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The Wrestlers

881881 views11 comment11 fav

Grappling—eloquence in torsion, a language of bodies and mastered agility. Two opponents fighting like lithe jungle cats for dominance, like generals plotting their attacks, their feints—this is no playtime…


20792079 views3434 comments2222 favs

The next winter the house burned down.

Our Kodak Moment

20802080 views3030 comments2525 favs

“Should I go over?” Ma asked, wishing she could freshen her lipstick while finger-combing her frosted hair. “Sarah, fagodsake, let the man eat in peace. No one wants to have his picture made with food in their mouth,” said Pa.

The 83rd Meridian West

10061006 views11 comment11 fav

The priest went into the place in those parts, the priest an old pear or grape gotten ripe and then moreso, but never actually expiring . He was hunched and it looked like he was broken at some integral part, but nobody could tell for sure where. One time, a bat…


956956 views44 comments44 favs

the view is breathtaking here.


12501250 views55 comments55 favs

While the other kids blew bubbles, Maddy clung to my neck. She didn't cry or scream, and she held on loosely, not with the death grip some kids have. For five Wednesday afternoons, Maddy wrapped her pudgy arms over my shoulders and rested her bottom on m

Love in the Time of the NASA Mars Rover

957957 views55 comments33 favs

I've lost the remote control to my brain

Here I Am

13891389 views88 comments66 favs

Here I am in the city where we walked side by side, you had driven a great distance and lost your way somewhere where exits left the highway from both directions and unpredictably.

Yet More Band Names For Sale or Rent

826826 views22 comments22 favs

Random Access Hundred Dollar Bill Burning Question The Black Truffles Open John Queasy Sister Tortoise and the Hair Duck Tail and the Wrap Stiff Resistance Knee Jerk Reaction Tough Cookie Bar Code and the Illusion Erosion Eroti

Bitter Bits

10301030 views1515 comments1111 favs

Entropy/ has my number.

Banging My Head Against the Garage Door of Religion

13081308 views44 comments22 favs

The villagers smash in a garage door with their heads, causing some to bleed from the ears and mouth.

it snows

19731973 views2828 comments2020 favs

I popped open the wine with a Nike shoelace, a trick I learned on the internet


10891089 views88 comments66 favs

The first inkling that I might be in love with Josie came at our high school senior day outing at, oh, what's its name, state park. I forgot, but it doesn't matter. She smiled, did a little wave and stepped away from her friends, lifted her sundress a little to keep it dry,…

Assiduity Nineteen

10511051 views55 comments44 favs

Luv walks around touching everything with her little hands. Uzma follows behind her, talking sweetly, saying: "This is going to be your new home for a while, darling."

It is Written

13991399 views1010 comments55 favs

That Dagwood is not a real person but a story told in dots. That Blondie is a male fantasy and will one day find her Nora Helmer.

The Incident

946946 views44 comments44 favs

There are some I don’t recognize. My gaze lingers for a second. It’s bad business this.

Dancing on the Rhythm Bus–One Night after Leaving The Pyramid Club, 1991

10501050 views1010 comments44 favs

The next day I can’t recall at all, a waste, like the flash of twenty years of my life, faces that pass you like comets in some erogenous unnamed zone of night, but they got me in some isolation room with my wrists in leather restraints.

#26 Relation>Relation (A Poem)

846846 views00 comments00 favs

Something like: Answers to questions you might not yet have? [Answers we will try hard not to provide]

The First Day of Summer

11751175 views88 comments88 favs

It is the first day of summer, a blue-green afternoon, and we sit beneath the English oak, Quercus robur. Everything has at least two names. It is the first day of summer, or the last day of something else.

Why I Gave Up on Math and Began My Big Fat Writing Career

806806 views88 comments22 favs

I’d met this crowd of drunken poets from San Francisco Even though this was smack dab in the middle of winter Smack dab in the middle of the flattened Illinois plains Why they all left San Francisco I’ll never completely understand But there we we

Mural, Mosaic, and Satori

891891 views00 comments00 favs

He thought of natural violence that had to do with the wind and the Atlantic Ocean. He thought of the Gulf Stream, that important title, that someone had shown him on a map and explained about in detail.

My Cousin & I

10351035 views22 comments11 fav

My cousin and I walked around the village at night. It was beginning to rain, but we walked on. She had a jacket. I didn’t because of course. She said: “Sometimes I just want to know if he’s settling or he’s really in love with me.”

Reynee Deys and Reynee Nehyts and little dogs called Feydeaux.

268268 views88 comments44 favs

As I understand it, he crafted his art from sweat and blood; on parchment of living scrotum stretched over fretful porpentines; using a fresh dodo quill for each new preposition, and all that only on the first wet day after solstice in Yobhel. Something l

Art Survives

770770 views66 comments55 favs

Forget the salt erasure of Carthage,/ all the Meso-American artifacts/ smelted to float the Armada

Snow Angels (after Sandy Hook)

12331233 views77 comments88 favs

The weatherman can't predict accumulation. He can only tell you it will be cold. Expect ice, wind, snow, expect delays. Your daughters play outside, dancing around the Evergreen, its branches bearing the weight of snow, its branches

The new year begins

786786 views22 comments11 fav

martyred young women lie in hospital beds


11631163 views99 comments1010 favs

For instance, my sister's husband. If I say brown socks, yellow boxer shorts, fishnet undershirt. If I say plastic bag and two tepid beers. And a voice that glides to falsetto when he: you're a tad too obscene for my taste, Julia, while he tries to light the filter end of…

Secret Life of Storms

11911191 views66 comments55 favs

Someday, the Grim Reaper, wrapped in hooded cowl, the thorny stem of a red rose clenched between his teeth, will climb up the garden trellis to my bedroom window

This is Not an Indie Movie

796796 views22 comments11 fav

This is not an indie movie about love and happiness and Al Green songs redone by actresses pretending to be songwriters.


14401440 views55 comments44 favs

The apartment was a second-level place, so I went down the steps and looked through the stained glass window of the door. “Ah hell,” I said to myself. Raymond Carver and John Fante and Charles Bukowski were outside. I opened the door.