The night they stopped fluttering inside me, I unlocked the rained fence of my house.
There should be homes for drifters in this city, where needlework of voices wafted from a church to chase runaways drinking from park fountains. The ones I feared were the drinkers aglow in Beijing opera masks and brass music outside a sidewalk cafe. The glass doors would collapse and I would crawl through frames to escape. In the next alley a man was guarding a metal bucket to destroy the proof of his existence: bank statements, clothes, records, ashes crystallizing in his veins.
I lacked that kind of courage. In my notebook sprawled routes, street signs, houses at every corner I turned until they were burned onto the back of my eyelids. I was a crayoned faceless man in all places at once. All the wild dances could not stop my search. No one would see me in the night rocking a lantern of lights that quickened.
The sky sprouted a many-colored void: orangey for hope, blue for transit, haze for never-ending fall. I stroked her body to recall the froth inside us when, in our last lives, I melted into her valleys and her eyes lost mine in the sound. The dead bird had no memory of this. It bent me into hollow limbs of the rusted bridge I walked. Broke my stride, the winter sun.
I lit a matchstick, stuck it in between the dead bird's beaks. The flame wavered, swirled a fireball of fur and lonely feet in my hand.
Into the void I threw. She was the brightest of all hues, across the sky.
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390 words
All rights reserved. |
Originally published in Lost In Thought issue 2
The poetry/prose mix here is lush and full of light and shadow. Gorgeous!
good lord, nicolette. this is marvelous work, just a spectacularly beautiful piece of writing: "She was the brightest of all hues, across the sky." wow.
I don't come here much anymore, but saw the comments for this one and want to echo the others. This is gorgeous, surreal, amazing. *
Fave. My, my.
Nicolette, this was among my favorites in the Lost in Thought 2 magazine. Exquisite writing! Just amazing work. To be used in an eventual collection of yours, please?
Loved it in Lost in Thought and love it here, N. Nice work!*
Wonderful details here - "The sky sprouted a many-colored void: orangey for hope, blue for transit, haze for never-ending fall. I stroked her body to recall the froth inside us when, in our last lives, I melted into her valleys and her eyes lost mine in the sound."
Strong piece of work, Nicolette. *
So delicate and mesmerizing. *
this is beautiful. I love sentences like this:
When there were no words from her, I folded yellow paper cranes and folded them into microscopic birds that I pushed down my throat.
And I'd like to quote more but I would end up quoting most of the piece.
Big big big * Nicolette!
I hadn't seen this! So much to love in this piece, where would I even start? Vivid, vivid, vivid; each section is a separate prose poem in itself. Favorited!
Lovely, so moving.
Thank you, all you good people, for the kind words. It means a lot.
This piece leaves me breathless. It's surreal and beautiful. Fave!
Lush, powerful, rushing images that sing and dance their way into your brain.
Nicolette... I wish I had words, but none would do this piece justice. I guess these are words. :D
Love the beautiful images in this poem.
Terrific. *
Ravishing *
Stunning images. Whew. Faved!*
All the words I would have used to describe this have been used. Stunning. Ravishing. *
Wow. Thanks everyone for taking the time to read and comment - so kindly! - on my piece. I really appreciate it!!!
really lovely. seriously. i wasn't sure at the outset but the language kept me reading. the last section is really nice, the last two segments in particular.
Beautiful writing, Nicolette. There's a mood to this, a feeling. You've captured it so nicely. *
Lovely, Nicolette.*
great surprising, unexpected images*
Really lovely!
Gorgeous imagery, a phoenix rising. Peace *
Words and images like firecrackers in the night. What can we do but heed them?
This is densely packed, I sense the color of magic.
My favorite bit: The sky sprouted a many-colored void: orangey for hope, blue for transit, haze for never-ending fall.
(It reminded me of the oft-described tunnel to an afterlife.)
Absolutely in awe of this piece, Nicolette. Well done.
I'm in love with this. Transcendentally on fire, this story.